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Category: OtherCombat Analysis
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Name: Combat Analysis   Popular!
Date: 05-24-2022 01:20 PM
Size: 620.62 Kb
Version: 4.8.11a
Rate File: 5 out of 5 with 4 votes  
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CA overview panel with averages
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Dimensions: 469 x 550
CA new Details Panel
Now on GitHub
  • Ability for Benefits to be sent to BuffBars, thanks Argonui
  • Added Fell Wrought damage, /ca cleanup function and Dromo's button fix
  • Has a larger stat font option for those ever increasing resolution screens, see the General Options Panel German by Cimmino
  • Hit details are now separated into Normal Critical and Devastate with percentages and rates
  • Experimental French translation by Mayara(Sirannon), Ardi(Estel) if you are unhappy with how this performs Please delete the fr.lua directory from your CombatAnalysis/Lua directory and CA will be in English
  • Accurate German translations by Dero/Amtholdiel/Ischabux, Vielen Dank!
  • Now has orc-craft and fell-wrought damage types, thank you Pulse!!
  • Reset the statistics with the chat command "/ca reset" or "/ca reset totals"
  • View your Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, Outgoing & Incoming Healing and Power Restore information in game in real time.
  • View information about how long buffs were kept up on you and how long you kept debuffs on mobs.
  • See a breakdown of per skill information and a wide range of combat statistics.
  • Extremely Customizable UI (it is strongly recommended you read the instructions below to discover all the available features).
  • Automatically generate messages to post your total values to the chat window.
  • Save/Load & Share your combat data.
  • Track debuffs/CC on your buffbar if using Buffbars 2.0.1+ with Combat
  • Analysis 4.1.2+ (see the Mob Debuff and Mob CC trigger options in Buffbars).
  • Extensive customizations in the LoTRO Plugin Manager's Options tab
  • Now without Evendale's Naughty Bits
  • In the public Domain

English: All features available. Currently works with Beorn!!!
German: All features available. Currently works with Beorn translations
French: Currently seeking the french addon Helpers
Russian: See this link.

Original Author: Evendale

Getting Started:
0) If you have a previous version of CombatAnalysis installed, delete the old CombatAnalysis folder first or move it out of your Plugins Directory.
1) Download the .zip file.
2) Extract the CombatAnalysis folder from inside the .zip file into your LOTRO "Plugins" directory: "(My) Documents/The Lord of the Rings Online/Plugins" (you may need to create this folder if it doesn't already exist, which has to be called Plugins with a capital "P"). Ensure you have the folder called CombatAnalysis (not CombatAnalysisZip) directly inside the Plugins folder.
3) Open up the Lord of the Rings client (if not already running).
4) Type /plugins refresh, followed by /plugins load CombatAnalysis, or use the in-game Plugin Manager.
5) If you have not modified the buffs, please go to the about tab in the plugin manager and reload the traits to have Beoring buffs appear

Notes on the evolution of Turbine's LoTRO LUA
Combat Analysis was developed at a time when LoTRO allowed your entire fellowships' combat statistics be shared with each member. This is not the case now, but in hopes that access to this information will be restored I am leaving the multiple character features in the code. So please be patient with the "All Character" and named Character selections as you traverse the data to be displayed selection items.


First and foremost there is a little icon at the bootom of the Stats Overview window that lives a triple life and is your best CA friend. It allows you to control what you see and when you want to see it. Right and left clicking on the button will move it through its three states:

When the icon looks like this, never show the details window

When the icon looks like this, show me the details window at all times

When the icon looks like this, show me the details when I mouse over a particular entry in the overview window

If you would like all the CA windows to toggle on and off left click on this icon. You may move this icon on the screen by using LoTRO's <ctl>\ window arrange mode. Right clicking on this icon when the CA menus are visible gives you a menu for locking the windows, Save or Load data and a convenient link to open the Plugin manager.

