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Category: OtherWallet
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Name: Wallet   Popular!
Date: 03-12-2023 04:13 PM
Size: 50.44 Kb
Version: 1.12
Rate File: 5 out of 5 with 8 votes  
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Dimensions: 568 x 530
Wallet showing two Currency groups and Setup window
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Dimensions: 525 x 357
Displays with popup details
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Dimensions: 484 x 495
Window display mode
For those that want a floating currency display.

Wallet has been updated to reflect the new Turbine Barter Wallet functionality. You can now view any of the currencies from the Barter Wallet plus your DP as floating displays.

Use the "Ctrl+\" UI function to display a tab for moving each group of currency displays (only the top currency in a group will show the movement tag). To change which currencies are displayed, the display order or dock/undock currencies, use the "/wallet setup" chat command to display the Setup dialog. The dialog is pretty self explanatory, the "Show" option will determine if a Currency can be displayed. The "Show Tot" option is only available of non-Serverwide currencies and will display the Server Total beneath the character's quantity. The "Hide if 0" option will hide a currency when it's quantity is 0, even if it is set to Show. If a currency is docked but set to not show or is hidden due to quantity, any currencies docked below it will be moved up to close any gaps in their group. Use the "Docked" checkbox to indicate the top item in any group - items checked as docked will automatically display immediately below the item above them while any "undocked" item starts a new group and can be moved anywhere on screen using the "Ctrl+\" functionality. To change which group a currency is in or the order with its group, simply drag the currency name up or down in the list or click the up or down arrow in the Order column - the change will be effective immediately so you can look at your currency windows to see how the movement affected them.

Serverwide currencies are displayed in green and non-Serverwide are white. For those that want to see Serverwide totals for currencies that are not Serverwide, you can hover the mouse over any white currency and you will see a pop-up with the Total and a per character breakdown. If you want to always see the Total for a non-Serverwide currency, you can set the "Show Tot" option for that currency in the Setup window and the totals will show immediately below the individual value in the display.

When you first run Wallet, the Gold, DP, Commendation, Shard, Mark, Medallion and Seal currencies will be at the top of the Currency list and set to Show. All other currencies will follow those in the Currency list but will be set to not Show.

Wallet can be displayed as floating currency groups (the default) or as a Window with options for display order, grouping and filtering or both styles can be used. To display the window mode, load the plugin then use "/wallet setup" to display the Setup Window and select either "Window" or "Both" for Display Mode. Note, the icon settings are only available in "Window" or "Both" modes since the icon is only used to display the Window.

In the window display, there are a couple of options for grouping and sorting. If you click the Compact checkbox, the individual character entries are not shown for Float Order or Currency Order (Compact has no effect on Character order). In Compact display (Float Order or Currency Order) account bound currencies only show the total while character bound currencies will show the current character value in the center and the server total at the right. You can always hover over any character currency to get a pop up display with the total and per character details. The Filter field will match any part of a currency name and is both Accent and Case in-sensitive.

To install, simply download and unzip to your Plugins folder - there are no dependancies on external files.

To launch, use /plugins load wallet or set it to load automatically from the Turbine Plugin Manager

It does have basic display control commands:
"/wallet show" will display the wallet if it is hidden
"/wallet hide" will hide the wallet
"/wallet toggle" will toggle it
"/wallet setup" will display the Setup dialog

Version History:
Version 1.12
added a resolution check on floating windows to guarantee they will be on screen if the resolution changes
note, this is not a percentage based check so attempting to share settings between multiple computers will still require manually adjusting the floating windows
but this will guarantee that the windows are accessible to be adjusted
fixed bug in setup window that was preventing properly setting Layout

Version 1.11
mini icon will now be hidden when pressing F12 to hide the HUD
quatity displays are now only wide enough to display their values so they do not interfere as much with mouse clicks

Version 1.10
Fixed missing MouseLeave events that left quantity popups displayed after the mouse left - reported by Grimfrithgar
Fixed display Show/Hide/Toggle commands to work with Window mode the same as Floating mode - reported by Grimfrithgar

