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Unread 02-06-2015, 12:01 AM  
The Undying
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You'll need to make two edits.

moebius92/PartyFrame/LayoutInit.lua, line 37 is:
replace it with:
self:SetTextAlignment(settings.align or Turbine.UI.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft);
moebius92/PartyFrame/Layout/GridIcon.lua, line 34 is:
settings = { x = 5, y = 0, z = 2, w = width - 10, h = size },
replace it with:
settings = { x = 5, y = height - size, z = 2, w = width - 10, h = size, align = Turbine.UI.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter },
You'll need to make sure you keep your modified GridIcon.lua if PartyFrame ever gets another version and you update, but the changes in LayoutInit.lua'll be in any future versions.
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Unread 02-06-2015, 07:11 AM  
The Wary
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Perfect, thank you!
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Unread 02-17-2015, 04:11 PM  
Red Baron
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Hi I am from Ru server I Mod gives this error.

Online\Plugins\moebius92\PartyFrame\Layout\Line.lu a:229: table index is nil
...ine\Plugins\moebius92\PartyFrame\Layout\__init_ _.lua:1: Failed to import package "moebius92.PartyFrame.Layout.Line".
...e Rings Online\Plugins\moebius92\PartyFrame\Main.lua:12: Failed to import package "moebius92.PartyFrame.Layout".
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Unread 02-17-2015, 07:03 PM  
The Undying
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Hmm. Not familiar with the Russian version of LotRO - but looking at the error message, it looks like it's getting confused over the Beorning defaults.

Try adding the following line to moebius92/Misc/Misc.lua (after, say, line 2):
Turbine.Gameplay.Class.Beorning = 214;
I'm working with the assumption that the Russian version isn't up to date with Beornings or the Beorning LUA bits that got added. Not sure why/if they're missing, though.
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Unread 02-18-2015, 08:58 AM  
Red Baron
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Thank you very much, this helped. We update come out much later. you already have the U14, and we only U13.

Last edited by Red Baron : 02-18-2015 at 08:58 AM.
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Unread 03-09-2015, 02:31 PM  
The Wary

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Really hoping you can help me with this. When I go to load the addon I get these error messages. I play on a laptop so I really hope to get this working to make my ui space for efficient. I would appreciate any help, thank you.

...Rings Online\Plugins\moebius92\ColorBar\ColorBar.lua:8: attempt to call global 'class' (a nil value)
...Rings Online\Plugins\moebius92\ColorBar\__init__.lua:1: Failed to import package "moebius92.ColorBar.ColorBar".
...e Rings Online\Plugins\moebius92\PartyFrame\Main.lua:5: Failed to import package "moebius92.ColorBar".
...Rings Online\Plugins\moebius92\ColorBar\ColorBar.lua:8: attempt to call global 'class' (a nil value)
...Rings Online\Plugins\moebius92\ColorBar\__init__.lua:1: Failed to import package "moebius92.ColorBar.ColorBar".
...e Rings Online\Plugins\moebius92\PartyFrame\Main.lua:5: Failed to import package "moebius92.ColorBar".
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Unread 03-19-2015, 03:55 AM  
The Undying
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You're missing the basic Turbine Lua files. You can get them here. (And probably a couple other places.)
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Unread 03-20-2015, 08:05 PM  
The Wary

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Thank you for getting me on the right path to making this work. I am now able to use the addon which helps when playing on a laptop and I don't have the luxury of a large monitor to fit all the UI frames in nicely.
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Unread 04-04-2015, 08:55 AM  
The Wary

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Raid member added (in German client) - what now?

Hello Moebius,

first of all, let me say THANK YOU for this great plugin - I really appreciate the time and effort going into this, and I would love to use it. When I played around with it, there are so many things that this does bettern than the default UI.

As you write, the plugin does not seem to detect when someone joins the raid (Update: party works, but not raid). It does detect it (and refresh) when someone leaves the group / raid.

What can I do when someone joins, so that I get the correct display?
-> Complete reload of this plugin (and all others) works, yes, but is not very nice, of course.

Edit3: After extensive testing with some of my kin mates we come to the conclusion that it does not work on a German client, whereas the English client seems to work. Everything else is identical. A kin mate actually switched from German client (not working) to English, kept all settings for all plugins, and saw that it worked.
Edit4: Thanks to Marloo on our Server, here is the fix for that (simple translation issue.
in \Plugins\moebius92\PartyFrame\StringResources.lua row 76 should be
S.JoinMessage	= { en = "^.* has joined your Raid%.", de = "^.* hat sich Eurem Schlachtzug angeschlossen%.", fr = "^.* a rejoint votre raid%." };

Edit1: also, it seems that there is a problem with saving a profile, at least on the German client. When entering a name and hitting save, that name is not in the profile list afterwards, and the next time you load the plugin, the position will be default again.
Here is the workaround / fix for the position reset of the window: in \Plugins\moebius92\PartyFrame\PartyFrameWindow.lua , remove the comments in row 168 and 169:
--self.x = settings.x;
--self.y = settings.y;
so that it works.
I don´t know of any side effects, haven´t noticed any, but I assume these comments were there for a reason.