Important Instruction Image UPDATES:
The X now means take this window away, I never want to see it again. Yes that's how it works in windows but not what you may expect in a LUA plugin.If you exercised your X privileges you must build a new window.
  1. Open the Lotro Plugin manager (in the LoTRO System menu in the toolbar)
  2. select CA
  3. select the options tab.
  4. Once you see the General, UI, Buffs, and About tabs, select UI.
  5. You now see 3 more tabs called Tabs, Windows and Stats.
  6. Select the Windows tab
  7. Drag as many squares representing tabs on your new window as you wish to see. When you drag the first tab into the box it will create a window. Then you may either add tabs to that window or make new windows containing other tabs.

Note version 4 and higher show a third column which is the average damage.

Statistics Calculations:

Most of the stated values are fairly obvious. Some of the calculations that may not be so straightforward are listed below:

Totals %: When viewing a player, this shows the total amount the player contributed as a percentage of the total amount contributed by all players. When viewing a skill, it shows the total amount contributed by that skill as a percentage of the total amount contributed by all skills (for the relevant player).
Attacks %: Similar to Totals %.

Average: Does not include attacks that did no damage, but does include partial hits
Minimum: Does not includes attacks that did no damage, but does include partial hits

Critical Hits % = critical hits / (hits - partial avoids)
Devastates % = devastates / (hits - partial avoids)

Hits %
= hits (includes partials) / attacks
Absorbs % = absorbs / hits
Immune % = immunes / attacks
Misses % = misses / attacks
Deflects % = deflects / attacks
Resists % = resists / (attacks - misses - deflects) [NB: deflects to be included in equation in v4.2.3]

Physical Avoids: Includes blocks, parrys, & evades, as well as partial blocks, partial parrys, & partial evades
Full Avoids: Includes only blocks, parrys, & evades
Partial Avoids: Includes only partial blocks, partial parrys, & partial evades

Any Avoidance % = avoid / (attacks - misses - deflects) [NB: deflects to be included in equation in v4.2.3]

Interrupts: Only increments when you successfully interrupt a target.
Corruptions: Only increments when you successfully remove a corruption.

Damage Type % = damage of that type / total damage

4.4.0+ New Features
  • You may now zero out your accumulated statistics by typing "/ca reset" in your chat window!
  • Beoring buffs and debuffs are now in traits, reload your traits in Combat Analysis->Options->About panel
4.1.0+ New Features

Breakdown of information by Crits/Devs/Partials/etc
In the stats panel, the selected skill is now shown more visibly under the title bar. Additionally, there is a new drop down menu that shows additional stat information. Selecting any on of the items in the list (eg: crits & devs) will show the total amount/proportion of damage done by that type of attack, as well as the average damage, etc.

Temporary Morale Tracking
Temporary Morale is now tracked. It shows up in purple along with other Heal information. It is included in the Send to Chat Data. The stats panel shows the amount of temporary morale heals that were wasted (timed out).

Note that only INCOMING temporary morale values can be recorded. The size of outgoing temporary morale bubbles is not recorded, as this does not appear in the player's combat log.

Buff/Debuff Tracking
Combat Analysis now tracks the proportion of time that certain buffs were kept on the player, and that you kept certain debuffs on mobs. There are two new tabs that display this information, and it can also be sent to the chat window. The list of tracked buffs/debuffs can be configuration via the menu

Note that debuff tracking is based on the Combat Log data, so will be inaccurate when debuffs are applied to mobs with the same name.

The buff/debuff information is displayed in new tabs that aren't shown by default. To bring up this info, right click on any tab, and select "Restore Tab -> Buff" (or Debuff), or use the menu.

In addition, you can now track Debuffs and CC that you place on Mobs if running Combat Analysis 4.1.2+ with Buffbars 2.0.1+. Select the Mob Debuff and Mob CC triggers in Buffbars to get started.

Loading/Saving You can load and save your data!

Very useful for comparing runs on the same skirmish for different toon builds!