Version 1.09
Fixed bug that prevented popup totals for currencies where the current character had 0
Added group headings. If a currency is not docked, the setup window will have a "Group Header" option for that currency. The group header text will display above the currency when it is not blank.
Added a Window display for currencies with options for display order and filtering
Added option to display as floating values, windowed or both.
Fixed bug, floating totals not updating properly

Version 1.08
Added the ability to drag currencies in the setup window to make changing order significantly easier. When dragging, the currency will be inserted before the currency it is dropped on. To get a currency to the very last spot you will have to drop it and then use the Move Down button once to move it to the bottom. To scroll the list while dragging, just drag the currency above the top or below the bottom until the window scrolls the desired location into view. This makes it much easier to position new currencies which are added to the bottom of the list by default.

Version 1.07
Fixed currency tooltips so that they now automatically disappear when the mouse leaves the icon.
Improved refresh efficiency.
Added Server Totals. Players can now hover over non-Serverwide currencies and see the total for the server and a per character breakdown in a pop-up. Players can also choose to always display the server total beneath the currency in the Setup window.
Changed font colors of currencies to better distinguish Totals and Serverwide currencies. Serverwide currencies are now green (as they are in the Barter wallet), non-Serverwide currencies are white and Totals are light blue.

Version 1.06
Added option for icons on left and text left aligned.
Bug fix for gold currency of 1000 or more.

Version 1.05
Fixed ItemRemoved bug - currencies that decrease to 0 will now be properly displayed as zero (if set to display when zero) and disassociated with the player wallet
Fixed the PositionChanged bug. Currencies added while playing will no longer generate an error when moved up or down in the setup window.
Added context help for the currency icons - hover over an icon to see the name of the currency.
Fixed a bug in the Setup window that caused the greyed out up/down arrows to incorrectly follow rows that were moved out of the top/bottom positions.

Version 1.04
Fixed the DE/FR client defaults - all three clients now have language specific defaults.
- Note that for existing characters you will have to use the Delete button (see below) to clear out some of the erroneously created duplicate entries.
Implemented three layers of defaults to make copying settings to alt characters simpler
- first, there is a "last used" configuration that is saved for each alignment (Creeps only have Commendations so their default display is likely different from Freeps). If an alt that has never had Wallet loaded before is first loaded it will try to load the last used settings.
- second, there are "Save Default" and "Load Default" buttons that allow a user to set the current configuration as the default and then manually load it at any time on an alt - if you make changes to your layout you can save it and easily load the changed setup on your alts.
- the third is a language specific version of the old defaults which set Gold, DP, Commendations, Shards, Seals, Marks and Medallions to display and all of the others to be hidden.
- note that each of these settings is also separated by language so if you save a default in English you would have to recreate that default if you switch to German or French since the Currency names are different and there is no way to uniquely identify the currencies.
Added Delete buttons for each currency on the Options page that is not in the current character's wallet - this allows users to remove the old defaults if they use the DE or FR client as well as allow removal of any currencies that Turbine eliminates in the future.
- Note that if you remove a currency but it is subsequently encountered in another character's wallet the currency will be added back in - if you simply don't want to see a currency on specific characters the correct method is to deselect the Show checkbox.

Version 1.03
Disabled Gold and DP for Creeps since Turbine has still not implemented GetMoney() and GetDestinyPoints() for Creeps
Fixed bug in "Hide if 0" options checkbox indexes
Added work around for Turbine Plugin Manager
Fixed bug that prevented currencies from displaying if they existed in the wallet but had a 0 quantity when the plugin was loaded

Version 1.02
Well... I almost called this version 2.0 since it's nearly a compete re-write
Changed how Currencies are handled to handle the new Turbine Wallet currencies
Totally re-wrote the currency display windows to allow a dynamic number of currencies
Added the "Docked" behaviour for easily moving groups of currencies
Added the "Hide if 0" behaviour to allow hiding currencies the current player hasn't encountered or has 0 of
Modified the Options window to allow setting new options per currency as well as re-ordering the currency displays.

