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Digital_Utopia 06-06-2011 01:06 PM

I think it's worth noting that there is a difference between being critical and being outright rude/mean. There's also a huge difference between voicing a complaint while following common sense forum guidelines, and doing so because you believe your complaint/suggestion is more important. For instance, creating a new thread about something that is already being covered by an existing one- in an example of doing the latter. Other ways of incurring moderator wrath (on any forum) are repeatedly posting topics in the wrong forum, or recreating deleted threads that were deleted - because you feel that you're some kind of journalist in an oppressed country.

Now, I'm not accusing anybody of any of these; but based on my own experiences - both from what I've posted, and what I've seen others - with these same complaints, post - you'll have to forgive me if I'm not going to blindly jump on the anti LotRO moderator bandwagon.

I say this as someone who has been quite critical of their incomplete/abandoned projects - and strangely enough, have not been banned, warned, or had anything deleted because of it. I'm not going to blame anybody here of doing anything, but before you start trying to pin LotRO moderators as a bunch of oppressors, I'd suggest you ask why this might be.

Marll 06-06-2011 01:19 PM

I'm pretty sure that Lua is dead and won't be updated, just like the list below of other things that seem like they should be, but are not likely to be:

UI Skinning

I'm sure I've missed a few as well...:(

Loosing more and more confidence than they can make a good game, keep the community involved and not just turn the game into Lord of Shopping Online...

Eili 06-07-2011 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by Digital_Utopia (Post 6603)
I think it's worth noting that there is a difference between being critical and being outright rude/mean. There's also a huge difference between voicing a complaint while following common sense forum guidelines, and doing so because you believe your complaint/suggestion is more important. For instance, creating a new thread about something that is already being covered by an existing one- in an example of doing the latter. Other ways of incurring moderator wrath (on any forum) are repeatedly posting topics in the wrong forum, or recreating deleted threads that were deleted - because you feel that you're some kind of journalist in an oppressed country.

Now, I'm not accusing anybody of any of these; but based on my own experiences - both from what I've posted, and what I've seen others - with these same complaints, post - you'll have to forgive me if I'm not going to blindly jump on the anti LotRO moderator bandwagon.

I say this as someone who has been quite critical of their incomplete/abandoned projects - and strangely enough, have not been banned, warned, or had anything deleted because of it. I'm not going to blame anybody here of doing anything, but before you start trying to pin LotRO moderators as a bunch of oppressors, I'd suggest you ask why this might be.

I dont want to turn this thread into an arguement battle over so i apologize if you took it the wrong way.

I was not personally under Sapience Wrath but rather wrote this because if the result of this was to really post the players feeling reality about LUA and UI, as the result is mostly negative from us, i am not sur it would be appreciate at all by Turbine. (beeing pointed out by CSTM when you know how is its impact on the community, may result in some more negative actions)
No i am not paranoid (i think at least :D)

In Feb 2011 i posted on the forum :
@+Sapience : is there any new rules against modifications of the UI ?
Title says all i think.

Until 4 months ago, we were giving by Lotro (Frosty : still working for Lotro ?) the tool (Art Assets + Definition +Dictionnary) allowing us to modify the UI.

So could you please tell us if there is a new policy against modifying the UI or if we will have those tool posted as usual on LotroInterface for the futur ?

Thank you

That was never answered by Turbine (may be my question was too direct and badly formulate)

unclecid 06-07-2011 10:10 AM

i came under his wrath after i and others reported him for abusing the rep system.

his abuse of the system and our reporting him is the reason mods can no longer participate in it.

after that...every post i made was under scrutiny.

he takes things VERY personal.

so be wary of how you post...while the rest of the mod staff are all fair-minded the current CSM is all 1984.

Digital_Utopia 06-07-2011 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Eili (Post 6610)
I dont want to turn this thread into an arguement battle over so i apologize if you took it the wrong way.

I was not personally under Sapience Wrath but rather wrote this because if the result of this was to really post the players feeling reality about LUA and UI, as the result is mostly negative from us, i am not sur it would be appreciate at all by Turbine. (beeing pointed out by CSTM when you know how is its impact on the community, may result in some more negative actions)
No i am not paranoid (i think at least :D)

In Feb 2011 i posted on the forum :
@+Sapience : is there any new rules against modifications of the UI ?
Title says all i think.

Until 4 months ago, we were giving by Lotro (Frosty : still working for Lotro ?) the tool (Art Assets + Definition +Dictionnary) allowing us to modify the UI.

So could you please tell us if there is a new policy against modifying the UI or if we will have those tool posted as usual on LotroInterface for the futur ?

Thank you

That was never answered by Turbine (may be my question was too direct and badly formulate)

There are a ton of questions Turbine never answers - they have a tendency to play things very close to the vest when it comes to stating their plans, with the only time they actually do, is when they know 100% that it's going to happen.

This isn't to defend, just to explain. It's possible they do this just to avoid backlash for "breaking their promises" if they need to change something; but regardless, no matter which way you look at it, it leaves us in the dark. And in that regard, it drives me just as nuts as anybody else.

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