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Cairenn 03-01-2007 12:21 AM

Premium Membership
We are working on setting up Premium Membership features for our sites. Let me make this very clear. None of our existing features are going away. Everything you can currently access, you will still be able to access whether you get a Premium Membership or not. Everything you are used to from our sites, from file moderation queues making sure that all downloads are completely safe, to standards of behaviour on the forums, to me being a big flirt will remain. So with that being said:

What are your suggestions for some of the things you would like to see as a Premium Member on our sites? Ads no longer showing is a given. But what else? What additional benefits would you like to see? No guarantee that it'll happen, but any and all suggestions will be considered.*

*With one exception - before Dolby or Kudane even get the chance to suggest it - no, autographed posters of me are not an option.

xanius 03-01-2007 01:34 AM

What about posters of you and we just sign it ourselves?

Now, as far as premium membership benefits...I can't really think of anything. The free features cover just about everything that could be needed.

Custom titles on the forum would be cool.

Pixi 04-08-2007 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 290)
no, autographed posters of me are not an option.

But... but...

Weskat 05-04-2007 12:17 AM

Hmm, I think I posted this at EQInterface or VGInterface, but I'll put it here cause I am too lazy to check atm,

I would love for the username and log-in info to cover all the sites. (Yes I do realize that that may be a very difficult undertakling without combining the forums and combining the forums would most certainly be a PITA.)


Cairenn 05-04-2007 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Weskat (Post 790)
Hmm, I think I posted this at EQInterface or VGInterface, but I'll put it here cause I am too lazy to check atm,

You'd posted it over at VGI, so I'll just copy my response from over there too. ;)

Dolby had talked about the work that would be involved in changing the sites to a single common login somewhere else, I'll see if I can find the post for you.

/edit - Ah ha here we go.

Aalwein 05-04-2007 08:39 AM

I can't think of any premium features that could be offered. Perhaps something like the SVN system that WoWace.com uses once the UI gets opened up and we start fussing with the XML files.

All I know is I'm already a premium subscriber at Allakhazam, a paid subscriber to LavishSoft, and a frequent computer upgrader just so I can get those extra 3 FPS, so paying another subscription fee would have to have some compelling reasons - not to say I wouldn't support the interface.com network.

BTW, three cheers for not having a queue on Silverlode anymore!!

Gracey 05-04-2007 09:48 AM

Well, I guess "special" titles has already been discussed I think, so that'd be cool. Titles that you can only get by being premium. Maybe have it so that premium members are allowed to have larger Avitars than non-premium. (Guys should like that? Mine is bigger than yours? LOL!!! ) Umm...let's see...access to upload space? Maybe we all already have some for avitars and such, but maybe premium members get some for "other stuff". Maybe more "refined" search abilities? Special Premium member only forum areas to talk down about those that aren't premium. LOL j/k but maybe special forum areas, but not sure what would be discussed there. hehe

Ok... that's about all I can come up with for the moment. (This is also Azuresky from the EQ2interface, and Azurenyte from the WoWinterface, Gracey from the VGinterface...I think that is what I've signed up with there. Premium would be nice to be able to have one login that would "link" them all though. A seperate little interface that would login all the "logins" that I listed in it for each of the sites? Ok... I'm done... really... Going now.... :cool:

Aalwein 05-04-2007 05:17 PM

You forgot your close parenthesis in that last paragraph, Gracey! Gosh the shame of it!

Weskat 05-05-2007 01:14 AM

So it goes in the not a bad idea just not really feasible category, I'm ok with that.
hmmm, but that search would've been a bit more difficult if I had different logins :P

Ahh, another idea: bundle premium membership at the interface sites with premium at Alla's (bah, then I would have to change my login at Alla's :( )

Cairenn 05-05-2007 08:59 AM

Read the rest of the thread I linked. ;)

Weskat 05-05-2007 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 823)
Read the rest of the thread I linked. ;)

I did. I read it as "Premium at Alla's would grant Premium at MMOI."
I did not see it as "Premium at MMOI would grant Premium at Alla's", hence my suggestion.

The best solution (IMHO and where y'all seem to be heading) would be Premium is for the whole network of sites (Alla's, MMOI etc)


p.s. - hmm, Magelo would be an excellent addition to the network. Though that is grossly off topic.

Aalwein 05-06-2007 12:04 AM

I didn't even see that about Alla. If the premium access is all-network, i would definatly buy it. like i said, I already have premium alla!

is there a magelo-type system for LOTRO yet?

Cairenn 05-06-2007 12:17 AM

It's both. Alla's & MMOI. :)

Weskat 05-06-2007 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by Aalwein (Post 834)

is there a magelo-type system for LOTRO yet?

Not that I have seen / heard of.
Though I am still trying to learn all there is about being the main tank and not DPS LOL

Aalwein 05-06-2007 10:46 AM

I saw a thread on magelo of someone saying that Turbine was going to provide an "eqplayers" type system for LOTRO... although there is absolutely no reference to evidence. That would be nice though, I kinda liked eqplayers.

Aalwein 06-09-2007 12:36 PM

what's the good word on this Cairenn? I'm really looking forward to hosing the ads ... I've been the 10,000 and 999,999 vistor about 7,000,000 times now!

Dolby 06-09-2007 08:31 PM

It should be rolling out on the 12th of this month. :)

Aalwein 06-10-2007 03:43 AM

awesome. premium interface.com tuesday, content patch for lotro wednesday. its a good week.

Severyn 06-10-2007 03:46 PM

How about some "members only" UI's ? Special design just for premium membership. :cool:

Weskat 06-11-2007 06:41 AM

So, what if you already have an Alla's premium membership?

Will there be anyway to merge the accounts to get the premium flag here without doing the whole new username fiasco?

AncientWolf 06-12-2007 09:22 AM

I havent seen ads on the internet for years- are they still putting them on?

(I figured with all the good blockers out there, companies would get the idea)

Anyways, I like the features youre offering up C. Gotta pay the bills first and I'm in!

Itanius 06-12-2007 11:05 AM

Excellent! :D

AncientWolf 06-12-2007 03:40 PM

How about gold lettering on the author banners? hmm? :p

Dolby 06-12-2007 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by AncientWolf (Post 1139)
How about gold lettering on the author banners? hmm? :p

I could do that easy enough, it would look better too. I'll try to get it done tomorrow. :)

AncientWolf 06-12-2007 04:12 PM

Awsome Dolby, thankies! I didnt notice it, but my 6 year old niece said "How comes the wordies on the bottom arent gold too?"

I said I dunno, so she called me a doodiehead and ran off.

Save me!

Aalwein 06-12-2007 08:56 PM

no more ads, great job dolby!

Micro 06-13-2007 06:35 PM

Yay for Premium Membership i love this place...:)

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