Version 1.01
Fixed the incorrect icon resource so the copper coin now shows as copper, not silver
Disabled the window hide on Esacpe key
Modified GP display to auto resize to fit any number of digits (well, as many as will fit across your monitor ).
Added the options window to allow hiding money or dp display.
Archive List (Old Versions)
File Name
46.33 Kb
02-18-2015 11:35 PM
39.85 Kb
04-17-2013 09:05 AM
34.38 Kb
02-11-2013 10:39 PM
29.18 Kb
11-22-2012 09:53 AM
199.33 Kb
04-24-2012 10:56 PM
198.23 Kb
03-21-2012 08:22 PM
195.13 Kb
03-17-2012 08:53 PM
194.38 Kb
03-15-2012 07:22 PM
31.00 Kb
10-08-2011 01:51 PM
10.60 Kb
10-03-2011 09:29 PM
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Unread 03-14-2023, 05:32 AM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by jbusnengo
If you're planning on tweaking things more, can I suggest either that the Save/Load Default buttons save UI settings (opacity, layout, display, and icon) as well, or that separate buttons be added to allow for the copying of UI settings from one alt to another?
The defaults do seem to be working as intended with additional exceptions, they are stored at the account level by client and alignment - that is, the defaults are stored based on the EN/DE/FR client as well as Freep/Creep status so any character that does not have settings will attempt to use the settings of the last character that had the same client & alignment.

Last edited by Garan : 03-14-2023 at 05:32 AM.
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Unread 03-13-2023, 10:59 PM  
The Wary

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Glad to hear it worked for you.

As to defaults, the way it should be working now is that if the settings for the current player don't load (no saved settings yet) it should default to the settings of the last character loaded, that way you should be able to set the settings you want on one character and the other characters automatically inherit them the first time they load - that does have the drawback that if you change your mind on what you want the default to be, you have to tweak each character - I'll look into it to make sure it's working as intended and consider adding an option to override the default behavior.

The biggest thing on the drawing board for Wallet is user selectable font sizing (from the available fonts) to help with higher resolution clients as well as scaling the icons to match the selected font, but that is a fairly major undertaking since it affects, well, pretty much everything. I wouldn't hold my breath for it since it's already been on the ToDo list for about 4 years and I just never seem to find the time.
I appreciate whatever work you do put into your plugins. FWIW, I find that the default font works fine for me at both 1080p and 1440p. Thanks again!
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Unread 03-13-2023, 04:13 PM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by jbusnengo
That worked. Thanks!

If you're planning on tweaking things more, can I suggest either that the Save/Load Default buttons save UI settings (opacity, layout, display, and icon) as well, or that separate buttons be added to allow for the copying of UI settings from one alt to another?
Glad to hear it worked for you.

As to defaults, the way it should be working now is that if the settings for the current player don't load (no saved settings yet) it should default to the settings of the last character loaded, that way you should be able to set the settings you want on one character and the other characters automatically inherit them the first time they load - that does have the drawback that if you change your mind on what you want the default to be, you have to tweak each character - I'll look into it to make sure it's working as intended and consider adding an option to override the default behavior.

The biggest thing on the drawing board for Wallet is user selectable font sizing (from the available fonts) to help with higher resolution clients as well as scaling the icons to match the selected font, but that is a fairly major undertaking since it affects, well, pretty much everything. I wouldn't hold my breath for it since it's already been on the ToDo list for about 4 years and I just never seem to find the time.
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Unread 03-13-2023, 10:11 AM  
The Wary

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Unfortunately, this plugin predates the changes I made to most of my other plugins to use percentages for window placement to automatically account for different resolutions.
EDIT - I will be releasing version 1.12 later today which will help with this issue as well as a number of prior bug fixes that were apparently never published

A better fix, using percentage based positioning, will hopefully be available in the future, but for now, this should allow you to manually adjust the window positions.

EDIT Ver 1.12 is now available. Let me know if it solves your problem (or doesn't).
That worked. Thanks!

