For those that want a floating currency display.
Wallet has been updated to reflect the new Turbine Barter Wallet functionality. You can now view any of the currencies from the Barter Wallet plus your DP as floating displays.
Use the "Ctrl+\" UI function to display a tab for moving each group of currency displays (only the top currency in a group will show the movement tag). To change which currencies are displayed, the display order or dock/undock currencies, use the "/wallet setup" chat command to display the Setup dialog. The dialog is pretty self explanatory, the "Show" option will determine if a Currency can be displayed. The "Show Tot" option is only available of non-Serverwide currencies and will display the Server Total beneath the character's quantity. The "Hide if 0" option will hide a currency when it's quantity is 0, even if it is set to Show. If a currency is docked but set to not show or is hidden due to quantity, any currencies docked below it will be moved up to close any gaps in their group. Use the "Docked" checkbox to indicate the top item in any group - items checked as docked will automatically display immediately below the item above them while any "undocked" item starts a new group and can be moved anywhere on screen using the "Ctrl+\" functionality. To change which group a currency is in or the order with its group, simply drag the currency name up or down in the list or click the up or down arrow in the Order column - the change will be effective immediately so you can look at your currency windows to see how the movement affected them.
Serverwide currencies are displayed in green and non-Serverwide are white. For those that want to see Serverwide totals for currencies that are not Serverwide, you can hover the mouse over any white currency and you will see a pop-up with the Total and a per character breakdown. If you want to always see the Total for a non-Serverwide currency, you can set the "Show Tot" option for that currency in the Setup window and the totals will show immediately below the individual value in the display.
When you first run Wallet, the Gold, DP, Commendation, Shard, Mark, Medallion and Seal currencies will be at the top of the Currency list and set to Show. All other currencies will follow those in the Currency list but will be set to not Show.
Wallet can be displayed as floating currency groups (the default) or as a Window with options for display order, grouping and filtering or both styles can be used. To display the window mode, load the plugin then use "/wallet setup" to display the Setup Window and select either "Window" or "Both" for Display Mode. Note, the icon settings are only available in "Window" or "Both" modes since the icon is only used to display the Window.
In the window display, there are a couple of options for grouping and sorting. If you click the Compact checkbox, the individual character entries are not shown for Float Order or Currency Order (Compact has no effect on Character order). In Compact display (Float Order or Currency Order) account bound currencies only show the total while character bound currencies will show the current character value in the center and the server total at the right. You can always hover over any character currency to get a pop up display with the total and per character details. The Filter field will match any part of a currency name and is both Accent and Case in-sensitive.
To install, simply download and unzip to your Plugins folder - there are no dependancies on external files.
To launch, use /plugins load wallet or set it to load automatically from the Turbine Plugin Manager
It does have basic display control commands:
"/wallet show" will display the wallet if it is hidden
"/wallet hide" will hide the wallet
"/wallet toggle" will toggle it
"/wallet setup" will display the Setup dialog
Version History:
Version 1.12
added a resolution check on floating windows to guarantee they will be on screen if the resolution changes
note, this is not a percentage based check so attempting to share settings between multiple computers will still require manually adjusting the floating windows
but this will guarantee that the windows are accessible to be adjusted
fixed bug in setup window that was preventing properly setting Layout
Version 1.11
mini icon will now be hidden when pressing F12 to hide the HUD
quatity displays are now only wide enough to display their values so they do not interfere as much with mouse clicks
Version 1.10
Fixed missing MouseLeave events that left quantity popups displayed after the mouse left - reported by Grimfrithgar
Fixed display Show/Hide/Toggle commands to work with Window mode the same as Floating mode - reported by Grimfrithgar
Version 1.09
Fixed bug that prevented popup totals for currencies where the current character had 0
Added group headings. If a currency is not docked, the setup window will have a "Group Header" option for that currency. The group header text will display above the currency when it is not blank.
Added a Window display for currencies with options for display order and filtering
Added option to display as floating values, windowed or both.