Access the file dialog screen by clicking the load or save icons in the mini menu accessed by right clicking the Combat Analysis Logo, by typing "/ca save" or "/ca load", or by clicking the load/save buttons in the menu (accessible by typing "/ca options").

When saving, you select all the encounters that you want to include in the save file. Saved files can be combined (or you can select multiple files and combine them when loading).

Saved data is accessible from any character on the same account.

Note that the file dialog allows all the file options you would expect (save, rename, delete, combine), but the LUA API doesn't really allow the deletion of files, etc, so the list you see in game may not represent what really exists in the file system.

You can load save files that are given to you by someone else by inserting them into your "Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\PluginData\<account name>\AllServers" folder. The file won't appear in the file dialog in game, but you can type in the name of the file (ignoring the "CombatAnalysisDataFile_" prefix) manually to load it.

Advanced Information

Note that as of the first update after Isengard, many pet actions are actually listed under the player's name including:

- Most (maybe all) heals or power restores
- Any bleeds

Combat Entry/Exit and DPS values:
Encounters begin when you enter combat, and end when you leave combat.

The DPS values for individual mobs are calculated based on the start-time being when you first hit the mob (or were hit by the mob), and the end time being the moment the mob died (or when combat ends if the mob did not die). These values will always be slightly lower than the DPS values based on combat starting and ending (and are in most cases comparable to old cstats parses).

The minimum duration on all fights is set to one second.

Multi-Mob Encounters:
If you are fighting multiple mobs with the same name, there is no way to detect which one you are hitting, so we make the assumption that you are always hitting the same mob, until it dies, and then assume you are now hitting a new mob (after a 1.5 second grace period).

Change Log

Update 4.8.11 Another of Adra's complete french translation update, Merci Adra

Update 4.8.10 Add Brawler buffs to German and French files

Update 4.8.9 Add Brawler to German and French files

Update 4.8.8 Correct percent buf calculations, thanks Xanthion, add brawler class & some brawler buffs

Update 4.8.7 Adra's complete french translation update, Merci Adra

Update 4.8.6 Simple; update the french chat to kin command

Update 4.8.5 argonui Add ability for Benefits to be sent to BuffBars

Update 4.8.4 Revert French locale to 4.8.0 version, sorry Julie Charrier

Update 4.8.3 Fix French locale, thanks Julie Charrier

Update 4.8.2 Temporary fix to really allow French client communications 30 Dec 2019

Update 4.8.1 Temporary fix to allow French client communications 28 Dec 2019

Update 4.8.0 by Landal, Dromo and hdflux (5 Dec 2019)
Added Fell Wrought damage, /ca cleanup function and Dromo's button fix

Update 4.7.1 by Landal (10 June 2016)
Fix crash for first time users caused by larger font feature

Update 4.7.0 by Landal (5 June 2016)
Added option to increase stat's font size

Update 4.6.0 by hdflux (4 June 2016)
/ca cleanup clears the stats and reduces memory used

Update 4.5.0 by Ravdor/Bamor and Landal/gjpc (20 February 2016)
Hit details are now separated into Normal Critical and Devastate with percentages

Update 4.4.6 by Landal/gjpc (6 July 2015)
Backed out badness
Placed the code on GitHub for collaboration

Update 4.4.5 by Landal/gjpc (17 May 2015)
Added hdflux's "/ca reset totals" command
increased the size of the file names for Dave & hdflux
Adjusted some mounted combat stat acquisition

Update 4.4.3 by Landal/gjpc (17 May 2015)
Corrected data type handling of debuff timers that generated unsightly error messages

