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Unread 08-19-2013, 12:44 PM  
The Undying
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Re: Icon

Originally Posted by Gaould
Hi, I'm looking on my screen lotro window but I cant find the icon anywhere. What does it look like and where can I find it?
The icon is in the top left corner by default and looks like a map with brown and green terrain. Usually you would move it by holding Ctrl and dragging it, but if you can not see it, you can use the Options window to move it to another location.

First, load the plugin, then use the chat command "/terrainmap show" to display the map. Open the Options window by clicking the gears icon on the map. Change the icon position to a location you can see it and click 'Save'.
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Unread 08-19-2013, 09:28 AM  
The Wary

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Hi, I'm looking on my screen lotro window but I cant find the icon anywhere. What does it look like and where can I find it?
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Unread 08-14-2013, 08:14 AM  
The Undying
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Re: Umm

Originally Posted by Fyndir
Hate to be the one to ask, but I am sure I've got this plugin installed correctly, as I am running many more successfully, but all I seem to get is a grey screen upon loading the map.

Don't see anything in your documentation regarding this issue. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but the plugin itself seems to be loading correctly, just getting a grey map.

Did you try scrolling? There isn't anything on the map in the top left corner so it is blank grey. You have to scroll a tiny bit to the right (toward Forochel) or down (toward Ered Luin) before there's anything to see. I've considered changing the default location from the top left to something that is populated to avoid this confusion.
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Unread 08-14-2013, 06:57 AM  
The Wary

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Hate to be the one to ask, but I am sure I've got this plugin installed correctly, as I am running many more successfully, but all I seem to get is a grey screen upon loading the map.

Don't see anything in your documentation regarding this issue. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but the plugin itself seems to be loading correctly, just getting a grey map.

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Unread 08-04-2013, 10:57 AM  
The Undying
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Re: not for french version

Originally Posted by DragoDeLune
Great looking, it may be very useful but if you play in french it's not, i hope french name comming soon
Thanks for the feedback.

The map itself works fine in the French client. Unfortunately, the data files for the Search function currently only include the English names so the Search will only match the English names/descriptions. Acquiring all of the translations for the names (both French and German) is a very, very long process which can not be automated. While I do hope to be able to provide this support (the data files were designed to support French and German), especially since the same data files are also used by the MoorMap plugin, it is not likely to be done any time soon.

Last edited by Garan : 08-04-2013 at 10:58 AM.
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Unread 08-04-2013, 02:08 AM  
The Wary

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Exclamation not for french version

Great looking, it may be very useful but if you play in french it's not, i hope french name comming soon
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Unread 07-20-2013, 10:57 PM  
The Undying
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Ver 1.01

It occured to me that finding NPCs and locations on the map was a higher priority than X4 or X8 zoom capability, so...

Version 1.01 includes the new Search Window which allows users to search all of the default annotations from MoorMap - basically all of the NPCs and locations on every parchment map and a number of instanced interior maps. Objects/NPCs from interior maps will display the coordinates of the entrance to their location so, for instance, an NPC in Goblin-town will show at the coordinates of the main entrance to Goblin-town in Misty Mountains. To search, just click the magnifying glass icon, enter a NPC/location name and click "Search". The plugin will search all of the map data and display any NPC/location with a match in the name or description. To see the location of a result, just click the name in the result list and a temporary annotation will be added to TerrainMap and the map will display centered on that location.

I chose this implementation to minimize memory usage and limit lag. The search mechanism has as small a memory footprint as possible so there should be very little impact, even for users with older computers. Since the annotations are temporary and are cleared when the plugin is unloaded the map does not accumulate an excessive number of annotations (too many annotations would eventually cause lag, especially when zooming).

I will probably at some point look into adding the ability to add your own data/annotations for the search window or for permanent display on the map.

I just noticed that someone never got around to updating the MoorMap data for Wildermore and Forlaw . Sigh.

Last edited by Garan : 07-20-2013 at 11:38 PM.
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Unread 07-12-2013, 11:19 AM  
The Undying
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Re: How do you turn it off?

