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mypony89 10-16-2010 08:12 AM

Unable to load new UI
I've read a few of the post about people having problems with there UI loading and I think I know the problem but I can't seem to get the correct web address. When I try to load my UI I get the error message "Unable to resolve..." "Failed to Import..." "Failed to Import..." I think its because I don't have the turbine plugin pack or something like that but when I go to the websites given http://content.turbine.com/sites/lot..._LuaPlugins.7z I geta bunch of ...something I can't read. The other site http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.p...Lua-UI-scripts doesn't give me any plugin packs. Any help would be greatly appreciated. C:\Users\Home\Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online is where I created the Plugin folder but that is the only folder that is in the Lord of the Rings Online folder. When I go and place the plugin folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\The Lord of the Rings Online and type /refresh plugins or whatever the command is it tells me nothing is loaded but there are a bunch of other folders here I.E: Backup bindat browser en Forward Patches etc...
Thanks again.

Thayilis 10-16-2010 10:23 AM

The UI skins have nothing to do with the plugin files that are needed to be downloaded from the first link you put up. Those files are only needed in order to use the plugins, which are not the same thing as the UI skins. If you are trying to use a plugin and download the necessary lotro files, try using Internet Explorer. I tested the link and it works just fine. For some reason firefox doesn't like it. lol So open this link


with internet explorer and it should work just fine. That is, if you are trying to use the plugins and not a UI skin. :D


mypony89 10-16-2010 11:42 AM

Thats wierd. Thanks, firefox wouldn't open them but IE did. I have another question now though if you all don't mind. What folder do I put the Turbine plugins into?

mypony89 10-16-2010 04:16 PM

Ok, I downloaded those Turbine Beta LuaPlugins and put them where I guess they are supposed to go, but I'm still getting the same error messages. Completely stumped here.

Thayilis 10-16-2010 06:05 PM

Make a folder in your lotro documents folder named plugins....in that folder is where you will put the turbine folders and the folders that you got from the plugin you are trying to use. Once you have that set up and it is still giving you the same error message, then it might be the actual plugin itself that you are trying to use. :) Hope this helps.


Murder 10-17-2010 01:10 AM

PLugins issues
I have downloaded buffbars and have done the step by step tutorial on this plugin is there idea why when i type /plugin load buffbars or pengorasplugins since that is what the file is named i get a responce unable too load buffbars or unknown command. I have installed the beta version of ui given in this post the 7z file and extracted it into the plugin file alonf with the file given by pengoras. Any help qould be appreciated ty

MrJackdaw 10-17-2010 01:34 AM

I am really sorry to ask this - but are you in the US or the EU?

Thayilis 10-17-2010 01:55 AM

Oh, holy crap! I completely forgot about the EU F2P not being out yet. :eek::mad::confused:

I hope this isn't the reason you can't get the plugins to work. Speaking of which, has Codemasters given you guys a date yet?

daimon 10-17-2010 07:28 AM


Speaking of which, has Codemasters given you guys a date yet?
Yes! It's called "Soon™" and it can mean any time between few weeks to infinite :P .. depending if Turbine doesn't take over the whole thing ...

mypony89 10-17-2010 11:08 AM

I'm in the US and I don't think its the plugins as it is almost ALWAYS something I'm doing wrong. I'd like to give you a diagram of how everything is set up that way you can make your judgement.

C:\Users\Home\Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online ---> In the LOTRO folder i have lotro.keymap file, a Script file, and a UserPreferences file. I made a folder named Plugins for that folder as well so its now C:\Users\Home\Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\Plugins. From there I put the Beta_LuaPlugins foder in as well as Betsiel which is the plugin I'm trying to get to work for its filterbag which seems to work fine for everyone else. In the Beta_LuaPlugins folder there is another folder named Plugins as well and in that folder is a Turbine and TurbinePlugins folder. C:\Users\Home\Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\Plugins\Beta_LuaPlugins\Plugins I don't know if the computer is getting confused at all the folders named Plugins...I know I sure am.

Thayilis 10-17-2010 12:07 PM

Um...in the plugins folder you should have 3 folders. Betsiel, Turbine and TurbinePlugins. The Beta_LuaPlugins is the name of the 7z file that the Turbine and TUrbinePlugins files are in before they are are unzipped. Did you upzip them before you put them in the Plugins folder? If you did, then I'm not sure what could be the issue. :(

And a soon time frame is just stupid. lol They need to give you guys a date! I don't know why it's taking so long. I sorta feel bad. :o Hopefully it will be released to EU before Christmas. lol :eek:

Murder 10-17-2010 04:28 PM

UI /plugins issues
Im on the US version. Ill explain what ive done you tell me what ive done wrong cause like the other guy there plugin folders in diff places for some reason. I download and extracted 7z Beta luaplugin and placed it in C:\Program Files\Turbine\The Lord of the Rings Online\browser\plugins along with the file pengorasplugins which is the buffbars. Not sure if this is the correct location . I didnt add any empty folders anywhere. If i could just find a better tutorial on adding this plugin or any other plugin with better discription would be much appreciated seems simple enough if i could get a exact location of where these files needed too be added.From what the last gentleman said bout adding these files too C:\Users\Home\Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online this is the screenshot folder and music folder if this is the correct loacation please advise on this. Thank you for your time

Murder 10-17-2010 04:51 PM

plugin issue fixd
Figured it out thank for all the info works great

Murder 10-17-2010 05:35 PM

Adding quickslots
Was wondering if you can add quickslots other than morale and power such as fire-oils and Scrolls ect... so when these are near finishing you can repop them . If this is possible please advise ty

mypony89 10-18-2010 06:56 PM

Thanks for all the help Thayilis. It works now. I told you it was almost ALWAYS my fault lol

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