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Unread 10-22-2012, 09:21 AM  
The Wary

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1457 error

thank you Arnhor and Chiran for such quick responses.

Following Arnhor's step by step I got to the point of looking at the plugin data file and realized that lotropad had a data file but songbook didn't. Hmmm...known as a clue.

I went to the plugins folder and clicked on the file to generate a music library. It worked, magically a .dat file appeared in plugin.dat and songbook loaded smoothly in game.

So, for me, the easy fix was to take the step to construct the library after downloading the plugin before trying to load the plugin in game.
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Unread 10-22-2012, 08:45 AM  
The Wary

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Originally Posted by Chiran
Truly outstanding assessment of the problem, Arnhor. Thank you, I think I need to revisit this .
Well, I'm really an expert for the '1457 error' because version 1.0 of my WAN Songbook Filler constructed empty tracks, too (from 'misformed' ABC files, or - mostly - just from arbitrary TXT files which happened to reside in the MUSIC folder, for whatever reason). I spent an afternoon to find out why Songbook ran without any problems here by myself, but could not be loaded (because of the '1457 error') at a friend. It turned out that he had some TXT file in his MUSIC folder and that TXT file happened to be index no. 1 in the plugindata file (and, thus, automatically selected at loading).

So I inspected line 1457 (and around) and found out that empty array indices aren't good for Songbook at all - and upgraded to WAN Songbook Filler version 1.1 which inserts at least a 'default track' (no. 1, with empty title) if it doesn't find any.

Of course, something like if array_key_exists(...) ... (or however this is called in LUA) around line 1457 in Songbook itself would surely be the 'cleanest' solution

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Unread 10-22-2012, 08:20 AM  
The Undying
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Truly outstanding assessment of the problem, Arnhor. Thank you, I think I need to revisit this .

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Unread 10-22-2012, 07:40 AM  
The Wary

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This happens when an .ABC (or .TXT) file doesn't have an X: and/or T: header and you are using a Songbook filler which creates empty track records in that case and you select that file within Songbook, or if that file happens to be the first in the SongbookData.plugindata file. You can play those files in LOTRO, but when selecting such a 'trackless' file, Songbook finds an empty array index and crashes (resp. cannot be loadad at all if that file happens to be the first in the array of music files because the first one is selected automatically at loading time).

Possible solutions:
  • Chiran will modify Songbook in a way that it can deal with 'trackless' files (i.e. checks for 'no tracks at all' and internally inserts at least a pseudo-track '1')
  • You look at the file 'Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\PluginData\<your-account-name>\AllServers\SongbookData.plugindata' (just open it with Editor/Notepad) and remove entries where ["Tracks"] = { } (i.e., no tracks at all) or ["Tracks"] = { [1] = { } } (i.e. there is a track, but with no Id) - of course, that file won't show up in Songbook any more
  • Insert a 'dummy track' (just look at the other music files how this is constructed) - not a good idea: you have to type all those [ ] { } , " absolutely correct to make it work, and you have to do this every time again after your Songbook filler has run
  • You identify the 'faulty' music files in the plugindata file (see above) and insert into those music files (again, by Editor/Notepad) two lines at the beginning: "X: 1" and "T: song title" and re-run your Songbook filler
  • You use a Songbook filler which at least inserts a "default track" if no tracks at all are found, like my WAN Songbook Filler
Hope that helps,

Last edited by Arnhor : 10-22-2012 at 08:33 AM.
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Unread 10-21-2012, 07:13 PM  
The Wary

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1457 error

I get the following persistent error when I try to use Songbook. I've repeated the download, erased and repeated the download, and copied a version known to be working and pasted it into my plugins folder and the same error message comes up every time. I am pretty sure my instrument(s) are installed correctly. I can play files within the music system. These attempts are post-RoR.

...gs Online\Plugins\Chiran\Songbook\SongbookWindow.lua: 1457: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

Thank you.

Belwynne on Landroval
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Unread 10-15-2012, 05:21 AM  
The Wary
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Ah yes, I'll keep that in mind. For now you can fix it by opening ToggleWindow.kua with a text editor and changing line 17 to your liking:




if you want it fully opaque.

