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Category: Bags, Bank & InventoryAlt Inventory
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Name: Alt Inventory   Popular!
Date: 12-03-2023 10:54 AM
Size: 279.31 Kb
Version: 3.10
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Alt Inventory 3.0
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Using filter on "ALL" display to quickly find all Travelling Rations. Detail pop-up shown
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Minimal Header view for those who don't want the "Turbine Vault" look.
If you are an altaholic like me, you have spent countless hours logging characters in and out looking for where you put crafting supplies or trophies. Alt Inventory allows you to view a snapshot of your alt's bag inventory, vault and shared storage without leaving game so that you know which character has how many of which items.

NOTE: THIS AND ALL OTHER INVENTORY PLUGINS ONLY HAVE ACCESS TO BAGS, EQUIPPED ITEMS, VAULT AND SHARED STORAGE CURRENTLY. There is no access to Housing Storage or Wardrobe. As soon as Turbine grants Lua plugins access to any other form of storage I and most other developers will add that to our plugins.

Alt Inventory allows you to quickly and easily view all of your inventory for your character, your alts, all vaults, and shared storage in one view. You can filter the display by item category or enter a case-insensitive search (accent-insensitive as well so this works for DE and FR clients as well!) for an item by name. You can sort the view by Name, reverse Name, Category or Quality. You can also choose to display icons and text, text only or icons only. The window is resizable and movable, will disappear for clean screenshots and can be opened from an icon when desired or by the chat command "/altinventory show".

New for version 3.09, you can now define Groups for your Inventory. See the version log and latest post for more details.

As this is a fairly complicated new feature, I will be publishing a video demonstrating how to define and use Groups.

Version 3.0 now focuses only on inventory display. The Item Tracking features are now a separate plugin, ItemTracker and all non-inventory displays will be in AltViewer. This separation of functionality allows the plugin to function far more efficiently as well as allowing all of the inventories to be merged into a single display.

Quantity details can be viewed by hovering over the name of the item. In the "ALL" view, this will display how many of the item are in each type of storage by character. In an individual storage view (single character, vault or Shared Storage) the detail will show how many are in each container within that storage ("Chests" for vaults and Shared Storage and "Bags" for character).

Tooltips will display when you hover over the icon of any item that your current character can access - if you open your vault, then any item in the vault will show a tooltip even after leaving the vault-keeper until you unload the plugin. Items with a grey and red dotted border will not display a tooltip.

Known Issues:

Future plans: Fix known issues

___________________Version Log____________________
NOTE: I have cleared the version log since 3.0 is a significant code change from prior versions and the bugs/fixes from the prior versions are no longer relevant. The change log now starts with version 3.01. The "Version History.txt" however does cover all prior versions.
Ver 3.10
Fixed bug that prevented resizing undocked group panels
Fixed bug that would cause undocked panels with no items to show a gold background due to the item list being empty
Fixed bug in display mode buttons (text only, icon+text, icon only) which generated an error and prevented switching display modes.
Added "Save as Default" and "Load Default" to Group maintenance. Now you can define your group setup once, save it as a default setup and then load it on each alt so you don't have to manually set it up all over again for each alt. Once loaded, you can still customize each alt's view if desired, this just makes it easy to save any common groups you may want to load on an alt
Zoom mechanism and UI fonts have been completely revamped to enable icon zooming and user selected fonts while still enabling the custom groups. This should be a more flexible approach, allowing users to select the size/face of the font to use and eliminating some odd scaling issues as well as the resizing race condition that was added with the Groups functionality that was locking up the client when zoomed.
Updated options window to support user selected fonts
Added Timing Delay to options window - this delay is used to fix some of the bizarre timing issues with rendering embedded controls using stretchmode. If you are experiencing issues with the item controls not rendering properly at zooms>1 then you can try to increase these times slightly - it will slow down the response of the window to many events but should eliminate many issues with rendering. This time is expressed in seconds, so .01 will add 1 hundredth of a second to the delay. Note, this delay ONLY affects the plugin when zoom>1
Fixed a long standing bug in drop-down list sizing that cropped off the bottom of the list at certain font sizes
Fixed a bug introduced in 3.09 that could generate an error message (but was otherwise harmless) when detaching items from mail if the UI had not yet been displayed
Added a height lock to undocked group windows. You can now specify a specific height for a window. You can enable height locking on the Group Maintenance window or by right clicking the Title bar in the group window and selecting "Max Height" from the menu. Once height locked, a border will appear at the bottom of the window when the group is not docked. You can drag that border to resize the group window. If you right click the border, you can turn height locking off and the window will again grow and shrink based on the number of items in the group.
This will help alleviate the situation where a group extends all the way to the bottom of the screen before displaying a scrollbar but the user would like a smaller window (with a scrollbar).
Improved some processng (although there is still room for further improvement) when swapping inventory dislays or filtering/searching.
Note: the first access to the "All" inventory display after loading the plugin will still have a significant delay (usually less than 10 seconds but it can be longer if you have a great many alts, a mechanical hard drive, or a slower computer) since the data is not accessed until "All" is selected to cut down on plugin load time.
Note: if using zoom>1, you will likely see icons briefly displaying outside the plugin's window as you change displays, scroll, expand/collapse, etc. This is due to a bug in the SetStrechMode API call that allows controls to display outside their parent (bounding) control which requires a calculation to determine which icons need to be hidden to prevent displaying outside their parent. This means that items being scrolled will have their icons disappear at the top and bottom of the list so as not to display partially outside the list. It's not perfect but works.
Implemented the improved DropDownList (from MoorMap) for the Filter list. This allows typing part of a category name and the filter list will display only those filters that contain the typed portion - with the growing list of categories, currently over 250, this seemed a useful feature to implement here. Note, the category filter list will only display the categories that actually exist in one of the currently displayed windows (either docked or un-docked) so the entire 256 list of entries may not always be shown even without user entered text (there's no point allowing filtering on a category that has no items on the current display, the absence of the filter should be sufficient if you really want to know that there are no matching items)
Fixed an issue that arose when SSG removed the "Corsair" item category in U38.
Fixed bug in GroupMaint that could cause an error creating a new group depending on current display settings.
Updated DE/FR translations to include missing translations upto U38 (inclusive)

Ver 3.09.01 This is just a couple of bug fixes for 3.09. Note, Zoom remains disabled, this release only fixes the two bugs noted below.
Fixed Search/Filter bug - search text and filter choices are now properly applied
Fixed Display Mode - the Display Mode (text only, icon & text, icon only) is now properly applied

Ver 3.09
NOTE: ZOOM IS TEMPORARILY DISABLED IN VER 3.09 - due to a client crash issue arising from a conflict with the new group displays, the zoom feature is currently disabled. I will be looking into this ASAP and hope to have a solution soon. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the crash, it may take awhile to debug it.
Users that wish to continue using Zoom should NOT install version 3.09

Updated the Item Category table for all of the categories missing through U37
Added display Groups. You can now define groups for your inventory displays. The items displayed in a group can be defined by category or item name or custom item name (for unique crafted items)
Item Groups can now have a floating display or be docked in the regular inventory display. When floating, they will be visible at all times (except when the UI is hidden) but can be collapsed so that only the header shows.
All Item Groups can be collapsed, whether floating or in the regular inventory display.
So, if you want the gear you switch to for DPS to all be displayed together, create a Group named "DPS" and then drag each of your DPS gear items to that group. Note, items are still unique, so they can only exist in one group at a time. If an item is used for DPS and, say, tanking, it would be best to have a "Gear" group as well for such shared items
When docked, Groups can be moved up or down in the display list so that you can better organize your groups.
The initial "Main" group is a catch-all and can not have any criteria added to it. All items not assigned to another group will be displayed in the main group. You can, however rename the Main group (but it will still be the main group)
Each type of inventory can have its own set of display groups, ALL, Bags, Vault, and Shared. You can alternately set groups to use the Bags display groups if desired.
To create a new group, simply right click on the display header or any group header and choose "New", fill in a name and some criteria (or it will be empty) and click "Add".
To rename a group or update criteria, simply right click the group header, update the name or add the items to criteria (you can type names or drag an instance of the item to one of the criteria lists) and click Save.
To delete a group, right click the header and select "Delete" - there is a confirmation dialog, but after confirming, it can not be undone (you will have to recreate the group)
To add criteria, either type a name and click "Add" or drag an item to one of the criteria lists. You can manually check/uncheck categories in the Category criteria. Note, if you try to add a name or category to more than one group of the same inventory type (bags, vault, shared, etc) you will get an error. Remove the item/category from the existing group before trying to add it to a different group.
To remove criteria, on the group maintenance window, either right click a criteria and click "Remove" or click the "Clear" button to remove all criteria of that type from the group.

