Description :
This plugin gather data from all your connected characters. You can see :
* all your previously connected characters, with their class and level
* their profession and its levels
* their gold amounts
* their tokens
* their farming repetable quests progression
* their Class Trait Points
* a memo by character
Release Note 0.5.5 (september 25th 2023)- Now support the new class : Mariner
Release Note 0.5.4 (november 11th 2022)- Aligned with Update 34 (updated quests and rewards of the Farming tab) and removed Class traits tab
- Customed farm quests can now be edited (with the plugin Warbands and Deeds Slayer v5.1.0)
- Fixed various issues
Release Note 0.5.3 (6 december 2021)- Aligned with Update 31.0.3 (updated quests and rewards of the Farming tab)
- Added a filter on the craft tab to show only the best crafters characters
- Fixed various issues
Release Note 0.5.1 (25 november 2021)- Update 31.0.2 friendly (updated quests and rewards of the Farming tab)
- Fixed various issues
Release Note 0.5.0 (18 november 2021)- Gundabad friendly (added lvl 140, new classe points, new farming quests)
- Added filters to the Farm tab
- Add "Warbands and Deeds Slayers" repeatables created by the player
- Fixed various issues
Release Note (20 october 2021)
Quickfix : On Farm tab, the current player is now always displayed even if he did not finish any quest. Thanks Gramferth for the report
Release Note 0.4.5 (12 october 2021)- Updated farm tab with update 30.3 data (and traceries rewards)
- Brawler added
- Farm node reviewed :
* Added filters by kinds of rewards (to hide unwandered rewards)
* You can now sort the lists
* Rewards are now listed in the tooltips
- You can now access to the config window from the main window (now longer from the Plugin Manager)
Release Note 0.4.4 (21 march 2021)- Updated farm tab with update 29 data
- The showed tab is now saved and reloaded at next launch
Release Note 0.4.3 (09 feb 2021)- Updated German translation (big thanks to Nadia)
- Updated GUI sizes for German worlds
- Few minor fixs
Release Note 0.4.1 (05 feb 2021)- Added a tab with all your characters Class Trait Points.
- Added a tab with all farming quests for Embers, Motes or Scrolls of Empowerment. You can manually set each quest as accomplished (the plugin will manage the reset time).
- Class Trait Points and Farming quests progressions can be automatically collected by the plugin Warbands & Deeds Slayer (works in French only).
- Fixed bugs
Release Note 0.3.8
* Added a button to delete data from a character
* Results are now sorted :
By quantity for gold and tokens tabs
By player name for craft and message tabs
* Fixed few bugs
Release Note 0.3.5
* Now works for English, French, and German client (and translated, thanks to Evereus) !
The window is now resizable ! Use the lower-left icone to resize the main window. In some tabs, you can also use an horizontal slider to extend the interface.
* Note Tab : You can now delete a player note with the cross icone, and extend the text box (the size will be saved).
* Craft Tab : You can now hightlight a profession by clicking in a profession icon to quickly identify all your caracters with the same profession
* Craft Tab : Tooltips have been improved
* Plugin Configuration : new option to define if the plugin automaticaly save caracters data at plugin unloading, or/and at plugin loading. By default, data will be saved at plugin unloading.
Release Note 0.3.3
* In order to not merge data from characters with the same name (but on different servers), characters data are now saved in differents files depending to the server. So you can only see the characters (and their data) from the server you are connected on.
* Fixed translation typos suggested by Ghuff07 (thanks to him).
Release Note 0.3.2
Fix : the craft level name should now be correct.
Please note that the displayed level name is the
last validated craft level (not the ongoing level).
Release Note 0.3.1
This plugin has been translated : it should works for French and English clients.
Installation :
1. Décompressez l'archive dans le répertoire plungins de lotro. L'archive contient deux répertoire qui doivent respecter l'arborescence suivante :
C:\Users\$USER\Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\plugins\WalmPlugins\BandOfFarmers
C:\Users\laure\OneDrive\Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\plugins\Turbine
2. Depuis le gestionnaire de plugin, lancez le plugin "BOF - Band Of Farmers". Il est conseillé d'activer l'option de lancement automatique du plugin sur tous ses personnages, afin de mettre à jour les données automatiquement au lancement et à la fermeture de la session.
3. Les options dans le gestionnaire de plugin permettent de configurer le plugin, ainsi que le lanceur rapide.
4. Le lanceur rapide s'affiche (vous pouvez le déplacer via la configuration), et permet de lancer l'interface du plugin