See the README.md file in you CA directory for the full history.
Archive List (Old Versions)
File Name
634.21 Kb
05-24-2022 12:50 PM
619.58 Kb
05-05-2022 10:06 AM
619.39 Kb
05-04-2022 02:16 PM
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05-03-2022 01:22 PM
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04-30-2022 09:31 AM
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04-28-2022 10:52 AM
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09-28-2020 04:50 AM
1.51 MB
08-07-2020 12:35 PM
1.51 MB
08-01-2020 02:08 PM
1.45 MB
12-28-2019 08:25 PM
1.42 MB
12-05-2019 11:27 AM
623.66 Kb
06-10-2016 11:27 AM
623.62 Kb
06-05-2016 02:25 PM
622.94 Kb
06-04-2016 11:17 AM
622.82 Kb
02-20-2016 04:46 PM
1.46 MB
07-06-2015 09:25 PM
600.91 Kb
07-03-2015 05:52 PM
605.26 Kb
05-17-2015 01:24 PM
605.26 Kb
04-12-2015 10:05 AM
606.50 Kb
04-04-2015 10:48 AM
695.30 Kb
03-29-2015 05:52 PM
569.13 Kb
07-08-2014 08:54 AM
568.71 Kb
07-07-2014 08:59 AM
557.80 Kb
07-05-2014 12:51 PM
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Unread 09-12-2024, 02:44 AM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Xanthion
I have made some fixes and done some extensive updates to the mod, as well as implement the Mariner class, but I have not been authorised by gjpc to share it. I am hopeful that I can share the mod and have gjpc check over it, and perhaps upload it one day.
All coders, LUA enthusists and LoTRO Peeps are encouraged to fork this repository and particiapte!
from https://github.com/gjpc/CombatAnalysis

although it seems they are not checking there either, seeing i have PR there since january, but at least its easier for people to than download and apply the changes (rather than manualy editing the files)
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Unread 09-11-2024, 05:57 PM  
The Wary
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Is there going to be an update soon for the plugin? I'm wondering if there are going to be options to toggle number modifiers when doing over 100k damage in a session?
Also, is there a way to show the cumulative damage done by a character over the course of the character's time played?
In theory, Combat Analysis could help you achieve this, but it would require you to create a new character, tell Combat Analysis to keep as many segments as possible, and save the data with each logout.
You would then need another program to, or manually extrapolate all of this data yourself continuously, to maintain these kinds of stats.
Unfortunately, LOTRO does not have a feature (that I am aware of) that maintains records of every action performed by the player for each character that they can view at a later time.

Regarding updates to the mod. gjpc doesn't seem to be actively monitoring this project at this time. Every now and then, gjpc will check up on community feedback. At this time, Combat Analysis seems to be relying on the community to share their fixes/implementations and feedback to maintain the mod.

I have made some fixes and done some extensive updates to the mod, as well as implement the Mariner class, but I have not been authorised by gjpc to share it. I am hopeful that I can share the mod and have gjpc check over it, and perhaps upload it one day.
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Unread 09-09-2024, 03:31 PM  
The Wary

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Is there going to be an update soon for the plugin? I'm wondering if there are going to be options to toggle number modifiers when doing over 100k damage in a session? Also, is there a way to show the cumulative damage done by a character over the course of the character's time played?

Last edited by LOTROVern : 09-09-2024 at 03:34 PM.
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Unread 09-01-2024, 09:21 AM  
The Wary

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The CombatAnalysisTraits.plugindata file can sometimes cause a conflict if you have put a customised name against a buff, especially with stacking buffs.
For example, my Minstrel applies a stacking buff "Tale of Tales" upto 5 times. Instead of tracking all 5 individual tiers, I track all tiers under the one name... 'Tale of Tales'. While Combat Analysis is already running, there is no issue. However, if I attempt to load Combat Analysis while this buff is active on me, it causes a conflict and asks me to reset my traits. If you ever encounter this in the future, just wait until the buff wears off your character and then reload Combat Analysis.

For long term buffs (buffs that persist after logging off) I just use the proper name for the buff to avoid future issues, but with short term buffs (buffs that will expire even when logged out, such as Tale of Tales) I can safely use custom names.