If you're planning on tweaking things more, can I suggest either that the Save/Load Default buttons save UI settings (opacity, layout, display, and icon) as well, or that separate buttons be added to allow for the copying of UI settings from one alt to another?
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Unread 03-12-2023, 12:02 PM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by jbusnengo
I've been using this plugin for years, and like the rest of my plugins, I sync it and its settings between my desktop and my laptop, so that I can still use them when I travel. When I upgraded my desktop to a bigger screen, however, I discovered an issue with that. I keep the floating currencies near the top right of the screen, and apparently, that's beyond the right edge of my laptop screen, so I can't see it on my laptop. Ctrl+\ doesn't help, presumably for the same reason. I've been poking through the settings file manually to try to find a way to bring the floating currencies back onto my laptop screen, but I haven't been able to find any such setting.

I know the obvious solution is to go on my desktop and move it there, but I'm currently away from home for a few weeks, so I can't do that. Does anyone have any other suggestions for fixing this? Thanks!
Unfortunately, this plugin predates the changes I made to most of my other plugins to use percentages for window placement to automatically account for different resolutions.
EDIT - I will be releasing version 1.12 later today which will help with this issue as well as a number of prior bug fixes that were apparently never published

A better fix, using percentage based positioning, will hopefully be available in the future, but for now, this should allow you to manually adjust the window positions.

EDIT Ver 1.12 is now available. Let me know if it solves your problem (or doesn't).

Last edited by Garan : 03-12-2023 at 07:43 PM.
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Unread 03-12-2023, 09:51 AM  
The Wary

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I've been using this plugin for years, and like the rest of my plugins, I sync it and its settings between my desktop and my laptop, so that I can still use them when I travel. When I upgraded my desktop to a bigger screen, however, I discovered an issue with that. I keep the floating currencies near the top right of the screen, and apparently, that's beyond the right edge of my laptop screen, so I can't see it on my laptop. Ctrl+\ doesn't help, presumably for the same reason. I've been poking through the settings file manually to try to find a way to bring the floating currencies back onto my laptop screen, but I haven't been able to find any such setting.

I know the obvious solution is to go on my desktop and move it there, but I'm currently away from home for a few weeks, so I can't do that. Does anyone have any other suggestions for fixing this? Thanks!
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Unread 11-07-2019, 04:20 PM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Grimfrithgar
Hello again!

I'm still using this plugin (and AltInventory) regularly, pretty much every playing session, so I've gathered a few more suggestions and questions since my last post.

1) If you hover over an item in displayWindow to trigger hoverMenu, you lose focus from the textarea used for search. If you keep typing, the game will open up inventory, crafting panel, map, etc due to taking over focus and interpreting the typing as hotkeys for these things. I've done this many times by accident until I figured quite recently that it was the hovering that made it lose focus.
Same issue goes for AltInventory.
Is it possible to fix this issue, so that focus is kept (or rather given back, perhaps) to displayWindow.FilterText?
When I was googling on how this could be handled I stumbled across a post by you. Thread was regarding another issue, but maybe it's possible to solve it the way you described with a "transparent text control" on top of the hoverMenu that gives the focus back?

2) I was going to suggest the minimized button to be hidden when pressing F12, but then (totally by a coincidence) I stumbled across your reasoning here. Perhaps an option could be added for "Hide icon when pressing F12"?
(I assume there is still no way to get the UI state or know when the game force UI off in some instances, e.g. "Vol. IV. Book 6 Chapter 2: Death Comes for All", since that does not trigger a KeyDown)

3) Is it possible to force the displayWindow to start off on top of other windows when it's toggled? Especially with AltInventory I often have vault, shared storage and inventory already open when I open the plugin window, and the window sometimes get behind all other windows when toggled. I played around with SetZOrder, but with high ZOrder it's *always* on top, and simply setting it high and then back to 0 seems to make no difference.

4) Reminding about below again
Originally Posted by Garan
I haven't been playing for quite a while so this never got published. I will have to recheck that everything got fixed and publish it. Thanks for the reminder.
All of above are just quality of life issues, and the ones important for me I've fixed locally. So no stress to implement any of the above if time or motivation does not allow it
Hi. I'm still not playing LotRO so there hasn't been much in the way of development work on my plugins other than maintaining MoorMap's and TerrainMap's map data for game updates.

