View Full Version : Minimalized letterbox with all buttons

Wicked Mouse
03-28-2008, 09:34 AM
Okay as die-hards require a small letterbox for my skin, I'll have to look into making one :)

I'd like to know the code for the following:
- large/long xp bar
- all bag buttons and system buttons, but how to reposition them and resize them
- make the overall letterbox smaller? Or just fill it with transparent pixels?

Thanks in advance. I've been looking at various skins, I've seen various stuff but not all the stuff I'd like to see :) Maybe some vetarans can help me out?

Wicked Mouse
03-28-2008, 12:55 PM
Only a VERY little, because I really have to shift through all the code again and discover by trial and error myself what is what and what does what x) Or how to use this.. extra file in the skin? Or include it in the XML? O_o

Can someone already familiar with this just point my into the right direction (showing code) and tell how it behaves?

Sloppy Joe
03-29-2008, 01:27 AM

Well I'm not a veteran, but I think I have found what you are looking for. When I started, I wanted a minimalist letterbox...All I wanted were my quick slot buttons...No artwork, no system buttons, no bag buttons, etc. Thanks to the DaimonUI, I was able to find the panel file to do it...

<!--Mainframe Art-->
<Mapping ArtAssetID="LetterBoxBottom" FileName="../DaimonUIElements/bg_daimon.tga" />

<!--Element Properties-->
<PanelFile ID="toolbar">
<!--Edit Y value of the following line if the elements appear to be in wrong place-->
<Element ID="ToolbarField" X="0" Y="1210" Width="1280" Height="230" Detach="1">

<Element ID="ToolbarFieldMain" X="0" Y="0" Width="1280" Height="230" />
<Element ID="LevelMeter" X="0" Y="223" Width="1280" Height="8">
<Element ID="LevelMeterFill" X="0" Y="1" Width="1280" Height="6">
<Element ID="LevelMeter_BonusMeter" X="0" Y="0" Width="1280" Height="6" />
<Element ID="LevelMeterText" X="0" Y="0" Width="1280" Height="1" />

<Element ID="AutoAttackIndicatorButton" X="628" Y="58" Width="26" Height="29" />
<Element ID="ViolentModeIndicator" X="628" Y="58" Width="1" Height="1" />
<Element ID="ToolbarButton_AutoAttack_TutorialHighlight" X="628" Y="58" Width="26" Height="29" />

<Element ID="GamePlay_FervorPipDisplay" X="580" Y="0" Width="120" Height="50" />
<Element ID="GamePlay_AimPipDisplay" X="595" Y="33" Width="90" Height="20" />

<!--Replace Width/Height values if you want to change the visibility of the Main Buttons. Visible=30 Hidden=1 -->
<Element ID="ToolBarButton_Quest" X="0" Y="23" Width="30" Height="30" />
<Element ID="ToolbarButton_Crafting" X="0" Y="56" Width="30" Height="30" />
<Element ID="ToolbarButton_Social" X="0" Y="89" Width="30" Height="30" />
<Element ID="ToolbarButton_Journal" X="0" Y="123" Width="30" Height="30" />
<Element ID="ToolbarButton_Accomplishment" X="0" Y="157" Width="30" Height="30" />
<Element ID="ToolBarButton_MainMenu" X="0" Y="191" Width="30" Height="30" />

<!--Replace Width/Height values if you want to change the visibility of the Bag Buttons. Visible=W25,H10 Hidden=1 -->
<Element ID="ToolbarButton_Inventory" X="432" Y="56" Width="25" Height="10" />
<Element ID="ToolBarButton_Inventory2" X="432" Y="68" Width="25" Height="10" />
<Element ID="ToolBarButton_Inventory3" X="432" Y="80" Width="25" Height="10" />
<Element ID="ToolBarButton_Inventory4" X="432" Y="92" Width="25" Height="10" />
<Element ID="ToolBarButton_Inventory5" X="432" Y="104" Width="25" Height="10" />

<!--Replace Width/Height values if you want to change the visibility of the Main Bar. Visible=W450,H35 Hidden=1 -->
<Element ID="Toolbar_Quickslot" X="430" Y="188" Width="420" Height="35" />

If you want to loose/change the artwork for the letterbox you need to remap the "LetterBoxBottom" file to your file (don't forget the alpha channel when editing). The rest of the elements are pretty self explanatory. Change X/Y values to move things, change the Width/Height values to resize or remove elements. I hope the code from the DaimonUI will help you as much as it helped me :)

Wicked Mouse
03-29-2008, 01:28 AM
And where do I have to put it? Just in the regular XML file?

Sloppy Joe
03-29-2008, 01:32 AM
And where do I have to put it? Just in the regular XML file?

Yup, just throw it in your SkinDefinition.xml and edit the values as needed :) Again, big props to the author of the DaimonUI for the code.

Wicked Mouse
03-29-2008, 08:57 AM
Heh .. I know him. He's in my guild/kin/community.. :) I'll bug him then if I got any more specific questions :)

Wicked Mouse
03-29-2008, 11:43 AM
O_o... programmers..

<PanelFile ID="toolbar"></PanelFile> works..

The tag given in the UI pack from Turbine:
<PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_Toolbar"></PanelFile> ..doesn't.. even worse: a lot of textures start to twitch on screen.. painful to the eyes (using Ultra High settings at least).

03-29-2008, 12:51 PM
O_o... programmers..

<PanelFile ID="toolbar"></PanelFile> works..

The tag given in the UI pack from Turbine:
<PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_Toolbar"></PanelFile> ..doesn't.. even worse: a lot of textures start to twitch on screen.. painful to the eyes (using Ultra High settings at least).
They Know :)


Wicked Mouse
03-29-2008, 02:05 PM
Thanks :)

Luckily it didn't take me hours, but just a few minutes :D

The Scyphozoa
04-01-2008, 07:02 PM
Oh, and, why is this in DDO? :p

Wicked Mouse
04-01-2008, 08:01 PM
Oh, and, why is this in DDO? :p

oops :o

04-02-2008, 04:42 PM
Just to tease us DDO players and our unmovable XP bar :mad: