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Category: Raiding & InstancesEpic Battle Plugin
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Name: Epic Battle Plugin   Popular!
Date: 01-23-2016 02:08 AM
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Version: 1.5
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Main Epic Battle Plugin window.
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Quest pop up window.
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Manually start an Epic Battle instance by right clicking the top bar.
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Epic Battle Plugin's Options Window.
Special note about v1.5: This version removes the party/fellowship size check that I was using to determine if you were running a solo or non-solo version of the Minas Tirith epic battles. Unfortunately it seems a bug still persists with that API that can cause a crash-to-desktop if a player that is running EpicBattlePlugin (or any plugin that uses Party/Fellowship API calls) is added to the raid assist target window. However, since the plugin needs to know if you are in a solo or non-solo version of the instance, it will now display a window asking you to confirm which instance size you are in. This is hopefully a temporary measure until I can get a system in that tracks your fellowship size based on chat text. As a secondary option in a future update, I may add the ability to toggle whether you want to allow the plugin to use party/fellowship functions or display the window in the Options window. For now, if you experience crashes while running EpicBattlePlugin, or use the raid assist target window frequently, you may want to update to v1.5. If you haven't been experiencing crashes or don't use the raid assist target window, you may wish to stay with v1.4. Thank you for your understanding.

EpicBattlePlugin displays useful information for all Epic Battle spaces. This includes which quests you can expect to get during each wave, how much longer a wave has until it will end, how much longer until the side quest starts for the current wave, and how long your traps have before they disappear.


Issues with Minas Tirith Epic Battles
Similar to Pelargir, the main problem with the Minas Tirith epic battles is that callouts do not occur in a global chat channel, they happen in the "say" channel, so if you are not close enough to the source, there is no way for the plugin to know when you have moved to the next phase of the battle. In these fights, Gandalf does most of the callouts, so you need to be near him to get them. Unfortunately they is just not a better mechanic for knowing when the fight has progressed to the next phase.

Unlike all the epic battles that came before it, Minas Tirith epic battle quests do not specify if they are a fellowship or small fellowship version (solo/duo Defence of Minas Tirith and small fellowship Defence of Minas Tirith are both called The Defence of Minas Tirith). I was using this difference to know if you were doing a solo version or a non-solo version. Without this difference, there's not much else for me to use to get which instance you are in, other than checking how many people are in your fellowship party, which is what I have currently done. However, I dislike having to use this API calls because they are buggy (if you stay in a fellowship and have people enter/leave enough, it can get out of sync last time I checked, which means the number of people in your party may be wrong), and accessing the player's fellowship use to cause crashes, and I had a crash yesterday while running Minas Tirith when I tried to add myself as target assist, which is exactly the crash I remember from the Smaug days and my Smaug plugin. If there are enough reports of problems with this method, I will remove it and add a simple pop up dialog box that asks you which instance you are in when you enter a Minas Tirith epic battle. Not ideal, but would definitely be preferable to crashes.


Epic foes, similar to Pelargir, will have their timers next to them in the plugin so you can see how long you have before you lose platinum. Unlike Pelargir, however, the epic foes spawn 5 or 6 seconds after the quest starts, so I conservatively added 4 seconds to the 30 second timer, so do not be alarmed when you see more than 34 seconds on the countdown even though you are suppose to kill them in 30 seconds.

Luckily, it seems the waves are pretty consistent (quests and lengths being +/- 30 seconds on normal runs), so timers are relatively accurate.
Issues with Retaking Pelargir
While I have added support for Retaking Pelargir, unfortunately the instance is very inaccurate due to a number of factors.

The first is that the "callouts" for each wave, the ones my plugin use to know when things are happening, are not global, they are "said" in the regular "say" channel, which means if you are too far away from the speaker (normally Elrohir or Elladan), you will not get it in the chat channel and thus the plugin will not know what is going on. This mainly affects Phase 1 (winch) and Phase 3 (Aragorn's flank). If you do not receive the chat callout, you can right click near the Wave label and/or numbers, and manually start the wave.

The second is that the duration of each phase is very inconsistent. For example, the winch phase can last anywhere from ~320 seconds to ~460 seconds (from what I have seen). There doesn't seem to be a good indication of why this is either. So the "Wave Ends In" timer simply cannot know how much time is actually left. This affects the 2nd and 3rd phases greatly, because it alters how long you have until the side quest, epic foe, and secondary foe start. By a large margin. And, the timing of events changes greatly if you drop hooks and/or use the ballista/catapults. For example, the 2nd phase seems to start around when Elrohir says "Pillagers, everywhere. Let us rout them, then. Aragorn wishes to face the entire Corsair host." However, if you immediately left the winch phase before Aragorn shouts out "Excellent work, join us at the piers!", the wave won't actually start until after that shout out has occurred, so there's a long delay between when the plugin thinks the phase started and when it actually start. And unfortunately, the "Join us at the piers" does not show up in chat, so there's no way to track when it happens.

All in all, the "Wave Ends in", and the quest timers will NOT be very accurate at all.

However, the timers next to the epic/secondary foes will be at least mostly accurate in how long you have left to kill that foe before you lose platinum. Note that these timers start when the quest starts or when the text appears on screen for the secondary foe, and not when someone first touches the boss, so they should be a bit more accurate than using combat timing.

If, in the future, I discover a better method for determining times in Pelargir, I will make revisions accordingly.
  • Displays which wave you currently are on, and if any other waves have started.
    A green label behind the wave number indicates that is the current wave you are on.
    A yellow label behind the wave number indicates that the wave has started, but you have not finished the current wave.
    A red label behind the wave number indicates that the wave has ended.
    A black/dark grey label behind the wave number indicates that the wave is not used in the current Epic Battle instance.
  • Display which quests you will get during each wave.
    Most of the Epic Battle spaces have a set side quest order depending on which "side" you get first. For instance, in Solo Helm's Dike, if you get the Western side first, the quest order will be Stone Obstruction during the western assault, Statue of Helm Hammerhand during the eastern assault, and then either Flames at the Gate or Powder at the Gate during the final wave (3rd wave is always random between those two quests). So the window will display the first two quests and then display RANDOM for the 3rd quest.
    Similar to the wave labels, the quest labels will change colors depending on which is the next quest. The current quest will be green, the previous quests will be red, and any quest not used during the epic battle you are in will be dark grey.
    For quest orders that cannot be known (due to either the quest being random or due to the raids random order), you can hover over the quest to get a list of all possible side quests during that wave.
  • Shows how long until the wave ends.
    Depending on the Epic Battle you are in, the waves have a pre-determined maximum duration, and even if you don't kill every orc in the wave, the wave will end at that time. It's roughly 10 minutes for most of the solo/duo ones, and upwards of 15 minutes for Deeping Wall raid. Most of these should be correct, but Helm's Dike 6 man and Deeping Wall raid may not be. Please note this is a MAXIMUM and the wave may end earlier if you speed it up using catapults or if you don't knock over ladders. Also be aware that certain random factors can sometimes cause the duration to be a bit longer, however this timer should generally be correct +/-30 seconds.
  • A kill count of the wave.
    This is an ESTIMATED number of mobs you have killed during the current wave. It estimates this using a "kills per second" ratio that I have calculated from running the instances. It will also add in any mobs you kill that are still out in the battlefield, using catapults or ballistas.
  • Estimated time until the side quest starts for the current wave.
    Side quests don't start on a timer, they start at a certain kill threshold in the wave. For example, if there's 100 orcs total in a wave, and you need to kill 25% of them to start the quest, then once 25 orcs have died (regardless of how you killed them and how long it took), the quest will start. However, I have noticed that the mobs have to reach the soldiers before the side quest will start, regardless of how many you have actually killed. Also, I also feel that it depends on which mobs you kill can cause the side quest to start sooner or later. This timer should be used only as an estimate and is probably going to be off +/- 30 seconds, especially if you use catapults (in Deeping Wall for example). It will be more accurate in the more static instances (Deeping-coomb, Glittering Caves), because you can't really affect the wave.
  • Shows your traps and how long they have until they expire.
    The OLDEST trap will be on the left (closes to the trap label), and as they expire, the other traps will move to the left to take its place. *Traps may expire before their timer runs out if the traps max trigger count is reached. The default trigger count is 5, but can be increased to a max of 22 with the trait. The plugin cannot know if a trap has expired in this way, so the timer may still be counting down even if the trap is gone.
  • You can manually set an Epic Battle to start by right clicking on the top bar of the window. You will need to do this if you have already completed the main quest for that instance today.
  • You can manually start or end a wave by right clicking the Wave label or any of the wave numbers.
    If you start a new wave, the current wave will be ended.
    You can use the above features (start a new Epic Battle instance and wave starting) to see which quests are possible, without having to run an instance.
    Sometimes you won't get the wave callouts (this happens to me in Helm's Dike Fellowship and Deeping Wall raid a lot), so you can manually start the waves this way.
  • You can minimize the window by double clicking on the platinum medal in the upper left hand corner. This will minimize the window into that medal, which you can then double click again to bring the window back up.
    The plugin continues to run while it is minimized, so you can use it even if it is minimized.
  • An Options Window has been added. It can be brought up by typing "/ebp options" (without the quotes) or by right clicking anywhere on the main window, and selecting Options. The Options Window has the following settings:
    Opacity: Set the opacity of the main window. When you minimize the window, the medal ignores opacity (so you can find it again).
    Scale Window: Allows you to make the window smaller. You can also scale the window by moving your mouse to the lower right hand corner, and clicking and dragging the green box that appears.
    Always Load Minimized: If checked, when the plugin is loaded, the window will load minimized.
    Minimize Window After Battle: After the plugin has determined a battle is over (or you left one), it will minimize the window.
    Maximize Window for Battle: When an epic battle starts, the plugin will maximize the window if it is not already maximized.
    Make Additional Save Calls: If checked, the plugin will save more often. Use this if you notice the window position is not being saved.
  • Vindar Patch added to begin support for foreign clients. German clients should now be able to use EpicBattlePlugin and have it work on their clients. Thanks to Burgus for translations!
  • No dependencies.