Hope it helps .

I really needed to check back sooner, wow... cheers and thankyou. Now if only ther servers weren't down I'd be in game testing this edit out
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Unread 10-12-2012, 10:26 AM  
The Wary

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That worked ! Thanks a lot

Danke dir !

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Unread 10-12-2012, 10:13 AM  
The Wary

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Sometimes the 'SongbookSettings.plugindata' file seems to be corrupted (or just a too-old version), then you cannot load it. Deleting it helped me in the past (don't worry, it's re-created automatically). You find it at Documents\The Lord Of The Rings Online\PluginData\<your-account-name>\<server-name>\<character-name>

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Unread 10-12-2012, 09:54 AM  
The Wary

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songbook doesn't load

Hello Chiran

I can load 'songbook' for every Character but one.
If i log in with this char and try to load the programm it says ' loading of songbook not possible' (Laden von 'songbook' nicht möglich)

I don't use turbines plugin-programm

Do you have any idea?

Last edited by Jacinthe : 10-12-2012 at 09:57 AM.
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Unread 10-09-2012, 05:13 AM  
The Undying
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Is it possible to make the Songbook unequip all your weapons when clicking/equipping a instrument through Songbook?
I don't think that is possible, not at least in any automatatic way :-/.

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Unread 10-08-2012, 04:08 PM  
The Wary

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Is it possible to make the Songbook unequip all your weapons when clicking/equipping a instrument through Songbook?
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Unread 09-04-2012, 10:58 AM  
The Undying
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Anyway, I now have finished v1.0 of my "WAN Songbook Filler" (works on LAN, too, of course ). You can download it from http://lotro.hanft.de/wansongbookfiller/ (there's also some explanation on that web site). I don't know exactly how fault-tolerant it is, but it works with our own 5,000+ music files.
Very nice work, thanks!

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Unread 08-30-2012, 06:15 AM  
The Wary

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I noticed that parsing the .abc files can get tricky since the markup definition is so loose. There's also files around that break the already loose structure .
Oh yes, I can tell you a thing or two about it (we don't have big problems here because we created 99% of our ABC files ourselves, using LOTRO Midi Player, and afterwards editing the ABC files by hand, for example, correct some single notes, change the volume of some tracks, or enter a valid track title, and more).

Anyway, I now have finished v1.0 of my "WAN Songbook Filler" (works on LAN, too, of course ). You can download it from http://lotro.hanft.de/wansongbookfiller/ (there's also some explanation on that web site). I don't know exactly how fault-tolerant it is, but it works with our own 5,000+ music files.

While it was utterly needed by our own band, I hope it may help some other LOTRO musicians, too.

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Unread 08-29-2012, 11:28 AM  
The Undying
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Will post my results here when it's finished (and provide some download URL if you want to give it a try).
Sounds good. It also might help some people who are having problems with the .hta version. Btw, personally I noticed that parsing the .abc files can get tricky since the markup definition is so loose. There's also files around that break the already loose structure .

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Unread 08-28-2012, 12:36 PM  
The Wary

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Thank you for your quick reply. I don't dare using /playlist without args any more - the game freezes for at least a minute, even when scanning only local files (I'm just using something like /playlist rootbeer* - this still works somewhat reasonably).

Meanwhile, I have already started a Delphi stand-alone application because I'm a good and fast Delphi programmer, but would need weeks or months with VBA The idea is:
  • scan the directories (including remote directories!) just once,
  • read the (new) "local database" just once, too
  • look for new or changed files, comparing file date/time and size - should be fast because it's only in-memory operations
  • read only new/changed files and fill the local database with the new data
  • write out the local database as LUA plugin data.
What I finished already:
  • Local scanning (without reading) of 5,219 files (date/time and size) - lasts less than 1 second!
  • Writing out the LUA plugin data file (currently only file names, no tracks yet) - in no time, too
Seems that scanning (and getting file date/time and size) is fast, reading (open/read/close) is slow... but when my application is finished, reading is only necessary for new/changed files (this works on local files, too - and thus even local updates should be faster). So it looks pretty good at the moment...

Will post my results here when it's finished (and provide some download URL if you want to give it a try).

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