That said, the first problem is a bit of an issue in that the popup menu should have focus or it can't select items - however, it should be capturing all input while open and then return focus to the control that had focus before it was opened when it is closed. There may not be a good way around it without causing unwanted side effects for the menu. The hidden text field approach would not work for this situation - most likely an asynchronous call to an event handler that waits for the menu to be closed and then sets focus to the correct text field - a bit of a pain to implement with the restrictions on Lua but probably possible.

I gave up years ago trying to get Turbine to expose the HUD status to Lua and implemented hiding of all controls on F12 - if the minimized icon is not hiding that is a bug.

zOrder has always been a bit tricky since the only way to allow windows to interact normally with the built in UI is to set them to zOrder=0 (anything greater than zero will stay on top of the built-in windows and anything less than zero will hide behind the built-in windows). Unfortunately that does mean they can sometimes get lost in the shuffle if you have lots of other windows open - you can try setting one of your quickslots to the toggle chat command ("/altinventory toggle")- that should allow you to bring the window to the front with two key presses (one to toggle close, one to toggle open again). If toggling the window doesn't work, then it may be necessary to set the zorder to a value greater than zero in the VisibleChanged even handler and assign an Update event handler to the window or a control (only setWantsUpdates=true when toggling the zorder>0 to avoid impacting performance). The Update handler would then set the zorder back to 0 and setWantsUpdates=false (the point of using the update handler is to give the system time to actually set the window in front of the other windows, invalidate, and repaint the window before setting the zorder back to 0).

Unfotunately, as previously noted, since I no longer actively play, this is all very low priority for me so it tends to stay at the bottom of the ToDo list

Last edited by Garan : 11-07-2019 at 04:22 PM.
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Unread 11-03-2019, 06:01 PM  
The Wary
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Hello again!

I'm still using this plugin (and AltInventory) regularly, pretty much every playing session, so I've gathered a few more suggestions and questions since my last post.

1) If you hover over an item in displayWindow to trigger hoverMenu, you lose focus from the textarea used for search. If you keep typing, the game will open up inventory, crafting panel, map, etc due to taking over focus and interpreting the typing as hotkeys for these things. I've done this many times by accident until I figured quite recently that it was the hovering that made it lose focus.
Same issue goes for AltInventory.
Is it possible to fix this issue, so that focus is kept (or rather given back, perhaps) to displayWindow.FilterText?
When I was googling on how this could be handled I stumbled across a post by you. Thread was regarding another issue, but maybe it's possible to solve it the way you described with a "transparent text control" on top of the hoverMenu that gives the focus back?

2) I was going to suggest the minimized button to be hidden when pressing F12, but then (totally by a coincidence) I stumbled across your reasoning here. Perhaps an option could be added for "Hide icon when pressing F12"?
(I assume there is still no way to get the UI state or know when the game force UI off in some instances, e.g. "Vol. IV. Book 6 Chapter 2: Death Comes for All", since that does not trigger a KeyDown)

3) Is it possible to force the displayWindow to start off on top of other windows when it's toggled? Especially with AltInventory I often have vault, shared storage and inventory already open when I open the plugin window, and the window sometimes get behind all other windows when toggled. I played around with SetZOrder, but with high ZOrder it's *always* on top, and simply setting it high and then back to 0 seems to make no difference.

4) Reminding about below again
Originally Posted by Garan
I haven't been playing for quite a while so this never got published. I will have to recheck that everything got fixed and publish it. Thanks for the reminder.
All of above are just quality of life issues, and the ones important for me I've fixed locally. So no stress to implement any of the above if time or motivation does not allow it

Last edited by Grimfrithgar : 11-03-2019 at 06:04 PM.
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Unread 11-10-2016, 06:26 AM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Grimfrithgar
Hi again!

I was just wondering if you have a status update about this? Not that I'm in a hurry (fixed these issues locally myself), but more like a reminder since it's been a while.

Thank you!

I haven't been playing for quite a while so this never got published. I will have to recheck that everything got fixed and publish it. Thanks for the reminder.
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Unread 11-08-2016, 05:06 PM  
The Wary
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The missing MouseLeave functions (there are actually two missing ) and the displayWindow toggle/show/hide functionality are definitely bugs/not working as intended. I will look into fixing those.
Hi again!

