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Unread 04-01-2011, 07:43 PM  
The Wary

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Monster Play?

Is this only functional in Monster Play? I'm just wondering, because there are no icons on most of the maps in mine, and I don't do Monster Play. Please help.
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Unread 03-27-2011, 04:11 PM  
The Undying
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Re: Thanks & acouple of requests

Originally Posted by Crackpot370
First: Awesome plugin! Just what I was looking for.

Second: A couple of request ideas for later updates.

I'd love to be able to use different icons for each of the different gathering professions (one for prospecting, one for branches, etc)
Already in 1.03 (although, after using it for a while I found I didn't like my icons so I'm playing with more colorful choices)
Originally Posted by Crackpot370
I'd love to be able to use the filter to display just prospecting deposits or branches, etc. This would make it much easier to plan a traveling route at a glance when I'm out gathering.

(Of course I'd love to be able to filter by copper, tin, silver, iron, etc, but that sounds like a LOT of work to add.)
Also already in 1.03 with separate filters for Ore, Wood and Scholar with Tier filtering for each. Since most ore nodes can spawn one of two types of node with differing probabilities assigned per node, it didn't make sense to track the specific node type, just the tier (unfortuately that's not optimal for tier 6 where there are 4 types split between copper/tin and gold/iron).
EDIT: Cooking ingredients don't track Tier since there are far too many of them to handle efficiently.

Originally Posted by Crackpot370
I really like the idea you already had to be able to just click a deposit/branch/whatever & auto-add it to the map.

Is it possible to show the toon's location on the map? That would be nice, but sounds like it could a lot of work depending on how they set up the APIs.
Lua does not currently have access to player location information.

Last edited by Garan : 03-27-2011 at 08:34 PM.
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Unread 03-27-2011, 03:54 PM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by The Old One
This is very useful on my SoftTH 3 display setup
Thanks, glad you find it useful
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Unread 03-27-2011, 03:10 PM  
The Wary
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Thanks & acouple of requests

First: Awesome plugin! Just what I was looking for.

Second: A couple of request ideas for later updates.

I'd love to be able to use different icons for each of the different gathering professions (one for prospecting, one for branches, etc)

I'd love to be able to use the filter to display just prospecting deposits or branches, etc. This would make it much easier to plan a traveling route at a glance when I'm out gathering.

(Of course I'd love to be able to filter by copper, tin, silver, iron, etc, but that sounds like a LOT of work to add.)

I really like the idea you already had to be able to just click a deposit/branch/whatever & auto-add it to the map.

Is it possible to show the toon's location on the map? That would be nice, but sounds like it could a lot of work depending on how they set up the APIs.
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Unread 03-27-2011, 11:39 AM  
The Old One
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This is very useful on my SoftTH 3 display setup
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Unread 03-26-2011, 12:38 PM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Artanor
Thanks for the tips that's working out great. This did get me thinking though is there a way of doing this by sticking them all into some kind of file that could be loaded into the map ?

I have already collected a lot of node locations into a spreadsheet by turning on the chat log to file and then setting up a quickslot button with a macro: \say ;target - ;loc

So I get a line in the chat like this: Tin Deposit - Eriador: The Delving Fields: 31.2S, 73.3W

I then just filtered these out of the log-file using Excel.

If these could be imported in somehow that would be great. if not I guess I can just go around nodes again when version 1.3 is released and use the quickslot button you are going to implement.

Thanks for the interest. It is certainly possible to import data but a generic, dependable import mechanism would be a significant job and only usable by a small handful of people at this time. I have PM'd you some additional information.

I will probably eventually implement an Export/Import mechanism so that people can share annotations easily but there are a number of other features (and even a fix or two) that are higher priority at this time.

Last edited by Garan : 03-26-2011 at 01:11 PM.
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Unread 03-26-2011, 06:59 AM  
The Wary

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Thanks for the tips that's working out great. This did get me thinking though is there a way of doing this by sticking them all into some kind of file that could be loaded into the map ?

I have already collected a lot of node locations into a spreadsheet by turning on the chat log to file and then setting up a quickslot button with a macro: \say ;target - ;loc

So I get a line in the chat like this: Tin Deposit - Eriador: The Delving Fields: 31.2S, 73.3W

I then just filtered these out of the log-file using Excel.

If these could be imported in somehow that would be great. if not I guess I can just go around nodes again when version 1.3 is released and use the quickslot button you are going to implement.

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Unread 03-25-2011, 09:36 PM  
The Undying
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Re: Precision Question

Originally Posted by Stever1388
Hi. This is a great tool for keeping track of resource nodes but I seem to have an issue adding POI's that are very close together. There are often spawns of say berries very close by too ore deposits and when I try to add one instead of adding it it just updates the close-by POI instead. Is there a way I can stop this ?

Thanks for your feedback.

The solution depends slightly on how you are adding the POIs. Since many nodes aren't tied to a single possible spawn location but either a region or series of locations, it is usually suitable to have one annotation per type per coordinate. That said, it is still possible to add multiple annotations, even exact duplicates, using the Annotation Maintenance window.

