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Category: Outdated LotRO InterfacesPalantir
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Name: Palantir   Popular!
Date: 11-21-2011 01:29 PM
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Version: 1.10.1
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Palantir - Curable Option enabled - showing bar color effects
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Palantir - Options panel
Palantir is no longer being maintained. Please see this thread for more information

Current Version: 1.10.1


Palantir is a highly customizable Heads-Up Display(HUD) for LotRO that displays critical combat-related information at center-screen in an unobtrusive way. This allows the player to get the information they need without having to take their eyes off of the business at hand, as they would if they were to depend on the default UI elements.
While Palantir is currently limited in what it can display, its limitations stem exclusively from the same limits LotRO’s Lua API does. As the API grows, so too will the amount of information that Palantir can and will display.

  • Player morale and power display
  • morale bar supports "bubble" and dread -new!
  • Curable debuff display with 4 sections that will “light” up if you get the appropriate type (i.e. wound,fear,disease,poison)
  • An option to extend the debuff display to support curables ( potions/skills) with relevant cooldown/count display, to allow for “click to cure”
  • Vitals bars support custom coloring as well as the ability to set two additional colors per bar to display at specific levels
  • Integration with UI Positioning mode (ctrl+\) and Hide UI (F12) with appropriate results
  • The option to display Palantir always, or only in combat.
  • Many, many options (see the below “Options” section for a full list)
Known Issues/Limitations
  • Because the quantity of the slot will not update to zero until after the cooldown, clicking a stack with only one item in it may display zero prematurely - due to alternate methods
  • Due to the same issue, it will only display the quantity of the stack that is added. For instance, if you split a stack of potions, and add one of those stacks to a Debuff Bar quickslot, the count will only show the amount of that stack.
  • Due to the inability to get the cooldown of an item through the API, Palantir assumes that all curables that are not skills are pots – triggering the cooldown meter for all items– when an item is clicked.
  • Due to the above issue, cooldowns are triggered based off of the amount potions in a stack changing. Splitting up a stack that exists on a quickslot will result in the cooldown timer firing.
  • Due to a bug in the API involving quickslots, you may find that the skill in the “1” Position on your main bar is overwriten. This seems to appear when a Plugin quickslot is “emptied” (i.e. you use the last one), but is not exclusive to this situation.

Simply copy the DigitalUtopia folder (ignore the lotroplugin.xml file) from the zip file to your "My Documents/The Lord of the Rings Online/Plugins" folder.

new Palantir now should be compatible with Bredic's LotRO Mod Manager.

Getting Started

Once you’re in the game, load Palantir by typing:

/plugins load palantir

There will be a momentary pause as it loads, followed by the intro animation where you will see the bars fade in and the indicators on the debuff bar “blink” while your morale and power bars “fill up”.
From there, you’re all set . If you want to add pots/skills to the debuff bar, or want to tweak the settings, just type:

/palantir options

The options panel will open up, forcing Palantir to show itself (i.e. if it’s set to show only in combat), and showing 4 quickslots under the debuff bar. You can then easily add pots/skills (don’t forget to set cooldowns!) and change settings until you get something you like. For more information on options/settings, please read the below “Options” section.

Suggestions? Problems? Questions? Found a Bug?

If any of those are true, I definitely want to hear what you have to say and you have three options to make yourself heard:
1) Make a post in the Palantir thread in the Lua Scripting (Beta) Forums at the LotRO forums
2) Send me a PM at the LotRO forums
3) Send me an email at [email protected]
I will do my best to respond, and if applicable address the issue as soon as possible.


The following is a rundown of the Options screen, consisting of 3 panels, and available by typing the command:
/Palantir options
In the chat box once Palantir is loaded.

Main Panel

This panel contains a collection of basic options for all main parts – allowing users to get Palantir to their liking and get back to playing as quickly as possible

This section contains options that deal with the operation and display of Palantir itself, as opposed to the elements within.

Show Only In Combat – When this checkbox is checked, Palantir will hide itself when the player is out of combat, and show itself again as soon as the player enters combat. Otherwise, Palantir will be visible at all times

Out of Combat Criteria - This drop down box gives four options as to when Palantir will hide itself when the player is out of combat(if Show Only In Combat is checked). Vitals 100%, Morale 100%, Power 100% and Out-of Combat. When the player is out of combat, Palantir will stay visible until the selected option is true.

Show Game Vitals – When this checkbox is checked, the default player vitals UI element will continue to be shown, otherwise this will be hidden. NOTE: Palantir is unable to recreate the options in the context menu that appears when you right click on the default vitals. Hiding this element will prevent you from accessing this menu!