I was just wondering if you have a status update about this? Not that I'm in a hurry (fixed these issues locally myself), but more like a reminder since it's been a while.

Thank you!
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Unread 04-22-2016, 11:45 PM  
The Wary
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Hey again and thanks for a quick and informative reply!

I changed the suggested line in Bootstrap (it was indeed that line the error message was pointing at), and that seems to have fixed both the issue in Alerter and the issue in Wallet. You are awesome, thank you!
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Unread 04-22-2016, 09:08 PM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Grimfrithgar
Good day!

I've known about this plugin for a while, but didn't start to use it until yesterday when I found that you can make it work like "AltInventory for currency".

What I am after is basically a plugin that runs in the background, caching the currency of all my characters so I can open up the plugin and search for currencies of other character when I need.

This plugin meet these criteras, but I found some bugs:

* Toggle only works to toggle the "Floating" window, not the "Window"-window (or both).
This is because options are not checked for the toggle-command near line 871 in main.lua. It's hardcoded to always toggle walletWindow, never displayWindow or both. It seems that all the "Window"- and "Both"-options do is to toggle the displayWindow once. For me it's pretty important to be able to toggle displayWindow via a command, since I plan on having it in my Bootstrap menu. *If* this is the intended behaviour we'd need a seperate toggle for Window.
(walletWindow is always showing when loading the plugin if you have option Floating or Both set, but displayWindow or both are never toggled, but I think this is intended)

* If you hover over an item in displayWindow to check quantity, the quantity-popup will not disappear unless you click it.
This is due to a lacking tmpRow.MouseLeave-function to close hoverMenu near line 438 in DisplayWindow.lua

* Currency is not created (if new char) or updated (if old char) if the plugin is autoloaded via Bootstrap (http://www.lotrointerface.com/downlo...inManager.html)
It still shows currency in walletWindow, just not write it to disk. I tried this by changing the gold-value to 0 in PluginData\<account>\<server>\AllCharacters\Wallet _Currency_Qty_en.plugindata and delete PluginData\<account>\<server>\<character>\Wallet_S ettings_en.plugindata. Value was not updated (even when trying to trigger it by selling stuff to vendor) and file was not recreated. It seems I can trigger a save to disk by changing settings under /wallet setup.
It does work when autoloading via the builtin Plugin Manager, so I don't really expect this one to be fixed unless the problem is obvious and easy to fix. I can simply use the builtin Manager instead, it's just I'm usually use Bootstrap so stumbled accross this bug.

I have a feature request also:
* Add an option whether to toggle windows when the plugin is loaded.
This means to add the option (visually), and check this setting near line 610 in Main.lua. If you add this option you probably also want "Window"- or "Both"-options to toggle displayWindow at startup when either of those are set and "Toggle windows at startup" is set.

Another thing that would be a quality-of-life improvement for both this and AltInventory would be if it was possible to show the item's/currency's tooltop while hovering over it, and ability to link it to chat. Is this something that is even possible to implement? After using some itemscanner/-database plugins I've noticed these have the ability to link items to chat (with normal ctrl+rightclick), only that there are some problems with itemlevel of scalable items.
I am very novice when it comes to LUA, but I checked AltInventory's code quickly a while ago to check if I could add this feature, but if I remember correctly it was not possible because I need some item-ID that was not cached by the plugin. I might be wrong, but maybe that info can be a bit helpful. Wouldn't it be as easy to just write the ID to disk and use that to ask the game for the item-name? But maybe then we talk about some major changes to the code. I barely know what I'm talking about, so I hope these questions makes sense

As always, thank you for your awesome plugins!