Another example is on my Warden, I tried to consolidate all the fire oils under one name, and all the light oils under one name. Unfortunately, I can't do this as these oils will persist when I log off. Next time I try to log on and these oils are still present, Combat Analysis will ask me to reset my traits. So I have had to add every individual oil as it's own unique buff to overcome this.
Thank you for explanation, if i get an error i will check which buffs i have at login.
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Unread 09-01-2024, 07:07 AM  
The Wary
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idk how but it fixed it seems, it does not asks to reset trait configuration anymore.
The CombatAnalysisTraits.plugindata file can sometimes cause a conflict if you have put a customised name against a buff, especially with stacking buffs.
For example, my Minstrel applies a stacking buff "Tale of Tales" upto 5 times. Instead of tracking all 5 individual tiers, I track all tiers under the one name... 'Tale of Tales'. While Combat Analysis is already running, there is no issue. However, if I attempt to load Combat Analysis while this buff is active on me, it causes a conflict and asks me to reset my traits. If you ever encounter this in the future, just wait until the buff wears off your character and then reload Combat Analysis.

For long term buffs (buffs that persist after logging off) I just use the proper name for the buff to avoid future issues, but with short term buffs (buffs that will expire even when logged out, such as Tale of Tales) I can safely use custom names.

Another example is on my Warden, I tried to consolidate all the fire oils under one name, and all the light oils under one name. Unfortunately, I can't do this as these oils will persist when I log off. Next time I try to log on and these oils are still present, Combat Analysis will ask me to reset my traits. So I have had to add every individual oil as it's own unique buff to overcome this.

Last edited by Xanthion : 09-01-2024 at 07:12 AM.
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Unread 09-01-2024, 04:28 AM  
The Wary

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idk how but it fixed it seems, it does not asks to reset trait configuration anymore.
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Unread 08-30-2024, 10:13 PM  
The Wary
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It could be maybe Combat Analysis wasn't installed properly, or there could be an issue with the CombatAnalysisTraits.plugindata file for the character.

I would start with going to your Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\PluginData\<your account name>\<your server's name>\<your character's name> folder and renaming the CombatAnalysisTraits.plugindata to something else. Easiest way is to just add a bck to the file name. Make sure Combat Analysis isn't running when you do this, otherwise it will create a new one.
Bear in mind that by doing this, you will no longer have access to any buffs/debuffs/bubbles you (might)have manually added to CA for this character. But this is why you backed up the file first. Try to reload CA and see if the problem persists.

If it does, you may need to reinstall Combat Analysis. If the problem does not persist, then the issue is with your character's traits file.

Last edited by Xanthion : 08-30-2024 at 10:19 PM.
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Unread 08-30-2024, 02:44 PM  
The Wary

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By the look of your screenshot, it appears you are trying to use the Restore Defaults button with Combat Analysis... can you confirm this?

Yes, at start it asks me to restore trait configuration everytime so i click yes.
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Unread 08-30-2024, 05:26 AM  
The Wary
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I'm having error on minstrel when loading, seems like trait problem
By the look of your screenshot, it appears you are trying to use the Restore Defaults button with Combat Analysis... can you confirm this?
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Unread 08-29-2024, 10:14 PM  
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I'm having error on minstrel when loading, seems like trait problem
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Unread 08-03-2024, 10:17 PM  
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Brawler and Hunter bubbles not working


I now have the Brawler and Hunter bubbles working with Combat Analysis.
It seems like a messy way of tricking Combat Analysis, but it works.

Only limitation is with the Hunter's bubble 'Cry of the Hunter'. Unfortunately, this bubble shares the exact same name as a speed buff from the same skill for the Hunter, which only lasts 10 seconds. This is not an issue if the bubble pops within the 10 seconds instead of expiring any time after that. However, if the speed buff expires before the bubble is consumed, then Combat Analysis believes that the bubble popped, and stops counting the temporary morale loss, when the bubble is still active.
This will lead to minor inaccuracy regarding how much damage the bubble absorbs and what was wasted. Any temporary morale that appears in the log after Combat Analysis stops counting for the Hunter's bubble will then be applied to the next reapplication. But if someone else places a bubble on the Hunter before this happens, then that pool of temporary morale will be added to that other person's bubble, instead of the Hunter's. Again, only a minor inaccuracy. But this is a game side issue, not Combat Analysis's issue.