If you want to track multiple POIs that are very close together, the best way is to use the Annotation Maintenance window by right clicking the map at the desired coordinates and selecting "Add Annotation". Make sure that when you click "Add Annotation" that the dropdown list in the Annotation Maintenance window shows "New" (if it shows an existing annotation, change it to "New"). If there are multiple POIs at the same coordinates, after clicking "Save", you can select "New" from the drop down list and enter the name and description of another POI at the same coordinates and repeat as needed. Note that although the coordinates default to 1 decimal place, you can enter coordinates to more than one decimal place if needed. They will only display a single decimal place, but the extra digits will be retained and can be used to fine tune placement of the annotation icon. The Annotation Maintenance window does not enforce uniqueness of names or coordinates so it is possible to add two exactly identical annotations if you really wanted to.

When the annotation window is open and the mouse hovers over an annotation, the dropdown list selects the annotation that you hovered over so that when editing multiple annotations, you can easily select the right annotation with the mouse and then edit it - just be sure not to hover over a different annotation before you save your changes.

If you are using the "Ping" command (see the Readme.txt file) to add annotations, existing annotations on the same map with the same name within 1 coordinate unit are seen as being a duplicate - this is to prevent duplication of entries for things like NPCs that path or areas that may have slightly different coordinates in different third party databases. I would not recommend using "Ping" to add personal annotations.

Version 1.03 has a quickslot control that will allow you to add your current position and target as a POI with just a single click. In the case of Ore, Wood, and Scholar nodes it even tracks the type and tier of the node for better filtering - it doesn't track type and tier for cooking ingredients because there are too many varieties to handle efficiently. If the coordinates match multiple maps (ex. locations in Archet will match Archet, Breeland and Eriandor) the annotation will be added to all maps that match. This can be really handy in the case of ore nodes because you can look at the Eriador map and filter by type and tier to see where the nodes of the desired type were located, then zoom in to the area map and see the nodes closer. You can also put the shortcut into any of the built-in Quickslots so that you can use the keyboard to add the annotation instead of a mouse click. The quickslot control will look for duplicates and reject any annotation that already has an existing value on the same map with the same name at the same coordinates. (version 1.03 is still in testing and may not be available for a week or more, I just wanted to give you an idea of what's on the horizon to make your task easier).

Last edited by Garan : 03-25-2011 at 09:41 PM.
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Unread 03-25-2011, 07:50 PM  
The Wary

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Precision Question

Hi. This is a great tool for keeping track of resource nodes but I seem to have an issue adding POI's that are very close together. There are often spawns of say berries very close by too ore deposits and when I try to add one instead of adding it it just updates the close-by POI instead. Is there a way I can stop this ?

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Unread 03-23-2011, 11:12 PM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Jaylaxel

Originally Posted by Garan
I'm currently working on expanding to include all of the Parchment maps. I've made some significant design changes so that I can eventually include all of the dungeons/instances as well.
This is the number 1 requested addon. Even my kinnies who don't want to mess with addons for lotro, WOULD, if they could get this map annotation for all the parchment maps and dungeons.
You might want to setup a facebook page for donations, link it to the main lotro forums...lol..whatever you need. Keep up the good work!
Thanks. You'll be happy to know that ver 1.02 with all of the parchment maps was uploaded today (without most of the default data, but the maps and the ability to add your own annotations are there).
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Unread 03-23-2011, 02:03 PM  
The Wary

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I'm currently working on expanding to include all of the Parchment maps. I've made some significant design changes so that I can eventually include all of the dungeons/instances as well.
This is the number 1 requested addon. Even my kinnies who don't want to mess with addons for lotro, WOULD, if they could get this map annotation for all the parchment maps and dungeons.
You might want to setup a facebook page for donations, link it to the main lotro forums...lol..whatever you need. Keep up the good work!
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Unread 03-11-2011, 01:39 AM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Almagnus1
Very nice addon =)

A very awesome addition would be server specific presets, to help people new to the 'Moors or a particular server get used to the lingo used =)

To help with this.....

I'm currently working on expanding to include all of the Parchment maps. I've made some significant design changes so that I can eventually include all of the dungeons/instances as well. The only map that doesn't work well is the "Middle Earth" map since Eregion and Rhovanion use different coordinate systems for some bizarre reason (i.e. someone at Turbine didn't think far enough ahead and dropped the ball in a big way when designing the world coordinates for SoA). I just wish that user position was available via Lua, it would make this SOOOOO much more useful.

I'll look into the server specific idea - since the new version has the map data already in separate files, it would be fairly simple to allow the user to decide which map data file to import for the ettenmoors map.
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Unread 03-10-2011, 07:24 PM  
The Undefeated
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Very nice addon =)

A very awesome addition would be server specific presets, to help people new to the 'Moors or a particular server get used to the lingo used =)

To help with this.....
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Unread 02-28-2011, 04:54 PM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Stever1388
Very nice and useful.

I get this error though, when I click on map points and other places on the map: "Plugins\GaranStuff\MoorMap\PopUpDialog.lua:43 : Failed to load background image."

From looking at the code, it looks like it uses the same resources as your alt inventory plugin, but if one hasn't installed that plugin, they don't have those resources to load.
Thanks for reporting that one. You are correct, I missed four of the icons. I've made some other minor fixes to the Annotation Maintenance window so I'll be putting up a new version tonight including this fix.

Last edited by Garan : 02-28-2011 at 04:57 PM.
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Unread 02-28-2011, 04:41 PM  
The Undying
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Very nice and useful.

I get this error though, when I click on map points and other places on the map: "Plugins\GaranStuff\MoorMap\PopUpDialog.lua:43 : Failed to load background image."

From looking at the code, it looks like it uses the same resources as your alt inventory plugin, but if one hasn't installed that plugin, they don't have those resources to load.
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