I just realised Bootstrap is the reason Alerter doesn't save settings for me either, so those issues might be related. It seems that if I load Alerter using bootstrap (by clicking Launch) it won't save to disk, but I can have both running at the same time as long as I load the plugin manually and not via Bootstrap.
I don't suppose you will dig too deeply into this particular issue, but here is the error while unloading Alerter after Bootstrap bugged it:
...he Rings Online\Plugins\Equendil\PluginMng\Shell.lua:28: table index is nil
And the code there is:
-- Hook to intercept commands added to Turbine Shell. Will only work for plugins in the same script state	
function Shell:Hook()
	-- save up former calls
	self.oldAddCommand = Turbine.Shell.AddCommand;
	self.oldRemoveCommand = Turbine.Shell.RemoveCommand;
	-- and hook up our owns
	Turbine.Shell.AddCommand = function( names, shellCommand )
		local numRegistered = self.oldAddCommand( names, shellCommand );
		self.commands[shellCommand] = names; -- using the shellCommand itself as key for easy removal
	Turbine.Shell.RemoveCommand = function( shellCommand )
		self.oldRemoveCommand( shellCommand );
		self.commands[command] = nil;
Hi, thanks for the comments.
The missing MouseLeave functions (there are actually two missing ) and the displayWindow toggle/show/hide functionality are definitely bugs/not working as intended. I will look into fixing those.

The odd behavior with Bootstrap seems to be a bug in Bootstrap. In the code you quoted, the third to last line looks like it should be:
		self.commands[shellCommand] = nil;
self.commands[command] = nil;

That bug is causing the Unload event handler in my plugin to exit prematurely since Equendil overrode Turbine's RemoveCommand function but had a bug in his code so the calling routine never completes. Since my Unload handler happens to remove the commands prior to saving data the data is never saved. Try editing the line in Bootstrap, fixing that bug should allow my plugin (and any other plugins that remove commands) to close cleanly.

Unfortunately, the only way to programmatically acquire an item ID from an inventory Item is during a drag/drop operation. The reason the item scanner plugins have the item ID is that they start with the item ID and create the item and controls from the ID. Turbine never provided a function to reverse the process Since the cached items displayed for other player's inventory aren't real items there's no way to display a tooltip for cached items. The current character's items display a tooltip because they are actual items as will the current character's Vault and Shared Storage while you have them opened at a vault-keeper. Turbine's WalletItem objects don't support tooltip info or itemIDs either, just the icon and small icon so tooltips aren't possible here either.
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Unread 04-22-2016, 02:12 PM  
The Wary
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Good day!

I've known about this plugin for a while, but didn't start to use it until yesterday when I found that you can make it work like "AltInventory for currency".

What I am after is basically a plugin that runs in the background, caching the currency of all my characters so I can open up the plugin and search for currencies of other character when I need.

This plugin meet these criteras, but I found some bugs:

* Toggle only works to toggle the "Floating" window, not the "Window"-window (or both).
This is because options are not checked for the toggle-command near line 871 in main.lua. It's hardcoded to always toggle walletWindow, never displayWindow or both. It seems that all the "Window"- and "Both"-options do is to toggle the displayWindow once. For me it's pretty important to be able to toggle displayWindow via a command, since I plan on having it in my Bootstrap menu. *If* this is the intended behaviour we'd need a seperate toggle for Window.
(walletWindow is always showing when loading the plugin if you have option Floating or Both set, but displayWindow or both are never toggled, but I think this is intended)

* If you hover over an item in displayWindow to check quantity, the quantity-popup will not disappear unless you click it.
This is due to a lacking tmpRow.MouseLeave-function to close hoverMenu near line 438 in DisplayWindow.lua

* Currency is not created (if new char) or updated (if old char) if the plugin is autoloaded via Bootstrap (http://www.lotrointerface.com/downlo...inManager.html)
It still shows currency in walletWindow, just not write it to disk. I tried this by changing the gold-value to 0 in PluginData\<account>\<server>\AllCharacters\Wallet _Currency_Qty_en.plugindata and delete PluginData\<account>\<server>\<character>\Wallet_S ettings_en.plugindata. Value was not updated (even when trying to trigger it by selling stuff to vendor) and file was not recreated. It seems I can trigger a save to disk by changing settings under /wallet setup.
It does work when autoloading via the builtin Plugin Manager, so I don't really expect this one to be fixed unless the problem is obvious and easy to fix. I can simply use the builtin Manager instead, it's just I'm usually use Bootstrap so stumbled accross this bug.