Future Plans:
  • Continue working on the information needed, including max duration of waves, and approximate side quest start timers.
  • Add additional features as desired and appropriate.

Known Issues:
  • The plugin uses the bestowed main quest when you enter an Epic Battle space to know which one it is and which size it is. You will have to manually set the Epic Battle instance if you do not have that main quest (due to completing it already) or if you don't have EpicBattlePlugin loaded when you first enter the instance.
  • The trap timers will only count down when a wave is in progress, but will correctly end once another wave starts.
  • Due to the plugin listening for certain callouts during the fights, if for some reason you don't get that callout, it can cause the plugin to be incorrect. For example, I've noticed in Deeping Wall Raid you can be far enough away from the people who shout out which side is being attacked to not get the callout for that attack. This causes the plugin to not realize the attack is happening, and means you will have to manually set the wave to start.
  • Because the information in the Epic Battles in not exact (the side quests don't start exactly at the same time or kill count each time), the timers and kill counts will never be an exact measurement of what is going on in the instance. Please only use those numbers as guidelines.

You may contact me with any problems as I continue working on the plugin. If you notice that an Epic Battle instance seems to always be way off on the timers (either the max duration timer or the quest start timer), let me know. I'll need which instance it is, what side the timer is wrong on, and which wave. So for example, if you notice that in Helm's Dike solo, when you are on the western side during the 2nd wave, the side quest always starts way before the timer counts down to 0, let me know and I'll see if I can find a better estimate.

Version History:

Version 1.5
  • Removed the API call to the player's party/fellowship, as this can cause a crash to desktop if a player running EpicBattlePlugin is added to the raid assist target window.
  • To confirm which size instance you are running for Hammer and Defence of Minas Tirith, a window appears asking you to select which size you are running.