Ver 3.08
Fixed bug in "Show ALL" that did not automatically refresh view after resetting search text.
Added Equipped Items display - character name with ' (EI)' - there is no "ALL" version of EI (it wouldn't make sense).
Note: Equipped Items do not count toward your inventory totals since they are not in your bags or storage
Due to limitations in the API, tooltips will only display for the logged in character - only the Item Name is displayed when hovering over equipped items for alts
Known issue: the "item wear" mannequin currently only updates when the display is refreshed

Ver 3.07
Added ability to Zoom the interface for large screens. To zoom, open the options window and select one of the zoom options at the bottom of the General Options tab.
NOTE: Due to underlying inconsistancies in the handling of sizing when a window is stretched (zoomed), the built-in resizing had to be disabled. To resize the inventory window when zoomed, hold either Alt or Shift and then drag the border (or any of the background) of the window to resize
Fixed bug in compact view that would sometimes cause the window to resize improperly.
Fixed but that caused a creep in the positioning and size of the compact window between unloading and reloading the plugin.

Ver 3.06
Fix due to SSG Lua API Listbox change

Ver 3.05
Fixed bug reported by bsmorgan when refreshing vault for "ALL" characters.
Added "Load with ALL View" option requested by bsmorgan

Ver 3.04 Implemented workaround for the bug introduce by U13 when suppressing the built in bags.

Ver 3.03 Minor bug fixes
Fixed bug when turning on "Current bags display total items" with current character selected and then adding an item to inventory reported by Bill Magill.
Reimplemented the "/altinventory toggle" command
Fixed bug when clicking Cancel in Options dialog reported by RJFerret.

Ver 3.02
Re-implemented the ability to utilize the current character items directly from AltInventory
Re-implemented drag/drop for current items both into and out of AltInventory. Note, drag/drop will ONLY work when displaying the current character's bags.
Re-enabled "Replace Bags" option.
Added "Use Mini Icon" option. Changes the 32x32 square icon to a 16x16 round icon suitable for placement on the compass ring.
Fixed a bug which sometimes prevented the Sort from being properly applied when adding an item (items were sometimes being added in incorrect positions).
Fixed the missing quantity column in Text only display
Doubled the width of the item entries for Text only display to allow for extra long item names

Ver 3.01
Minor bug fix for icon positioning typo in DE and FR clients

____________________Installation__________________ __
To install the Alt Inventory plugin, unzip the entire zip file to your Plugins folder. If you had the game running when you installed the plugin, you will have to type "/plugins refresh" or close and restart the game.

To run the plugin, simply load it. Type "/plugins load altinventory" in your game chat window or set the plugin to load automatically from the Turbine Plugin Manager (type "/plugins manager" in chat or access from the System menu).

When you first close the Alt Inventory window, the icon will appear in the lower left corner of your display, you can drag it to any location you want by holding Ctrl while you drag it and the next time it loads it will remember it's location.
Archive List (Old Versions)
File Name
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10-22-2023 09:12 AM
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10-07-2023 07:04 PM
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09-18-2023 06:39 PM
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09-26-2021 11:26 AM
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10-09-2017 04:13 PM
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06-11-2015 06:09 AM
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04-20-2014 10:34 PM
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02-25-2013 04:11 PM
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02-14-2013 11:04 PM
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02-04-2013 08:35 PM
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02-04-2013 09:03 AM
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12-09-2012 09:54 PM
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11-27-2012 10:18 PM
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05-18-2012 07:21 AM
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05-17-2012 03:21 PM
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05-15-2012 10:00 PM
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04-27-2012 10:28 PM
347.02 Kb
04-04-2012 11:50 PM
361.14 Kb
02-17-2012 01:13 PM
339.83 Kb
01-05-2012 12:11 AM
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Last Modified: 12-03-2023 12:55 PM by Garan    

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Unread 10-04-2010, 06:59 PM  
The Undying
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This is just what's in your inventory bag or does it include vault storage for alts also? This is a great idea.
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Unread 10-04-2010, 09:24 PM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by jasonspeed
This is just what's in your inventory bag or does it include vault storage for alts also? This is a great idea.
Turbine does not yet grant us access to Vault, Housing or Shared storage. As soon as they do, that will surely be added but currently it is only Bags.

