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Cairenn 02-12-2007 02:44 PM

Interface Wishes
What are some of the things you hope to see in the Lord of the Rings Online interface?

Ghil 02-12-2007 03:01 PM

a resizable map *cries*

and an action bar mod like Discord or Bongos for WoW ;)

Merecraft 02-12-2007 03:57 PM

The big thing is a fully scalable UI. The text on most windows is way too small when a high resolution is being used.

(Note I'm in the European beta, so if this has already been fixed on the US patch version please ignore ;) )

I like that I can move most of the interface, I really wish I could move the main bar around though - the xp, hotkeys, bags, etc.

Cairenn 02-12-2007 03:59 PM

I had this posted in the (US) Beta UI forum, but since NDA is gone, I think it's okay for me to post it here now as well. Just a bunch of thoughts I've had so far with how the interface stands at the moment:


I know some of these may have been covered already, but things I've noticed, or not noticed and wish was there to notice (and yes, I know, some of it may not precisely be "Interface" per sae, but so much of it is inter-related). In no particular order:

1. Out of Combat click-to-move: ie for looting, talking to NPCs, etc. Being able to right-click move to target would be nice. At the moment, you can only click-to-move IN combat. As a ranger, I don't want to move while in combat. But when I go to loot or talk to a_random_NPC_001, being able to do so would be nice.

2. Change Server option on the character select screen. At the moment the only way you can change which server you are on is to log all the way out and back in again. It would be nice to be able to change which server you are on from the character select screen.

3. Character Location on the character select sceen. It'd be nice to be able to see where your character(s) is in the world before logging in.

4. Auto-switch crafting tools. You auto-switch from ranged to melee and back again, depending on distance from mob. As long as you've got the crafting tools in your inventory, it would be nice if it auto-selected the appropriate tool for the situation.

5. UI Scaling. A big one. Some people want their UIs larger. Others want them smaller. Being able to scale individual elements would be even sweeter, but knowing how much work is involved, even one slider for the entirety would be nice.

6. Player Created Chat Channels. Let us make our own channels. Nice for folks that have friends in different kinships, etc. At present, the only way to talk to folks outside your own kinship is either in the general channels or in IMs. IMs don't work so well when you've got all kinds of folks that want to be able to chat together at the same time, and spamming the general channels with what is [almost] private conversations is just being inconsiderate to everyone else in those channels.

7. Chat Filtering/Colouring. Further to 6, being able to better filter your chat/combat would be nice. Using the combat as a specific example: I want to see the damage I do and that is done to me. I want to see the deaths I cause. I don't care about the damage done, deaths caused, by other players. At the moment, if I have deaths turned on so I can see my own, I see everyone's. Also, allow greater colour choices for (again most specifically) combat. Damage I do vs damage done to me vs critical hits vs ranged vs ... you get the idea.

8. More on Chat. Right now, you can't control your character's movement and chat at the same time. If you are running when you start to chat, you keep running in the same direction. You can't stop, you can't change direction, nadda. If you need to do any of those, you either have the choice of sending your incomplete message, or wiping it completely, doing what you need to do with your character movement, then re-type it all.

9. Player Created Maps/Map Notes. Let us add our own labels/points of interest/map notes, call them what you will. In the middle of Bree, being able to stick my own pin into the large map saying that my ranger trainer is [here] would be nice. Over all, the entire mapping system needs work, imo. Given the state of maps at the moment, I'm hopeful that there will be the ability for player created maps that can be viewed in game.

10. Give us the ability to have a clock or some such. Some people like to be able to see what [RL] time it is right on their screen. Make it optional, so those that don't want it aren't required to have it, but those that do, can.

11. Colouring of PC vs NPC vs Mob Level names. Player and Non-Player character names are all the same if you aren't in a kinship. I would really like to have names turned on, but it makes it impossible to find the NPCs when you are in a busy area. If you are in a kinship, the Player Names [titles, kinship name, etc] are the same colour as the light blue mob con.

12. No idea on a "short" name for this, so: Almost everything you interact with within the world requires right-clicking. That's pretty standard. Except when you go to open your bags. They are a left-click. Right click to loot a mob, left click to open the bag, right click to equip that neat drop you just got. I'm *always* right-clicking on the bags. Just seems like I should be. Having to left click to open them constantly confuses me.

13. Something I'm pretty sure I haven't seen brought up anywhere yet. "Viewport". The ability to "scale" the visible world, leaving a "blank" area top/bottom/left/right of the screen in which to put your chat windows, action bars, etc. That way those elements aren't "covering" the view of the world. Not for everyone, but lots of folks like it. Users choose how much of the top/bottom/left/right of the screen they want to have "blank" in which to put the various elements.