Version 1.4
  • Fixed a typo with the word "Defense" in the Helm's Dike quest since LOTRO uses British English.
  • Added Minas Tirith Epic Battles.
  • Removed a chat printout in the Pelargir Epic Battle.
  • Deeping Wall - Raid will now display the 3rd quest once the 2nd wave has started, since the 3rd quest is known at that point.
  • Added a local version history text file to the plugin folder.

Version 1.31b
  • Fixed an issue with Plugin Comp and the thumbs.db file.
  • Note: No other changes were made to this version. The version number in game will not change.

Version 1.31
  • Retaking Pelargir numbers are a bit more accurate. See notes above labeled "Isses with Retaking Pelargir".
  • Retaking Pelargir Fellowship now works correctly.
  • French translations added. Apologies for not adding these years ago, I had them sitting around and seemingly never got them in.
  • Note: Pelargir will not work on either French or German clients.

Version 1.3
  • Retaking Pelargir is now recognized as an Epic Battle! The solo version is 95% complete, the Fellowship version timers are not yet correct, and may not work correctly either.
  • Within Pelargir, the EBP tracks the start of the side quest, main epic foe, and secondary epic foe for each "phase." The quest start timer countdown until the quest (or first epic foe if there is no quest) starts, and will then switch to counting down until the epic foe will start, then switch to countdown til when the secondary epic foe will start. Note that currently the timer simply goes to the next one even if the previous one hasn't actually happened yet (for example, when the quest start timer reaches 0, it then starts counting down until the epic foe spawns, even if the quest hasn't actually started). I plan to clean this up in a future build.
  • When a main/secondary epic foe is active, it will countdown how long you have until you lose platinum on that epic foe. Note that these timers ARE NOT CORRECT yet, and even once the "official" time goes in, they may not be 100% accurate.

Version 1.2
  • Fixed an issue with Deeping-coomb not being recognized.

Version 1.1
  • Added the Options Window
  • Fixed a few issues with the display.
  • Fixed other issues with the new options that has arisen since Av0.92
  • Fixed a few issues with the timers, kill counts, and quests.

Version Alpha 0.92
  • Addressed an issue with the debugger that was causing problems with non-English clients. The debugger has been removed.
  • Fixed a few issues with the timers, kill counts, and quests.
  • Addressed a problem with the German translations.

Version Alpha 0.91
  • Addressed an issue where the plugin location and minimized state were not being saved/loaded correctly (hopefully).
  • Fixed some wave callouts and main quest identifiers that were incorrect, causing the plugin to not work for those instances/waves.
  • Attempted to make the side quest timer more accurate. Still a WIP and Deeping Wall raid is completely bonked at this time.
  • Added German translations. Thanks to Burgus for the translations!
  • There are now some debugger tools you can check out for the epic battles you do. Type /ebp data to see the printout. This can be useful to find out what timers might be off, and can be sent to me to see what needs fixed . This may be removed in future releases.

Version Alpha 0.9
  • Added ability for plugin to load minimized if it was minimized when last unloaded.
  • Fixed a bug where estimated kill counts were being added incorrectly.
  • Attempted to make Helm's Dike Fellowship timers more accurate.
  • Added Vindar Patch and a language data table to begin support for foreign clients. This may cause your saved settings to reset.

Version Alpha 0.8
  • Added more options.
  • Fixed a few errors.
  • Added information on all Epic Battle instances so that the timers and quest timers are more or less correct.

Version Alpha 0.5
  • Initial Alpha Release. Use at your own risk.
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Unread 05-10-2014, 06:07 AM  
The Wary

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An excellent addon!!

I tried it for one week and it makes BB so much easier. It surely needs more work ofc (especially the ui) in order to be a "must have" one but i can see the huge potential it has. Please continue your great work.
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Unread 05-10-2014, 03:19 PM  
The Undying
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Re: An excellent addon!!