Edit2: updated text to indicate only raid is affected, not party

Edit3: clarified that German client is involved.

Edit4: solution proposed.

Last edited by Rafaello : 04-06-2015 at 04:12 AM.
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Unread 04-06-2015, 01:32 PM  
The Undying
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Wow. Thank you for finding the fix for that. (Either Turbine changed the join string, or I just guessed using Google translate. I'm thinking it might be the Google translate case, but I somehow managed to get the French join string correct...)

The setting position lines are commented out because I don't want my copy to move around - the default position is my preferred position. So it's great if you're me, and not so great otherwise. I've uncommented them and added some code so that the position will also be linked to the /ui layout command.

Okay, now I'm trying to track down the profile bug you're seeing. I've found a couple bugs in the way that the profiles/setups work that weren't intended, but the entire thing is so badly documented, no one may have noticed. That said, here's what I'm trying/seeing:

Start up the german client, and log in. Do a /pf optionen. I'm in Line mode, using the default control options. I select the "L1" control. Create a new effect "test" in the L1 control. Go to the setup name bar at the bottom of the window, and type "blah" as the name. And then I hit the "Speichern" button. Afterwards, I hit the down triangle at the right of the setup name bar, and I see "blah" is on the list of saved setups, and that the L1 button is now greenish.

So everything seems to be working okay in the above test case for me - what exactly are you seeing?

(Also, if you've got any suggestions for the German strings, let me know. I basically wrote them by stealing strings from the German version of Notepad++, the LotRO client, and using Google translate.)

Edit: I suppose I should describe how setups/profiles (I'm going to refer to them as profiles from here on) are supposed to work. You pick a profile name, and then for each control whose configuration you want to save, you go to that control, and hit the save button. That'll turn the control button green, and will mean that any time you load the profile, those controls' configurations will be restored to whatever was saved in the profile. When you hit the delete button, it's supposed to change the profile so it no longer saves the current control's configuration - at the moment it just deletes the profile.

Also when you switch profiles using the drop down menu, the control button colors should change to reflect the currently selected control.

Last edited by moebius92 : 04-06-2015 at 03:00 PM.
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Unread 04-07-2015, 12:46 PM  
The Wary

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Hi Moebius,

We really appreciate that you´ll take our suggestions for corrections and put them into the plugin - thanks! By "we" I refer to some folks in our kin on the Gwaihir server, and a few others as well - over the last few weeks us folks have discovered this plugin and started to use it, gradually discovering issues and fixing them where possible (with our somewhat limited knowledge on Plugins, API, and LUA in general). Still, it´s actually a lot of fun - some of us have raiding background in other MMOs, where a certain plugin named GRID and PartyFrame have some similarities , and ´ve set out to see how much we can close the gap.

As for the profile thing:
Thanks for clarifying how profiles are supposed to work. Turns out we have been using them not quite as intended, although even with the explanation we are not able to make them work:
In my (German) client, when I enter a Name, say "Test", into the profile field and hit save, it does not seem to be really saved. Neither does it show up in teh dropdown list (which remains empty), nor does it restore the state of a control when you manually enter the profile name and hit load. Not sure if this helps you to idenfity the issue.

For German translations, we´ll see what we can do :-), but no promises. Let me talk to one of the guys who has been going over these texts anyway.

With regards to a few extensions to the current code, would you be able to point me into the right direction?
Coming from Grid (in WOW), what we´d like to achieve is that the bars (in Grid or Grid Icon mode) fill vertically instead of horizontally. Any hints how this might be possible?
Also, I´ve been adding a few lines of code so that the amount of morale lost on any given raid member will show instead of the name if morale isn´t topped off, to assist our healers to choose the appropriate heal spell (simply extending UpdateMorale(), basically). However, I´ve had people ask for an extension, which I am not quite sure how to tackle: instead of replacing the name with number of morale points lost, they ask for the name to be displayed and the morale loss to be visible separately. I´ve tried to write it all into the same string (still abusing the name field), but that can easily consume too much space. So I´ve been thinking: would it be possible to have a new field for the morale lost (or, as some would prefer, the current morale vs the max value)?Like:
<Player name>
<something else, like icons for curable debuffs>
<current morale / max morale>
instead of just the player name tag.