14. Mouse-controlled movement. At the moment, I can't bind mouse keys to movement. Being able to do so would be nice. (This would also help with #8 above, in that at the very least you could stop your character's forward movement using your mouse, without losing your chat messages.)

15. Kinship/Friendship notes. Let us add notes to various UI elements. Kinship_member_05 is Kinship_member_02's alt. Friend_001 is actually [Tom] your rl friend from [somewhere], friend_002 is in [this timezone] and can only play at [this] time.

16. Unfortunately ... Ignore lists. You've got the ability to add friends. There currently is no way to ignore people, that I've discovered. While it's sad to be needed, it will be. Person_001 is a complete and utter jerk and you want to have nothing to do with them. You don't want to see messages from them, you don't want to see emotes from them, you want to be blissfully unaware of their presence. These folks will need the ability to have notes as well, so you remember why you are ignoring them. Person_001 is a spammer, person_002 KS's, person_003 was harassing you.

More to come, just [some of] what I have so far ...

Ghil 02-12-2007 04:12 PM

everything on that list is nice, but if I remember correctly you can move your character while typing (while in autorun, holding right click will make you turn) or did I play too much EQ2? :P

edit: tried it, doesn't work. yuck -_-'

Bigleon 02-12-2007 04:53 PM

i would love to see a UI that well let me see, i'm trying to word it right. :D But at any rate, you health and mana would be around character instead of way up in the top left, i think the necrocroplis UI mod for wow had that i can't remeber.

Ghil 02-12-2007 05:13 PM

that's a HUD you're talking about :P and I'm so waiting for that too o_0

Tulwen 02-13-2007 11:32 AM

I can never see the ROLL bar its hidden under the tool bar and can never seem to find the option to move it even using the control \ option.. maybe you can help me?

Fantus 02-13-2007 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Ghil (Post 56)
a resizable map *cries*

and an action bar mod like Discord or Bongos for WoW ;)


Originally Posted by Merecraft (Post 61)
The big thing is a fully scalable UI. The text on most windows is way too small when a high resolution is being used.

(Note I'm in the European beta, so if this has already been fixed on the US patch version please ignore ;) )

I like that I can move most of the interface, I really wish I could move the main bar around though - the xp, hotkeys, bags, etc.

These features arent supported by the engine =(

Itanius 02-13-2007 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Fantus (Post 75)
These features arent supported by the engine =(

Could you please provide a link to the information that supports your claim?


jaws 02-14-2007 07:45 PM


9. Player Created Maps/Map Notes. Let us add our own labels/points of interest/map notes, call them what you will. In the middle of Bree, being able to stick my own pin into the large map saying that my ranger trainer is [here] would be nice. Over all, the entire mapping system needs work, imo. Given the state of maps at the moment, I'm hopeful that there will be the ability for player created
maps that can be viewed in game.
Hear hear to that! I have the stupid little radar that can't be expanded or the bloody map that can't be drawn on! Even something like in NWN that you could draw on your little radar and have your [fellowship] see it would be nice.

Cairenn 02-14-2007 08:02 PM

Just a reminder guys:

a) the game *is* still in beta, so there are things that are still being worked on most likely; and

b) I've no doubt that the interface will grow and change as the game grows and changes.

Make your "criticisms" constructive. :)

jaws 02-14-2007 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 122)
Just a reminder guys:

a) the game *is* still in beta, so there are things that are still being worked on most likely; and

b) I've no doubt that the interface will grow and change as the game grows and changes.

Make your "criticisms" constructive. :)

Happy thoughts....happy thoughts. :)

Fantus 02-22-2007 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Itanius (Post 92)
Could you please provide a link to the information that supports your claim?


Talking with agentfive before making my UI the other day at work, ask him.

Ghil 02-22-2007 03:41 PM

here's a link to a post made by Frosty, for the source :P


Barachus 02-22-2007 04:49 PM

A scaleable menu and hokey bar would definitely be nice, as stated above. However, I would like to see an option added to make frames and artwork invisible as well.

Ghil 02-22-2007 09:19 PM

well that's already possible through skinning, but an option to change the opacity of every element, chat included, would be nice :P

Bigleon 02-23-2007 07:58 AM

Lol something similar to titan mod lol. I love having all the data on screen. Like a bar estimate time tell next level up lmao. That would rock. I loved that mod. but thats far from whats cappable i think. Well saddly. Oh well hopefuly one day it will be possible.

jasonspeed 02-23-2007 09:43 AM

I'd like to be able to move the main toolbar. You can move everything else but that. I'd like to slide it over to the bottom right corner. I've already moved my character window down next to the toolbar so all my vitals are in direct eye sight. I don't have to glance up anymore which is nice.