I tried it for one week and it makes BB so much easier. It surely needs more work ofc (especially the ui) in order to be a "must have" one but i can see the huge potential it has. Please continue your great work.
Haha, I'll be the first to admit my UIs are rather simple. I'm more of a programmer over a designer, so I generally don't bother making nice UIs. I'm also more of a function over form kind of guy, plus I respect how valuable space is on your computer screen, so I generally try to make smaller, simple, yet understandable UIs, without any fancy (including a title bar - you can move around the window just by holding down your mouse button anywhere over the window). I have added a bit more color to distinguish a few things in the latest update I have, but don't expect anything major.

Glad you found it useful!
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Unread 05-18-2014, 05:09 PM  
The Wary

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Very nice, saves trying to read through LotroPad and correlate which side/quests are upcoming.

I have two practical feature requests, one, an option to have it load minimized instead of covering an eighth of the screen.

Two, have it remember the position it is moved to rather than having to be moved on every log in.

Thanks for a rather useful tool, I look forward to enhancements!
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Unread 05-18-2014, 08:12 PM  
The Undying
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Re: Nice!

I have two practical feature requests, one, an option to have it load minimized instead of covering an eighth of the screen.

Two, have it remember the position it is moved to rather than having to be moved on every log in.
The first one should be doable. The second one should already be implemented, unless I broke something prior to uploading it. Make sure you have version 0.8 when you are in LOTRO to make sure you have the most recent version.

Last edited by Stever1388 : 05-18-2014 at 08:13 PM.
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Unread 05-19-2014, 03:08 PM  
The Wary

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Re: Re: Nice!

Will be great to load minimized, I look forward to it!

The second one should already be implemented, unless I broke something prior to uploading it. Make sure you have version 0.8 when you are in LOTRO to make sure you have the most recent version.
Sadly yes, I see 0.8 in Lotro. I also don't see anything new in PluginData. Since my habit is to minimize then move, I tried moving it without minimizing at all just now, logged out and back in to no avail, it's consistently showing up in the original spot rather than where I move it to.
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Unread 05-19-2014, 03:35 PM  
The Undying
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Re: Re: Re: Nice!

Sadly yes, I see 0.8 in Lotro. I also don't see anything new in PluginData. Since my habit is to minimize then move, I tried moving it without minimizing at all just now, logged out and back in to no avail, it's consistently showing up in the original spot rather than where I move it to.
Hmm, I have uploaded a new version (Alpha 0.9), so I'm hoping that corrects the issue. If not, I will have to ask for some more information from you to see if we can find the problem.
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Unread 05-19-2014, 09:07 PM  
The Wary

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Nice!

What more info might you desire? I'll be glad to provide.

It doesn't seem to be saving data for me. Sorting PluginData by date, other plugins saved info today happily, I don't see any file from this one that I recognize in AllServers, my server AllCharacters, or my character folder.

I just relogged thrice after installing 0.9 (and verifying Lotro showed 0.9) I moved it without minimizing, upon relog it was in initial position rather than mine.

I then minimized it and moved it, relog returned it.

I then moved it an minimized it, relog had it non-minimized.

Sorry to report such news, to be sure, there's no user action I'm missing right? Most plugins you simply move and they stay, I don't see a right click menu option to save position or similar.
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Unread 05-19-2014, 09:40 PM  
The Undying
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Nice!

What more info might you desire? I'll be glad to provide.
What client language are you using? What other plugins are running while EPB is running? Do you get any errors in the general chat channel that might show what is going on? Also, do you have a file called EBPSaveData.plugindata in your character folder? That is the file it should save to. We'll start with that, and see if we can't figure out what is going on.

Also for others, I noticed I broke a few things with this update (Glittering Caves is messed up, but you can still manually start things), and I've noticed the side quest start timer is still... pretty inaccurate... I'm starting to worry there isn't going to be an easy way to estimate the starting quest time, because it's not exactly a kill count, and it's not exactly a timer either... will keep working on it but at this point don't rely on it. Expect a new version in the next few days to fix the problems that have arisen.
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Unread 05-19-2014, 10:28 PM  
The Wary

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Nice!

American English.

Plugins: Alerter, AltInventory, BuffBars, CircularQuickslots, CombatAnalysis, CTime, GroupManager, LotroPad, MouseCursorHA, Unequipper

As a test, I just unloaded all of them, loaded EBP alone, it didn't create any file without other plugins active either.