If this is not something you think can be added into the standard plugin, would you be able to point me into the right direction: where would I need to add such a new field, where would I add the configuration, and how do I hook into the existing events to make it work?

Would really appreciate any suggestions.

Keep up the awesome work!

Best regards, Rafaello
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Unread 04-07-2015, 08:52 PM  
The Undying
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Hmm. Let me hold off on thinking about the upgrades you'd need. Although, I will say, your best bet is to make a bunch of new controls in whichever layout you're working with, and then get them to display the correct text.

So, like in layout/Grid.lua, add a new element in the layout table - make it a copy of the Name element or something, give it an appropriate name, location, size, and then change the element to MyElement (or whatever you want to call it), and then go to LayoutInit.lua, and say make a copy of the PMCName class, change it to the MyElement class, and then remove the :SetName function, and add a :SetMorale function (see PMCMorale for an example of the arguments a :SetMorale function should expect to receive).

And while the above might be a solution to what you want, I'd like to avoid make a bunch of special purpose text string element classes, and see if I can generalize one appropriately.

Okay, next, onto profiles - are you hitting the "enter" key after naming the new profile or just clicking on the save button? Because the way every single text field in PartyFrames should work is - "enter" is the commit button - once you hit this, whatever value you've entered into the text field will become the new value for that text field. On the other hand, clicking outside of the text field (and causing it to lose focus) is the cancel option - this indicates that you don't want to save whatever you've entered into that text field, and instead you'd like get the value that was in that was stored in that field before you started messing with it to be restored. Most of the time that makes sense - but it is kinda screwy in this case.
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Unread 04-08-2015, 07:41 AM  
The Wary

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Hi Moebius,

thanks a bunch for the hints, I was able to achieve what our healers requested: a new label n the middle of each Grid element indicating how much morale has been lost, or if someone is dead - and it won´t display anything if morale is full.

What I am struggling with now is making it generic.

I am able to add several indicators into the options context menu, for instance one for "morale lost", one for "morale percentage", and one for "morale actual vs max". Each of them would be one way how this new label is filled during runtime.

The problem I face is that I am unable to find the place where I can get that information in UpdateMorale(). I think I would need some kind of if..else to determine how exactly to calculate the text that is displayed in my new field, depending on whether this is a percentage value, or the amount of morale points missing, etc. So how can I get from a control to the configuration (the indicators selected by the user in the options)?
I assume you are doing something similar already for the name field (which seems to carry multiple indicators), like changing its color depending on the status, but I am too stupid to find where you do this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

As for the profile thing: thanks for clarifying, indeed I have been using it incorrectly. Following your steps I am able to save a specific list for one indicator (or more than one) - so about the only thing left is that this new profile seems to be in the selection list only after the plugin was reloaded. This is only a minor issue, so my apologies for bothering you.

Best regards,

Edit: if you want to have a look at my code, let me know.

Last edited by Rafaello : 04-08-2015 at 09:16 AM.
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Unread 04-08-2015, 06:38 PM  
The Undying
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No worries - I'm not sure it's accurate to say you've been using the profiles wrong, but rather that it's been badly documented, and possibly the current implementation is incorrect. I'm a big believer in the principle of least surprise for UI design.

I'll try to get an updated version uploaded soonish. (Although that'll just cover things that you've gotten working correctly already.)

Beyond that, it looks like I'm going to be fairly busy in a couple weeks, so at the moment my primary focus in LotRO's going to be doing some data collection that's only really convenient to do while Bullroarer's up. Being able to get arbitrarily leveled creeps and freeps (and not having to worry about TPs and MCs) makes some skill testing a lot simpler on Bullroarer. So, unfortunately, anything beyond bug fixing will probably take a while.
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Unread 04-09-2015, 03:06 PM  
The Wary

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Hi Moebius,

great, looking forward to the next version then. In the meantime, I´ll just provide a version for the kin mates that also use it, and extend it gradually myself. If you are interested, I can share my code changes with you, which might save you some time when you ultimately put in some of the features yourself. Let me know.

Would you be able to throw me a bone on the issue I am still chasing?

In UpdateMorale(), I´d like to fill my new field with different texts depending on what has been configured by the user in the options. I´ve got the options, their translations and a few other things nailed down. It works for hard-coded versions of the different texts, no problem. But the generic version... That however would require me to know what the configuration was, for a given control / indicator, during runtime. So how can I access the configuration value for an indicator from the control, or the main window?
Is there any way to find out about that? I figured it might be the control.groups property?

Thanks a lot in advance!
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