Ghil 02-23-2007 12:32 PM

I did the same thing :P

and a thing like Fubar (or titan) would be really sweet. by far my most loved addOn in WoW :P

but the possibility to hide the minimap and an half-size main map would be so nice! (and a project like EQ2map for EQ2 would be the best tool from everyone)

Xukii 02-23-2007 02:37 PM

Although overall I quite like the LotRO interface I agree with most of the suggestions on this thread. The biggy is lack of external plug-in support, but leaving that aside I think some of the current systems could use some tweaks.

I find the 'alias' commands great for crafting adverts, though i'd like to see them offer some combat uses. It would be a nice addition if it was possible to use 'alias' to allow targeting macros during MPvP and Raiding, furthermore the ability to assign 'alias' macros to icons which could be placed on one of the hotbars.

As mentioned in other posts, it would also be great if the 'ctrl + / ' command enabled different aspects of the UI to be scaleable.

On a final point (not sure how UI related it is) but I find the game camera very limited, LotRO probably has the best FPS mode in any MMO to date but beyond that its plagued by the same limits as other fantasy games. Anyone who's played Eve Online will know what i'm talking about here :D

Ghil 02-24-2007 07:20 AM

Eve Online....*drools* I'm suddenly taken by an urge to reactivate the game :P

LittleWhiteDove 02-25-2007 10:18 AM

I would like to have a way to make all the quickshot bars bigger. I have a 22 inch LCD and I had to set the resolution to 1280/960 to be able to use the buttons and doing that has distorted other things on the screen. (I am an older person with not the best vision). Not being a mod author and not being a long time player of these types of games I am not sure what that would require. The other game I play is WoW and it has a UI scale thing that I can set to make my bars bigger. I hope that either the game itself or some mod author will be able to provide the same for this game.

Ghil 02-25-2007 06:00 PM

it's scaling you need, and we are all asking for it ;)

Xukii 02-27-2007 06:21 PM

I know this thread is probably in the wrong place but I didnt want to start a new one, and also realise Turbine are finalising what they'll support at launch. Anyhoo I would like to suggest they consider adding an xml string to adjust 'text colours' in the quest log and alike. I appreciate it wouldnt open the possibilities an API offers but it would further support for more diverse skinning themes (since for example, the white text currently in place can only work with a very limited amount of background colours).

xaosbringer 02-28-2007 09:28 AM

Hmm what would I like to see. apart from the Scaleable UI (heheh) well Personally I'm not worried about stats. facts, or figures.. all I'd really like to see is a single BAG. not 5 but 1. Id also like to be able to move the main bar it bugs the whotsit out of me not to be able to have my chat box's along the bottom of the screen. im just fussy like that.

Koiecks 03-01-2007 12:05 PM

I would like to see an on screen compass, in game clock function and a auto loot function or maybe a loot function that loots on key press. (Like enter would close and loot all)

MarcAntony 03-27-2007 10:36 AM

all of these are hella nice, but for me the numero uno first needs to be Bongos esque action bars. i know they were the first mentioned, but i just wanted to throw another vote out there for their dire need.

thanks for the good work

Cripster 03-28-2007 09:22 AM


These features arent supported by the engine =(

I'll just jump in and confirm what Cairenn posted earlier.

Currently (emphasis on "currently") Turbine only allows skinning (image replacement) of the UI.

Full on scripting of UI's ala Auctioneer, Outfitter, or any other WoW mod involves having the game engine and the UI plugin communicate. The Turbine engine is not currently set up to do that - you can't just flip a switch and "hey, look at me scripting UIs!"

It's a significant development task to enable. However, with that being said, it's something that we all want to devote some time to doing. The "skinning" ability was something we needed to see if was even viable as a first step to full scriptability.
This was posted by Frostyhe is the turbine rep for this site i guess :D

And i would like to see things like Trinity Bars, Hud, God i love Pearl, I completely agree with chat channels, and if we could have chat channels like in EQ2 where ppl created channels for classes that would be available to all servers that would be nice.

Are there multiple Action bars in the game now? if not that will have to be a must because it looks like the current one bar wont be enough and i hate scrolling and looking for what i need.

Oh is there a hot key like Shift+B to open all bags? And All in one inventory would be a nice one to have. Ive grown to love and basically cant function right without it.