I have a feature request also:
* Add an option whether to toggle windows when the plugin is loaded.
This means to add the option (visually), and check this setting near line 610 in Main.lua. If you add this option you probably also want "Window"- or "Both"-options to toggle displayWindow at startup when either of those are set and "Toggle windows at startup" is set.

Another thing that would be a quality-of-life improvement for both this and AltInventory would be if it was possible to show the item's/currency's tooltop while hovering over it, and ability to link it to chat. Is this something that is even possible to implement? After using some itemscanner/-database plugins I've noticed these have the ability to link items to chat (with normal ctrl+rightclick), only that there are some problems with itemlevel of scalable items.
I am very novice when it comes to LUA, but I checked AltInventory's code quickly a while ago to check if I could add this feature, but if I remember correctly it was not possible because I need some item-ID that was not cached by the plugin. I might be wrong, but maybe that info can be a bit helpful. Wouldn't it be as easy to just write the ID to disk and use that to ask the game for the item-name? But maybe then we talk about some major changes to the code. I barely know what I'm talking about, so I hope these questions makes sense

As always, thank you for your awesome plugins!


I just realised Bootstrap is the reason Alerter doesn't save settings for me either, so those issues might be related. It seems that if I load Alerter using bootstrap (by clicking Launch) it won't save to disk, but I can have both running at the same time as long as I load the plugin manually and not via Bootstrap.
I don't suppose you will dig too deeply into this particular issue, but here is the error while unloading Alerter after Bootstrap bugged it:
...he Rings Online\Plugins\Equendil\PluginMng\Shell.lua:28: table index is nil
And the code there is:
-- Hook to intercept commands added to Turbine Shell. Will only work for plugins in the same script state	
function Shell:Hook()
	-- save up former calls
	self.oldAddCommand = Turbine.Shell.AddCommand;
	self.oldRemoveCommand = Turbine.Shell.RemoveCommand;
	-- and hook up our owns
	Turbine.Shell.AddCommand = function( names, shellCommand )
		local numRegistered = self.oldAddCommand( names, shellCommand );
		self.commands[shellCommand] = names; -- using the shellCommand itself as key for easy removal
	Turbine.Shell.RemoveCommand = function( shellCommand )
		self.oldRemoveCommand( shellCommand );
		self.commands[command] = nil;

Last edited by Grimfrithgar : 04-22-2016 at 02:43 PM.
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Unread 02-17-2016, 12:20 PM  
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First option, manually delete everything, didn't do the trick.

I will now try to run only with the plugins I need (just two or so - actionbars), and see if that works. (If not I will run JUST Wallet, like you suggested). Ad one every two days or so.

In the worst case I can't find it, and I will use Wallet like I always do. With the non-saving. The info I wanna see on screen is vissible at all times, and that's why I wanted Wallet

Love the plugin btw, even with the non-saving!
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Unread 02-15-2016, 03:34 PM  
The Undying
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HOW do I save my settings????

Originally Posted by Raebidus
It may be simplest to manually delete all of the possible settings and default settings files (there are many in several subdirectories due to multiple language possibilities) and start over. With Windows 8.1, you can use File Explorer to search the plugindata folder for "wallet*.plugindata" and delete all results.

I will try that! Tnx.
The only other issue I can think of is that the client is not exiting cleanly. While Wallet runs in a separate apartment and is immune to run-time corruption by other plugins, if the client crashes at any point, the plugin will not execute the Unload handler so it will not save settings. If you are using many plugins, it is possible that the client is crashing on exit while unloading one of the other plugins which would result in all of the plugins before that one successfully saving settings but any plugins following that one would fail to save settings since the client process would already be terminated before any file writes are flushed to disk. You can try testing this by running with just Wallet for a couple of sessions and seeing if it saves settings correctly, then slowly adding the other plugins into the mix one at a time to see if the failure returns. Unfortunately, it may actually be a combination of other plugins, so adding them just one at a time may not show the failure until they are all added back in, so this might require some significant testing on your part to narrow down.

Last edited by Garan : 02-15-2016 at 03:37 PM.
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