Last edited by Garan : 10-05-2010 at 08:31 AM.
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Unread 10-05-2010, 03:20 AM  
The Undefeated

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k I give up, what's the ingame command?
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Unread 10-05-2010, 07:18 AM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by keli
k I give up, what's the ingame command?
You install the plugin by unzipping the entire contents of the zip file to your Plugins folder. Then just load the plugin (plugins are loaded by name), there's no additional commands for altinventory. Note, if you had the client running when you unzipped the package you will have to use "/plugins refresh" or close the client and restart it.

/plugins load altinventory

You can get a list of your installed plugins by using "/plugins list"

Last edited by Garan : 10-05-2010 at 08:29 AM.
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Unread 10-05-2010, 08:18 AM  
The Undefeated

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Yeah, I knew that, just thought there might be a shortcut. No matter. Nice job, by the way.

You install the plugin by unzipping the entire contents of the zip file to your Plugins folder. Then just load the plugin (plugins are loaded by name), there's no additional commands for altinventory. Note, if you had the client running when you unzipped the package you will have to use "/plugins refresh" or close the client and restart it.

/plugins load altinventory

You can get a list of your installed plugins by using "/plugins list"
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Unread 10-05-2010, 08:25 AM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by keli
Yeah, I knew that, just thought there might be a shortcut. No matter. Nice job, by the way.
I updated the text with installation/running instructions, hadn't thought of it before. Also added a note on the icon in case people had trouble locating it the first time (it is semi-transparent when the mouse is not over it so it can be easy to miss). Thanks for the feedback.

Last edited by Garan : 10-05-2010 at 01:15 PM.
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Unread 10-05-2010, 09:20 AM  
The Undefeated

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Aha, there's an icon
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Unread 10-05-2010, 02:59 PM  
The Old One
The Undying
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This is very nice I was hoping for something like this.
I hope Turbine gives us vault access soon.
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Unread 10-05-2010, 04:20 PM  
The Wary

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A great idea! A few thoughts:
  • Sort Character names in the main dropdown alphabetically, instead of in the order they were added
  • Add a view for all characters, and then add a column in the table to say which character the items are on
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Unread 10-05-2010, 05:52 PM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by The Old One
This is very nice I was hoping for something like this.
I hope Turbine gives us vault access soon.
Yep, looking forward to Vault, Housing and/or Shared storage. Would be great to get equipped items too.
Thanks for the feedback.

Originally Posted by Crystanor
A great idea! A few thoughts:
•Sort Character names in the main dropdown alphabetically, instead of in the order they were added
•Add a view for all characters, and then add a column in the table to say which character the items are on
Nice idea on the character sort, I totally missed that. It's already implemented in Ver 1.03, comming Soon - if you want to know when that is, ask Patience . OK, it was literally a one line change that took about 15 seconds, wish I'd thought of it sooner.
I will be adding a search function which will display the matching results for all characters on a seperate window. I'll consider the view all idea for the main window but I'm afraid it will clutter the window (I'm stuck with the width I have since I swiped the background from Turbine's Vault, the price I pay for trying to be stylish).
EDIT: After some thought, I am considering a list of all items, where the character names would be hidden until the mouse hovers over the item and the character names and associated quantities could be shown in a popup. This seems like a very intriquing idea, not only because it could be useful, but it will be interesting to implement

Thanks for the feedback, hope you continue to enjoy it

Last edited by Garan : 10-05-2010 at 06:54 PM.
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Unread 10-05-2010, 07:27 PM  
The Undying
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Like it so far, but would like to be able to expand the window like we can with the vault view. Thanks for your effort working on this.
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Unread 10-06-2010, 08:58 PM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Uthboth
Like it so far, but would like to be able to expand the window like we can with the vault view. Thanks for your effort working on this.
Your wish is granted, don't you wish all your wishes were so easy (vertical sizing was already on the drawing board so I managed to squeak it into version 1.03)
Thanks for the feedback.
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Unread 10-07-2010, 12:29 AM  
The Undying
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Thank you and a +rating for you.
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Unread 10-07-2010, 04:13 AM  
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Love it. Any chance of a string filter?
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Unread 10-07-2010, 07:08 AM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Lichbane
Love it. Any chance of a string filter?
I will consider it. I'm not sure how I'll find room for it since the upper panel is pretty full. I may have to stop being lazy and come up with an original background

Thanks for the feedback.

Last edited by Garan : 10-07-2010 at 02:12 PM.
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