But yah i think for this game to function as well as they hope they will have to implement customizable ui's soon because i have seen plenty of ppl walk away from games due to the UI

Apophiss 03-28-2007 09:35 PM

Looting and Roll Window
Having the Loot and Roll Windows combined into 1.

Got very annoying having to move the loot window every time to roll on an item.

MarcAntony 03-30-2007 11:15 AM

Are you guys expecting Turbine to open it up for the authors to work with or are we looking at skins only for a while to come??

I am going to be awfully frustrated if they dont open it up for the mod devs and dont add some of these things themselves like better action bars/chat/map/auctioneer/etc/etc


Ronus 04-01-2007 04:08 PM

I definately agree with many of the suggestions already made here. There are a lot of great ideas.

One thing that I have not seen listed that I would very much like to see added in the near future:

A Kinship Bank profiler. Some feature that would allow one of my characters Inventory/Vault be listed in a Web capable format. This would allow for easy updating of the Kinship Bank Characters inventory for everyone in the Kinship to see. As it is now, the only way to allow other members to see what is in your Bank Characters inventory is to manually go through each item. That can be extremely tedious when working with mass transactions daily.

Thank you to LOTROInterface for getting the ideas out there. I have full faith that with your experience you can convince the devs to rework some things :)

freeop 04-05-2007 11:29 AM

Critical Notifier

Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 51)
What are some of the things you hope to see in the Lord of the Rings Online interface?

Sorry if this has already been requested, but I have an extra power when I get a Crit, and I have no way of knowing when that happens. So the power itself is pretty useless.

Would like to see a parser or sound that pops up or sounds when you get a crit.

Thanks for the forum and the great place for Interface Mods...


Kava 04-05-2007 01:21 PM

Looking through my UI settings when Open Beta... well opened... I noticed there is an option to turn on a particle effect that tells you when you have an opening for skills that require... well an opening (parry, block, criticals).

As a level 14 hunter, I don't have any such skills (that I'm aware of) but I have noticed the parry effect... shows as a little green flash next to my character, and it puts an icon next to your buffs/debuffs temporarily....

Ok, just looked it up... under Options>Combat Options its the last one on that list "Enable Combat Particle Response Indicators"

Hope that helped!

freeop 04-05-2007 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Kava (Post 461)
Looking through my UI settings when Open Beta... well opened... I noticed there is an option to turn on a particle effect that tells you when you have an opening for skills that require... well an opening (parry, block, criticals).

As a level 14 hunter, I don't have any such skills (that I'm aware of) but I have noticed the parry effect... shows as a little green flash next to my character, and it puts an icon next to your buffs/debuffs temporarily....

Ok, just looked it up... under Options>Combat Options its the last one on that list "Enable Combat Particle Response Indicators"

Hope that helped!

Yes that will help a lot. I did not know about that one and will get is set up next time I log on.

Thank you very much...


Kava 04-06-2007 04:33 AM

You are very welcome. Let me know if thats what you were looking for.

On a side note, and because Freeop was the only person using them, I noticed the thumbs up and thumbs down post icons are not labeled correctly... when you mouse over them, they describe the opposite.

Yea yea, anal I know, but I wasnt going to start a new thread about it =)

Ok, time to make 15!!! on one character.... hehe

freeop 04-06-2007 08:22 AM

Wow you are correct. I didn't even mouse over, but just selected them at their "Icon Value".

Thanks for pointing that out. Will start using the right ones now. (None for this post) :)

English 04-07-2007 10:49 AM

Map Notes
My apologies if this has indeed been mentioned above, but just subscribed to this board so not up to snuff what has indeed been mentioned.

Idea: A map function in which one can add notes I found the most needed feature the instance I started playing the game. I would love to see this.

BTW, thanks for your excellent work in so many games, you have no idea what further joy your work have added to the games I have played in the past.

Atalon 04-08-2007 04:02 PM

Time and Coordinates
I am starting to see some good general mods that look nice. The 2 things I would love to see is Time anywhere on the UI and Coordinates. I see that on the map flags pop up when places are discovered so it should be relatively easy to add these coords to the rest of the map and even dispay a real-time location in game some where.

Cripster 04-08-2007 10:48 PM

I would love to see alot more kinship features introduced.

However why dont we let them work on making a ranking system for the kinships in the game first. I have found out today that there is a leader officers and members that is it. I dont understand this. I love this game but i dont know what is up with this feature.

Now i would really like to see the Bottom bar be movable. i hate it being in the middle of my screen. I run at 1280x1024 so its not as bad as anything higher but it drives me insane. and i would like to have the extra buttons (ie ctrl and alt hotkeys) be visable at all times.

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