Unfortunatly, loging in Middle-Earth was too much heart breaking for me, i left. I tried as much as i could to stay because of friends, but i can not anymore.
If you still like Isil, feel free to replace what i have done to whatever you want. Just remember to give credits as i did to all those who helped me in the building of this UI.
For now, remember that you will be stuck as i was by the differents missing assets and coding. I wish you good luck
As announced previously i worked on the Mounted panel to give it the same look as the UI, BUT given the missing codes, errors panels graphics and missing panels graphics we have in the last art assets pack released, I am not able to finish or advance on it.
I will keep it until we get some more delivery from Turbine for the UI.
You can see below the advancement i made on it, but it can be at this step released:
NEWS! 1st Update for Rohan.
Considering the numerous work to update the UI, i will do it in several times.
For now i did the ones that were the most important.
Rohan introduced a bug preventing the skills to be used (push) if you set your UI TOOLBAR scale at 1.
To bypass this bug, you the workaround is to setup your Toolbar Scale above or below 1 : ex: 0.99 or 1.01
- Loot windows : (There is a tiny something but after 8 hours trying to correct it, i will try another time)
- MountedCombatvitals:
- Quest Popup :
- Target vital with tapping:
As the tapping is only for Rohan, i choose to add a simplified version aka only the icone of tapping. This allow me to keep every target colored border made in Isil).
- Legendary panel done
Thank you
- I am actually working on the whole design panel for the CombatMount (stats, appearance and trait. That is a lot to do, so i play and pause to do this. Give me some more days please!)
Thank you
Isil for plugins
I dont use much plugins but i like those to match the UI i have, so with the agreement of CHIRAN for Lotropad and Songbook, and D.H1cks for Travel, i have developped (hubby in fact did it) a little tool doing automatically the changes i made for any users.
You can see these ADDONS in the section
LotRO Tools & Utilities for Users
Bevy O' Bars: Thank you for MrJackdaw, author of this plugin
23/10/11 Skinnable Version Isil: Changed a few lines to allow better skinning. Many thanks to Eili for the work they have done. If you move the file "isil.lua" from the Isil folder to the Bevy2 folder then the hiderbar will be recoloured to better fit the isil scheme. Eili also re-coloured all the skins, so I have uploaded all their work here too...
you can use this UI, modify it to your wish, and release it under the express condition that you contact the authors named in my CREDIT page (Isil Folder) and concerned by the part i did not created : Eclipse (Class Icons) and Zhu Hanuku (reworked part of Black Vellum with his authorization)
Isil.5 : New Milestone panel : (Thanks to Brygard2007 for the Code).
Graphic made by Isil.
Little coding corrections
Isil.4: January 18, 2012 : upload of the same version correcting an error in the folder structure.
Isil4 - Transparency panels bordered light gold
Added two new panels
- Instance Finder
- Lotro Plugin Manager
Isil3 - Transparency panels bordered light gold
This version include the following changes:
Radar : thank you to
I reworked slightly his minimap with his agreement to include it in my UI.
Toolbar :
1 - i corrected the menu button which was not showing and working as intended.
2 - i resized the toolbar container for the 4 quickslots bars and lightened the aspect of the border.
Version 2a[/B] : cleaning folder,
and giving more accurate credit to Authors
Version 2 : rework complete of the Vitals, and correction of the progress bar.
New icones for Assist, and Readycheck
Version Isil 1a : Patch to remove the new Conjuntions buttons (see comments below)
Version Isil 1 : Release
- finish the Moor version (half way done)
- check Analyse (LM) and Lootbox
Particular modifications made to the Default UI:
- Vitals
1 - this is a little invisible square. Right click on it open the vital menu
2 - Right click on the level of the target open the menu to interact with
Radar Minimap and Quest tracker icones
The Avatar icone is yellow - The Quest tracker icone is red as in the radar
3 - Bottom bar, Attack button, Menu
All buttons are invisible, i choose to use the keybinding to open my differents panels, and if i need more i use the main menu.
4- Beside 2 panels : Group Raid - Traits Race
All others panels are transparent (in fact this is not a pure transparency but more a very light grey one)
5 -
I am bad -as in very bad- to calculate panels size and such. So if you want some modifications concerning the size of the panels, you will have to calculate those. Then if you want i adapt the graphics with your new size, i can do it.
If you download this skin, you will see a Credit give to numerous author/creators. Without them i would not have been inspired or helped.
If you like this UI, thank you.
Would you need some information, details, or help, if i am not on game as Moranae or Loranae or Malenthel (Landroval), just post here and i will make sur to answer as fast as i can.