View Full Version : position toolbar problems

07-10-2007, 08:48 AM
Hello, Sorry for my English. But I can't do move my “toolbar”. However I copy the example of the tutorial: “Skinning sizes and positions”. Here part of my. Xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- Skin by Bazzard - thanks for Gloradan for the GDA model -->
<!-- http://www.lotrointerface.com -->

<SkinName Name="Les aigles d'iluvatar2"></SkinName>

<!-- Bottom Bar -->
<Mapping ArtAssetID="LetterBoxBottom" FileName="letterboxa_bottom.tga"></Mapping>
<PanelFile ID="toolbar">
<Element ID="ToolbarField" X="300" Y="100" Width="420" Height="125" Detach="1">

<Element ID="ToolbarFieldMain" X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1"></Element>

<Element ID="LevelMeter" X="0" Y="0" Width="420" Height="30">
<Element ID="LevelMeterFill" X="10" Y="22" Width="420" Height="6">
<Element ID="LevelMeter_BonusMeter" X="0" Y="0" Width="420" Height="6"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolbarButton_LevelUpXP_TutorialHighlight" X="0" Y="10" Width="420" Height="10"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolbarButton_Experience_TutorialHighlight" X="0" Y="10" Width="420" Height="10"></Element>
<Element ID="LevelMeterText" X="3" Y="10" Width="420" Height="10"></Element>

<Element ID="AutoAttackIndicatorButton" X="195" Y="30" Width="40" Height="30"></Element>
<Element ID="ViolentModeIndicator" X="175" Y="30" Width="40" Height="30"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolbarButton_AutoAttack_TutorialHighlight" X="175" Y="30" Width="40" Height="30"></Element>
<Element ID="GamePlay_FervorPipDisplay" X="175" Y="30" Width="90" Height="42"></Element>
<Element ID="GamePlay_AimPipDisplay" X="175" Y="30" Width="90" Height="42"></Element>

<Element ID="ToolBarButton_MainMenu" X="240" Y="30" Width="30" Height="30"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolbarButton_Crafting" X="270" Y="30" Width="30" Height="30"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolbarButton_Social" X="300" Y="30" Width="30" Height="30"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolbarButton_Accomplishment" X="330" Y="30" Width="30" Height="30"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolBarButton_Quest" X="360" Y="30" Width="30" Height="30"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolbarButton_Journal" X="390" Y="30" Width="30" Height="30"></Element>

<Element ID="ToolbarButton_Inventory" X="120" Y="30" Width="30" Height="30"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolBarButton_Inventory2" X="90" Y="30" Width="30" Height="30"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolBarButton_Inventory3" X="60" Y="30" Width="30" Height="30"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolBarButton_Inventory4" X="30" Y="30" Width="30" Height="30"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolBarButton_Inventory5" X="0" Y="30" Width="30" Height="30"></Element>

<Element ID="Toolbar_Quickslot" X="0" Y="60" Width="420" Height="35"></Element>

<!-- Auto Attack Button/Icon -->
<Mapping ArtAssetID="button_autoattack_highlight" FileName="autoattack\button_autoattack_highlight.tga"></Mapping>
<Mapping ArtAssetID="button_autoattack_highlight_mouseover" FileName="autoattack\button_autoattack_highlight_mouseover.t ga"></Mapping>
<Mapping ArtAssetID="button_autoattack_highlight_pressed" FileName="autoattack\button_autoattack_highlight_pressed.tga"></Mapping>

<Mapping ArtAssetID="button_autoattack_normal" FileName="autoattack\button_autoattack_normal.tga"></Mapping>
<Mapping ArtAssetID="button_autoattack_mouseover" FileName="autoattack\button_autoattack_mouseover.tga"></Mapping>
<Mapping ArtAssetID="button_autoattack_normal_pressed" FileName="aut

PS: noob question: with my interface the minimap returns to the base model when i have hope or dread. So how to make to keep my skin in this case ?

07-10-2007, 08:56 AM
PS: noob question: with my interface the minimap returns to the base model when i have hope or dread. So how to make to keep my skin in this case ?

As far as this goes, we don't have the art for the "dreadful" or "hopeful" minimaps yet, so for now you can't fix this.

07-10-2007, 08:59 AM
Hello, Sorry for my English. But I can't do move my “toolbar”.

Have you completely shutdown the game client and then restarted it?

07-10-2007, 10:36 AM
As far as this goes, we don't have the art for the "dreadful" or "hopeful" minimaps yet, so for now you can't fix this.

okay, thinks for this big details. it's a little stupid on behalf of turbine not to divide all the “skins”.

Have you completely shutdown the game client and then restarted it?
Yes i even shutdown my computer but nothing.

07-10-2007, 11:43 AM
Then after some research, I had forgotten a symbol, therefore nothing low register. But although I arrive has to move, the graphic interface does not appear. How to do it appear?

07-10-2007, 02:31 PM
Based on the code in the example above I should bet it's this line causing the trouble with the missing graphic:

<Element ID="ToolbarFieldMain" X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1"></Element>

Elements with a Width and Height of 1 pixel will hide, and the "ToolbarFieldMain" is the part where the graphics is.

Hopes that helps.

07-10-2007, 03:28 PM
Yes, you have right, thinks all and sorry for my "nooby" question.

07-11-2007, 02:08 AM
No problems.

And I do think it's fully ok to ask (as you call it :)) "nooby" questions... we are all beginners at some point. Asking is one of the best ways to gain knowledge.

Good luck with the skin!