Fixed bug, floating totals not updating properly
Version 1.08
Added the ability to drag currencies in the setup window to make changing order significantly easier. When dragging, the currency will be inserted before the currency it is dropped on. To get a currency to the very last spot you will have to drop it and then use the Move Down button once to move it to the bottom. To scroll the list while dragging, just drag the currency above the top or below the bottom until the window scrolls the desired location into view. This makes it much easier to position new currencies which are added to the bottom of the list by default.
Version 1.07
Fixed currency tooltips so that they now automatically disappear when the mouse leaves the icon.
Improved refresh efficiency.
Added Server Totals. Players can now hover over non-Serverwide currencies and see the total for the server and a per character breakdown in a pop-up. Players can also choose to always display the server total beneath the currency in the Setup window.
Changed font colors of currencies to better distinguish Totals and Serverwide currencies. Serverwide currencies are now green (as they are in the Barter wallet), non-Serverwide currencies are white and Totals are light blue.
Version 1.06
Added option for icons on left and text left aligned.
Bug fix for gold currency of 1000 or more.
Version 1.05
Fixed ItemRemoved bug - currencies that decrease to 0 will now be properly displayed as zero (if set to display when zero) and disassociated with the player wallet
Fixed the PositionChanged bug. Currencies added while playing will no longer generate an error when moved up or down in the setup window.
Added context help for the currency icons - hover over an icon to see the name of the currency.
Fixed a bug in the Setup window that caused the greyed out up/down arrows to incorrectly follow rows that were moved out of the top/bottom positions.
Version 1.04
Fixed the DE/FR client defaults - all three clients now have language specific defaults.
- Note that for existing characters you will have to use the Delete button (see below) to clear out some of the erroneously created duplicate entries.
Implemented three layers of defaults to make copying settings to alt characters simpler
- first, there is a "last used" configuration that is saved for each alignment (Creeps only have Commendations so their default display is likely different from Freeps). If an alt that has never had Wallet loaded before is first loaded it will try to load the last used settings.
- second, there are "Save Default" and "Load Default" buttons that allow a user to set the current configuration as the default and then manually load it at any time on an alt - if you make changes to your layout you can save it and easily load the changed setup on your alts.
- the third is a language specific version of the old defaults which set Gold, DP, Commendations, Shards, Seals, Marks and Medallions to display and all of the others to be hidden.
- note that each of these settings is also separated by language so if you save a default in English you would have to recreate that default if you switch to German or French since the Currency names are different and there is no way to uniquely identify the currencies.
Added Delete buttons for each currency on the Options page that is not in the current character's wallet - this allows users to remove the old defaults if they use the DE or FR client as well as allow removal of any currencies that Turbine eliminates in the future.
- Note that if you remove a currency but it is subsequently encountered in another character's wallet the currency will be added back in - if you simply don't want to see a currency on specific characters the correct method is to deselect the Show checkbox.
Version 1.03
Disabled Gold and DP for Creeps since Turbine has still not implemented GetMoney() and GetDestinyPoints() for Creeps
Fixed bug in "Hide if 0" options checkbox indexes
Added work around for Turbine Plugin Manager
Fixed bug that prevented currencies from displaying if they existed in the wallet but had a 0 quantity when the plugin was loaded
Version 1.02
Well... I almost called this version 2.0 since it's nearly a compete re-write
Changed how Currencies are handled to handle the new Turbine Wallet currencies
Totally re-wrote the currency display windows to allow a dynamic number of currencies
Added the "Docked" behaviour for easily moving groups of currencies
Added the "Hide if 0" behaviour to allow hiding currencies the current player hasn't encountered or has 0 of
Modified the Options window to allow setting new options per currency as well as re-ordering the currency displays.
Version 1.01
Fixed the incorrect icon resource so the copper coin now shows as copper, not silver
Disabled the window hide on Esacpe key
Modified GP display to auto resize to fit any number of digits (well, as many as will fit across your monitor
Added the options window to allow hiding money or dp display.