Originally Posted by MercedMike
This is very nice. In fact, it is awesome!

BUT ...

once I type /terrainmap show, how do I get /terrainmap hide?

In other words how do I get OUT of the map?

Maybe I am just dense but I can't find any X to click to close the map.

Sorry. Hit the 'Esc' key. In the Beta build that is the only way to clear it from the screen. To get it to show again you can use '/TerrainMap Show'.

EDIT: Now that the first release is published, there is a close button as well as most of the other expected UI functionality such as the ability to resize and reposition the window. You can also scroll the map by the more intuitive method of grabbing it with the mouse and dragging. It also has an icon when minimized to make it easier to display. Version 1.0 does not have the ability to zoom greater than x2 (the same as the beta).

Last edited by Garan : 07-16-2013 at 07:31 PM.
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Unread 07-12-2013, 03:37 AM  
The Wary
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Question How do you turn it off?

This is very nice. In fact, it is awesome!

BUT ...

once I type /terrainmap show, how do I get /terrainmap hide?

In other words how do I get OUT of the map?

Maybe I am just dense but I can't find any X to click to close the map.

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Unread 07-09-2013, 07:01 PM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Equendil
OMG Garan !

I've manually and painfully identified around 2000 IDs for LIP a few weeks ago (all legacies at each tier and some other stuff), but *this* almost makes me feel sane lol

Nice plugin !

Edit - PS: You most likely won't have crash issues in the future if they delete resources, they'll just show up as the gray beveled 32x32 boxes, it's when you hit existing resources that are DXT textures or resources that aren't images that the client crashes.

Most of the images are in large groups that layout in strips nicely. It's the ones that Turbine changed over time, especially those that have multiple versions for instances and such that were particularly challenging. I wrote a plugin that got data from IRV and allowed me to place the tiles on a grid and then manipulate them in groups as needed ("MapMaker" is quite ugly and will never be published but was absolutely necessary for keeping what little sanity I still have). It was actually kind of fun.

As to the crashes, I've noticed some resource IDs get reused from time to time and what was once a valid image becomes an invalid resource and crashes the client - I've add some code to IRV over the years to help me quickly find and lock those out. I don't recall if this has ever happened specifically with a compass tile and since there are so many versions of some tiles scattered about I hope that it won't (otherwise this plugin won't be particularly useful ).

I played a bit with those legacy IDs from the encoded data in chat item tags. Quite a challenging undertaking itself. Congrats on 2000 IDs!

Last edited by Garan : 07-09-2013 at 07:02 PM.
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Unread 07-09-2013, 04:09 PM  
The Undying
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The tiles for Fangorn forest are still being identified (think of this project as a 19 thousand piece jigsaw puzzle where not all pieces are guaranteed to exist, some pieces are covered in crayon and others are duplicates) so Fangorn looks, um, jumbled and scattered
OMG Garan !

I've manually and painfully identified around 2000 IDs for LIP a few weeks ago (all legacies at each tier and some other stuff), but *this* almost makes me feel sane lol

Nice plugin !

Edit - PS: You most likely won't have crash issues in the future if they delete resources, they'll just show up as the gray beveled 32x32 boxes, it's when you hit existing resources that are DXT textures or resources that aren't images that the client crashes.

Last edited by Equendil : 07-09-2013 at 04:13 PM.
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Unread 07-09-2013, 10:43 AM  
The Undying
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Comming Soon...

I finally got around to finishing IDing the Fangorn tiles and cleaned up the Rhovanion map by removing the instanced area and most of the unused border tiles that were scattered about.

I'm still working on the x4 zoom - I may have to go back and revamp some of the grid display stuff to account for the zoom level but it should be working 'soon'. I will also see about getting the coordinate system working for the first real release - this will result in Moria being placed the correct distance (in Turbine's world coordinates) from Lothlorien as well as Ered Luin and Frostbluff being placed appropriately in Eriador.

As stated in the description, annotations are on the ToDo list but won't be available for quite a while yet (interpret that as several months, probably not even on the "soon" scale).
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