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Elbareth 07-26-2010 11:24 PM

Improved Vitals
Quick question, since I did not See an interface modification suggesting this..
Could someone make an interface download that simply made the personal vitals appear to be, say, a master defender?
Ive actually been searching for something of this type for quite some time, but Ive come up with nothing. If its possible, or there is one, and Im just short-sighted, let me know. ;)

Deewe 07-27-2010 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Elbareth (Post 4272)
Quick question, since I did not See an interface modification suggesting this..
Could someone make an interface download that simply made the personal vitals appear to be, say, a master defender?
Ive actually been searching for something of this type for quite some time, but Ive come up with nothing. If its possible, or there is one, and Im just short-sighted, let me know. ;)

there you go

Create a sub folder in your UI folder, name it with anything, create a SkinDefiniton.xml file using note pad, parse the below code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<!-- Skin by Elbareth -->
<!-- http://www.lotrointerface.com -->
<SkinName Name="Elbareth Master Def"></SkinName>

<!--  Vitals -->
    <Mapping ArtAssetID="player_vitals_backdrop" FileName="\Graphics\vitals\opponent_vitals_backdrop_master_defender_good_mp.tga" />

create a "Graphics" subfolder, place the opponent_vitals_backdrop_master_defender_good_mp.t ga

Load the game, done.

daimon 07-27-2010 07:26 PM

you can get the tga file Deewe is referring from http://www.lotrointerface.com/downlo...UISkinArt.html

Elbareth 07-28-2010 11:40 PM

Thanks Guys, I'll give it a try

Elbareth 07-29-2010 12:09 AM

Okay. I'm really not sure what to do with the notepad coding. But heres what I did. I went to My Documents\Lord of the Rings Online\ui and created a sub-folder; Master Defender Vitals. In this, I made another sub-folder; Graphics. I put the vitals graphic from the Moria pack Daimon linked and in the main folder (Master Defender Vitals) I made a notepad named SkinDefiniton.xml and copied what was in the Code box posted by Deewe and saved it. I obviously did something wrong, cause it didn't work. But I expected that as I have never done anything with coding.

daimon 07-29-2010 06:00 AM

That's probably because of a small typo, the file should be called SkinDefinition.xml - there's an "i" missing from your file name :)

the tga file can be in the same folder as skindefinition.xml, it really doesn't matter where you put it but you need to have the relative path info correctly set in the code then.

If you have <Mapping ArtAssetID="player_vitals_backdrop" FileName="Graphics\vitals\opponent_vitals_backdrop_master_d efender_good_mp.tga" />

then you need to make a subfolder Graphics and another beneath that one called vitals and place the tga file there.

If you have <Mapping ArtAssetID="player_vitals_backdrop" FileName="opponent_vitals_backdrop_master_defender_good_mp. tga" />

then you can place the tga in the same folder where your skindefinition.xml is.

In addition to that you might need to place your files under \UI\Skins\ not just \UI\. It might work from UI folder only, I haven't tested for a while but in the past it didn't.

But first fix that file name and if it won't work then try those additional tips.

Elbareth 07-29-2010 04:04 PM

Hm. . Tried it all, still nothing. :/ any other suggestions?

Deewe 07-29-2010 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by daimon (Post 4278)
That's probably because of a small typo, the file should be called SkinDefinition.xml - there's an "i" missing from your file name :)

the tga file can be in the same folder as skindefinition.xml, it really doesn't matter where you put it but you need to have the relative path info correctly set in the code then.

If you have <Mapping ArtAssetID="player_vitals_backdrop" FileName="Graphics\vitals\opponent_vitals_backdrop_master_d efender_good_mp.tga" />

then you need to make a subfolder Graphics and another beneath that one called vitals and place the tga file there.

If you have <Mapping ArtAssetID="player_vitals_backdrop" FileName="opponent_vitals_backdrop_master_defender_good_mp. tga" />

then you can place the tga in the same folder where your skindefinition.xml is.

In addition to that you might need to place your files under \UI\Skins\ not just \UI\. It might work from UI folder only, I haven't tested for a while but in the past it didn't.

But first fix that file name and if it won't work then try those additional tips.

That should do the trick!

Sorry for the typo and forgetting the UI/skin mention, was quite tired when I wrote it.

Daimon, thanks for helping him out

Elbareth 07-29-2010 10:08 PM

Just a confirmation: this is the UI folder in My Docs\Lord of the Rings Online, right?

daimon 07-30-2010 06:56 AM

yeah like with every other skin it needs to be in Mydoc\Lotro dir. you know that you're in right dir when you see your lotro.keymap and UserPreferences.ini for lotro.

Anyways here's your request, tested and working. Check out what went wrong. http://uploaded.to/file/jcmui5

Elbareth 07-30-2010 02:32 PM

Fail. Can you guess? My "XML" document was just a notepad with the specified name -_-
Shows how much I know. LOL

Edit: Tried it out and it works just fine and looks awesome :) Thanks a ton Daimon and Deewe

daimon 07-31-2010 01:41 PM

No probs mate. Live and learn they say, that's the best way to learn eh :)

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