No file in AllServers/, AllCharacters/, or my server/character folder, and no error messages. Just "EpicBattlePlugin v0.9 by Alvirhelm; German Translations by Burgus; has loaded!", nothing after that unfortunately.
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Unread 05-20-2014, 12:14 AM  
The Undying
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Nice!

American English.

Plugins: Alerter, AltInventory, BuffBars, CircularQuickslots, CombatAnalysis, CTime, GroupManager, LotroPad, MouseCursorHA, Unequipper

As a test, I just unloaded all of them, loaded EBP alone, it didn't create any file without other plugins active either.

No file in AllServers/, AllCharacters/, or my server/character folder, and no error messages. Just "EpicBattlePlugin v0.9 by Alvirhelm; German Translations by Burgus; has loaded!", nothing after that unfortunately.
Hmmm weird. I even deleted my save data to make sure it would generate it correctly the first time, and it does. I would try deleting the EpicBattlePlugin folder within SDRPlugins and delete the EpicBattlePlugin.plugin file that is in SDRPlugins, and then reinstall EpicBattlePlugin. If you can, use the PluginCompendium, as it works well for installing and maintain plugin versions. Hopefully this will fix the problem.
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Unread 05-20-2014, 06:11 PM  
The Wary

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So I believe I've discovered the problem. Are you trying to save the data when the plug-in is unloaded? I believe I've read that isn't considered reliable.

I simply nuked the SDRPlugins folder entirely, re-unzipped, and logged on an alt to test. Instead of logging out I manually unloaded plugins and that's when a save file showed up!

I went to copy that save to my main, only for windows to tell me a file already existed!? Sure enough, dated about when I logged out last night, nevermind all the previous times I'd logged out to test to no avail.

If that is the case, I might save after the window is moved or minimized instead, or if the client crashes the position would be lost as well.

Thank you very much for adding the load minimized feature, it's appreciated! I just recommended this plug-in to kinmates.

PS: Edit, case in point, next day I find it loaded in an old position instead of the new location I put it yesterday after posting this comment.

Last edited by RJFerret : 05-22-2014 at 09:26 AM.
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Unread 05-22-2014, 04:18 PM  
The Undying
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So I believe I've discovered the problem. Are you trying to save the data when the plug-in is unloaded? I believe I've read that isn't considered reliable.

PS: Edit, case in point, next day I find it loaded in an old position instead of the new location I put it yesterday after posting this comment.
This is quite strange as I have never had a problem with saving when the plugin unloads, and a few of my other plugins use similar saving methods, and I have never experienced it not saving. I've also never seen anywhere that states saving when unloading is unreliable. I tried testing some different scenarios (log out, direct quit without logging out, etc) and couldn't replicate the problem you are having. However, I went ahead and in the newest version it now saves whenever you move or minimize it, so hopefully that will take care of the problem. If not, then there must be something else that is wrong with your save data or plugin, and I'll probably have to send you a debugger version to see what's up.
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Unread 05-24-2014, 01:47 PM  
The Wary

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FYI version 0.91 saves have worked flawlessly for me. :-)
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Unread 08-16-2014, 05:31 PM  
The Wary
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Post Add Side information too

Hey, It would be nice if the plugin show witch side is the active. Just for example in Deeping coomb good to know what side of canal need barricade, or in Raid if someone miss the information what is the next side, easy to see on plugin than ask other players or scrolling on the chat.
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Unread 08-29-2014, 02:09 PM  
The Wary
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One more idea. It would be nice to read some tactic for the quests, maybe when you move the cursor over the quest title it pop up in window.

So option 1: you can make a short description for all quest (I know this is hard).
2. Make a possibility to the users make note for all quests.

Anyway, there is some mistake in the code for example: Civilian Defence and not Civilian Defense.

(UPDATE: No worry I did it, if you need the modified code send a private message to me)

Last edited by bunny : 09-06-2014 at 02:02 AM.
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