Last edited by Xanthion : 08-12-2024 at 05:58 PM.
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Unread 07-31-2024, 06:08 AM  
The Wary
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Beorning missing from Combat Analysis?

I just went to add the Beorning's bubble to CA and I had to listed it as 'other' because Beorning doesn't appear to be in Combat Analysis. I just had a brief look at the en.lua and the class is there, but I can't select it from the class list in the plugin. Anyone else having this issue?
Strange that the Brawler is there and it's a newer class, but the Beorning is missing.


In the BuffPanelNode.lua on line 62, I had to add the code....


This added the Beorning to the drop down list.

Last edited by Xanthion : 07-31-2024 at 07:22 PM.
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Unread 07-28-2024, 10:46 PM  
The Wary
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Temporary Morale (Bubbles) for the Minstrel

I now have the Minstrel's bubbles working correctly...

Effect Name = Legend of Helm Hammerhand
Log Name = Legend of the Hammerhand

Effect Name = Improved Gift of the Hammerhand
Log Name = Gift of the Hammerhand

Effect Name = Gift of the Hammerhand
Log Name = Gift of the Hammerhand

The last bubble is needed in case a Minstrel has not invested a trait point for Improved Gift of the Hammerhand. Without this, Combat Analysis would not parse the standard bubble effect. I have tested this and there is no conflict. Combat Analysis seems to know the difference.

The name discrepancy prevented Combat Analysis from parsing these bubbles.

Also, I had to make a change to the en.lua file.
On line 638... I changed...

local initiatorName,skillName,targetName = string.match(line,"^(.*) applied a benefit with (.*) on (.*)%.$");

to this...

local initiatorName,crit,skillName,targetName = string.match(line,"^(.*) applied a (.-)benefit with (.*) on (.*)%.$");

This change enables Combat Analysis to parse bubbles that are applied on both a 'benefit' or 'critical benefit' event. Previously, any bubbles that applied on a critical benefit event were being ignored by Combat Analysis. I have tested this on the Rune Keeper and the Minstrel as they both have bubbles capable of a critical benefit event and CA now parses them correctly.

One additional change I made ages ago, was in the CombatData.lua file.

On line 245 the code reads...

table.insert(self.combatElements,Debuff(stimestamp ,targetName,initiatorName,killName));

There is a spelling mistake here... the s in front of 'stimestamp' should actually be in front of 'killName' to make it 'skillName'. Not sure why Combat Analysis hasn't detected this error. But line 245 should actually be

table.insert(self.combatElements,Debuff(timestamp, targetName,initiatorName,skillName));

I am not sure why the forum keeps putting a space inside the brackets... make sure you don't leave any spaces.

Last edited by Xanthion : 07-30-2024 at 05:32 PM.
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Unread 05-22-2024, 01:30 AM  
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I hope this finds you well. Is there any update regarding this plugin? I've left some comments before both here and on the Github page with regard to some options for how statistics could be shown. Has there been any progress with that?
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Unread 05-05-2024, 11:57 AM  
The Indomitable
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Re: Re: Re: Re: File Name Error

This is the error that pops up. It only happens on my Rune Keeper, in both healing and dps lines, and in a variety of instances. CA also seems to be why that character crashes so often. Since removing the plugin, this alert never pops up and I have not crashed once.
That phrase is not in any of CA's LUA files. The only thing I can suggest is go to
  C:\Users\<windows user name>\Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\PluginData\<LoTRO user name>\<server name>\<character name>
Move all those files to a safe place and see if you get the dialog box. If you don't see the dialog again, restore the files one at a time until you see the box again. Let me know the file name.
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