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vecny.samotar 08-16-2020 01:43 PM

Travel Window
I am using the Travel Window plugin and recently a new Travel to Kinship Member's House has been added as part of the game's updates, so the plugin should have an update.
I wrote some time ago in the comments of the flood plugin Travel Window and also in the Patch for Travel Window by D.H1cks whether the plugin is being updated but neither author is reacting so I don't know if I should consider both projects as abandoned and if so would release an update to this plugin?

Drono 08-17-2020 09:49 AM

I would not consider the patch by Thaliruth abandoned yet.
From my experience you dont always get quick reponse here.

vecny.samotar 08-18-2020 08:56 AM

but even that, I don't know if the project is abandoned or is still active. I can only think that they are abandoned according to the fact that the authors do not respond to comments and I think that this plugin requires a minor revision.
on the one hand, the ability to travel has been added, as I wrote in the plugin's comments, the plugin's communication with the game is missing in the case of race traits high elf travel to Caras galathon in lothlórien, although it is listed in the settings but the last thing I would mention from those billing points is so much that they no longer fit in the window in the settings so a side scroll should be added so that the list can scroll

Drono 08-18-2020 09:48 AM

Yeah, the plugin is due to recode for the options window - might require lot of work, while adding skills is relatively easy.
Your skill might not work because it says "Return to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien" in the plugin window while the skill says "Travel to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien".

vecny.samotar 08-19-2020 12:01 PM

I have more characters and races and on all the travel gained using race trait works (I have all the races except Stout-ax dwarf).
I miss this missing ability in the plugin so I'm a newbie in LOTRO so my characters are low (40-41) I'm more annoyed that the new ability has not been added (Travel to Kinship Member's House) as I regularly go to a member Kinship when I have all craft tables and training shots. and as I look at the author of the comment on adding this travel ability, I will immediately ask it as I insert the code into the plugin, more precisely where I should insert it. I have some knowledge about plugins, so I can modify them but I can't create new plugins

Drono 08-21-2020 03:00 AM

You need to edit file

As i said i dont have High Elf so can't test, but since the names are different in your picture i guess you just need to fix it on line 210 from

    racialLocations:AddData("Return to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien", "0x70048C8C", "Return to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien");

    racialLocations:AddData("Travel to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien", "0x70048C8C", "Travel to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien");
for Travel to Kinship Member's House you need to add it at line 232 after the other house travels

genLocations:AddData("Kinship Member's House", "0x70057C36", "Travel to Kinship Member's House");

vecny.samotar 08-22-2020 04:35 PM

thanks for the help in editing the plugin and if I can I still have questions and a few problems

question number 1:
there is a travel skill Return to Caras Galadhon in Lorraine for another race or a travel skill to Caras Galadhon in Lorraine is unique only to the high elf race because if it is unique only to the high elf race then the adjustment I made based on the procedure you published, ie that I replaced
HTML Code:

racialLocations: AddData ("Return to Caras Galadhon in Lorraine", "0x70048C8C", "Return to Caras Galadhon in Lorraine");
with this text
HTML Code:

racialLocations: AddData ("Travel to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien", "0x70048C8C", "Travel to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien");
so everything is fine but if on the basis of e.g. reputations and other races can travel to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien so then the process of replacing the flood text with another text is wrong because preventing other races from using this travel ability can use the plugin.

question number 2:
when adding the line Travel to Kinship Member's House, I noticed that the travel ability to travel Premium House is listed only once, but as far as I know Premium House the player can own as much as he wants and now there are already 2 places where the player can buy Premium House coupons, namely western gondor ( cape of belfalas) and in Rohan so my question is how does the plugin work if the player has coupe houses in both premium house areas or if I have more coupe premium houses

Another problem is that in the settings window it is not possible to change the size so in the select tab many travel skills are called by the names of individual abilities (I use a monitor in 1920x 1080 resolution) and I have the same settings in the game so I could raise the plugin settings window and thus cancel the overlay but i don't know how to do it

Drono 08-23-2020 02:19 PM

question n1:
yes, you were supposed to replace, as you can see in the middle the "0x70048C8C" is the unique id of the skill - so no, there is no other race with that skill - it was just wrongly named in the plugin.

question n2:
even when you own more premium houses - you have only one Travel to Premium house skill. The skill always takes you to the last premium house that you used the travel for - you can travel to any of your premium houses trough Character -> House - after you travel to a premium house this way - the address of said house will be memorized in the Travel to Premium house skill
Similarly, to travel to Kinship member house - that kinship member have to set one of thier houses as "Primary residence" than you can travel there tough Social -> Kinship -> Select member you want to visit -> Visit button on bottom
After you travel like this - the address of last person you visited will be memorized in the Travel to Kinship member house.
So basically you can have only 1 skill - but its value can change...

Im sorry but i do not understand the last question, can you please specify what you mean?

Hyoss 08-25-2020 07:03 AM

@vecny.samotar You need to understand that plugins here are small applications people have written in their spare time. Those authors have decided to work on those in the limited spare time each of us has, even sometimes deciding to fix plugins rather than play LOTRO itself. Nobody is paying us or is giving us time off to write these.

I am one of the previous maintainers of Travel Window, and I know exactly how to fix all the issues you are speaking about.

I also would need about 4-6 hours to do a proper cleanup of the plugins options code including testing in multiple resolutions and a client in 3 languages - and I am choosing NOT to do that because that is time I would not be spending with my son. Not worth it for me. These are my priorities, and all other authors of plugins have lives and priorities as well.

So authors not responding immediately you will just have to accept.

vecny.samotar 08-26-2020 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Hyoss (Post 12512)
@vecny.samotar You need to understand that plugins here are small applications people have written in their spare time. Those authors have decided to work on those in the limited spare time each of us has, even sometimes deciding to fix plugins rather than play LOTRO itself. Nobody is paying us or is giving us time off to write these.

I am one of the previous maintainers of Travel Window, and I know exactly how to fix all the issues you are speaking about.

I also would need about 4-6 hours to do a proper cleanup of the plugins options code including testing in multiple resolutions and a client in 3 languages - and I am choosing NOT to do that because that is time I would not be spending with my son. Not worth it for me. These are my priorities, and all other authors of plugins have lives and priorities as well.

So authors not responding immediately you will just have to accept.

yes I understand that we always have a real life, but I would expect that when I manage or develop something, e.g. software and I have a page with support for that thing, so at least I look once in a while or the user didn't write me something there and if so I will answer it. otherwise, users have to find out what the project is not abandoned.

I wrote this post on the forum only after almost 2 months from the author there was no response to the comments what would not be and also a problem if this particular plugin did not deal with travel and in one of the updates LOTRO did not add a new ability to travel

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