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Category: Outdated LotRO InterfacesLilayna's Skin Mix 1.1
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Name: Lilayna's Skin Mix 1.1   Popular!
Date: 02-09-2012 07:02 PM
Size: 2.41 MB
Version: Lilayna's Skin
Rate File: 5 out of 5 with 1 votes  
Click to enlarge 

Views: 0
Size: 160.02 Kb
Dimensions: 1024 x 768
Window Sample 1
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Views: 0
Size: 147.78 Kb
Dimensions: 1024 x 768
Window Sample 2
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Views: 0
Size: 324.80 Kb
Dimensions: 1920 x 1080
Transparent Map Tracker
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Views: 0
Size: 181.75 Kb
Dimensions: 1250 x 1100
Vitals and Minimap
This is a UI Skin that I compiled from three different UI Skins that I found on this site with some small changes and additions.

Special Thanks and Credit
I would like to give credit and thanks to Jack, creator of ''Jack's Redpin 1.0'' for most of the information that I used from his UI Skin; Brygard, whom Jack acquired the foundation for the dressing room; SuperCraft, whom Jack obtained the crafting panel from; Chevrefeuille, creator of ''Greenleaves for F2P (Lotrostore)'' for the vitals and hope/dread minimap in which I was able to use and alter; and also, Hazado, creator of the ''Transparent Map Tracker''

I'm going to pretend that you have never downloaded or used a custom UI SKin for Lotro. With that said, you need to open your ''My Documents'' folder, open ''Lord of the Rings Online'' folder, create a new folder and name it ''UI'', inside the ''UI'' folder, create another folder called ''Skins''. Unzip Lilayna's Skin Mix 1.0.zip into this folder (''Skins''). Your file path should look something like this: My Documents>Lord of the Rings Online>UI>Skins>Lilayna's Skin Mix 1.0
Once the file is unzipped into the proper folder, start of the LotRO game (if not already started). Once logged in and in game with one of your characters, go to your options panel by either pressing ctrl+O, or pressing esc and clicking the ''optoins'' tab. In the options window, click the ''UI Settings'' tab on the right. In ''UI Settings'', scroll down to the area highlighted ''Misc'', go to ''Current User Skin'', click on the arrow in the box next to it (which, I believe says, ''NONE,'' by default) and you should find ''Lilayna's Skin Mix 1.0'' in the. Select it...aaaannd...viola!

I hope you like it. If anyone has any comments or requests for alterations, or you find any bugs in the layout, feel free to leave a comment!


2. Large update coming soon.
a. All of the silver will be gold and the dominant color will be orange/brown.
b. Taking out the boxes for the lvls on the vital bars.
c. Changing the vital bars for skirmishes, instances , and the rest I can find (which I'm pretty sure is all of them).
d. I will be working to make the windows more transparent than they are currently. The next step will be to re-size some of the windows.
If you have any suggestions on any windows you would personally like re-sized and what pixel dimension, please leave a comment stating such. If you provide a reason for your suggestion, it just may help put it at the top of the list if it makes a lot of sense to me. I'm asking for suggestions because I currently play the game in a low resolution, so what may be good for me, may be insufficient for someone playing with a higher resolution.

1. Lowered the opacity on the eye in the minimap when you have high dread, so you can still see you map

Please leave comments on what you think about the skin as it will be undergoing a lot of development over time and it would better help me to know what does and doesn't need changed.
Archive List (Old Versions)
File Name
UI Skin
2.40 MB
02-08-2012 06:01 PM
File Statistics
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5 out of 5 with 1 votes
Downloads: 7222
Views: 31037
Favorites: 2
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Last Modified: 02-20-2012 07:15 PM by Lilayna    

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