Settings Scope – This drop down box allows you to select which way your settings will be saved and loaded (Account,Character,Server). Account will save your settings for any character you play, Character will save it for only your current character, and Server will save your settings so they’re only available when playing on the current server. If using the Curable display on the Debuff bar, and thus have quickslots to save, these will always be saved for the individual character.

Player Vitals
This section contains options that deal with the vertical bars that display player morale and power.

Bar Opacity – This slider will affect the transparency of the bars.

Bar Spacing – This slider changes the amount of space between the player morale and power bars. Moving the slider all the way to the right will result in a total size of around 1,200 pixels from the outside of one bar to the other.

Text Opacity – This slider affects the transparency of the text next to each bar

Debuff Bar
This section contains options that pertain to the Debuff Bar that displays whether or not you have any curable debuffs

Show Debuff Bar – When checked, the Debuff Bar will be displayed – otherwise only the Vitals bars will be shown.

Display Mode – This drop down box will allow the player to choose between showing just the debuff indicators (the 4 colored sections that appear when you get the appropriate debuff) or showing the information and allowing support for slotting potions/skills behind those bars (i.e. “click to cure” functionality.

Bar Opacity – This slider affects the transparency of the Debuff Bar’s background (i.e. what you see when you have no curable debuffs). At this time the cooldown meters and counts for potions/skills are not linked to this – this should change in the future

Debuff Indicator Opacity – This slider affects the transparency of the individual “lights” that appear when you have a curable debuff.

Vertical Position – This slider allows the player to move the position of the Debuff Bar down from its default position.

This section allows the player to set the cooldown for the pot/skill slotted in the appropriate quickslot

Wound Curable Cooldown (In Seconds)

Fear Curable Cooldown(In Seconds)

Disease Curable Cooldown (In Seconds)

Poison Curable Cooldown (In Seconds)
These are where you type in your cooldowns for use with the Curable option on the Debuff bar. Please note that due to poor event handling support, there's no validation on these text boxes. Typing anything in these boxes other than numbers (even decimals/colons etc) will lead to unexpected and probably undesired results.

Color Panel
This panel contains options involving the color, and color effects of the vertical bars.

Player Morale Bar

Bar Color -
This color picker allows you to pick the color of your morale bar

Enable Color Effects - When this checkbox is checked, it will allow you to specify 1 or 2 bar level-based color points on the morale bar. If unchecked, it will simply stay the chosen color regardless of bar level.

Enable Color Transitions -
When this checkbox is checked, it will blend from the base color to the first point (then blend to the second) and back as the bar level does the same. Leaving it unchecked will cause the bar to stay at the chosen color until it reaches the specified point, then change to that color.

Point #1 Color - This color picker allows you to set the first color point on the morale bar

Point #1 Location - This slider allows you to chose the point at which the bar will reach the above color.

Enable 2nd Color - When this checkbox is checked, it will allow you to specify a 2nd color/point for the morale bar

Point #2 Color
Point #2 Location
Works the same way as Point #1, just for an additional point.

Player Power Bar
This section contains exactly the same controls as the previous one. Just replace "morale bar" with "power bar"

Text Panel

Player Vitals

Group Text Position –
If checked, this checkbox will group the settings together for the position of the morale/power text.

Vitals Text Position - This drop down box will allow you to position the text for the Morale & Power bars in 8 different locations (Bottom Outside, Bottom Center, Bottom Inside, Middle Outside, Middle Inside, Top Outside, Top Center and Top Inside)

Group Text Display – If checked, this checkbox will group the settings together for the display of the morale/power text

Vitals Text Display - This drop down box allows you to set how you want the Morale/Power numbers shown. Options include: Percentage, Real Numbers, Current/Max and Percent w/ Current/Max.

Player Morale Bar

This section contains similar drop-down boxes as the above section, which will be disabled unless "Group Text Position" and/or "Group Text Display" are unchecked. Essentially allowing you to have a different position/text display for your morale bar than you do for your power bar

Player Power Bar

Same as Above

Special Thanks

I'd like to send out a big Thank You to Vevenalia and Onori for their work on translating Palantir's options panel, and to Vevenalia for testing out Palantir on the EU client.

v1.10.1 - (11/21/2011) Fixed an issue that would cause the morale bar to pop up while zoning if it was supposed to be hidden (i.e. show only in combat)

v1.10.0 - (11/21/2011) Introduces a few new features in response to RoI and the upcoming Update 5. Note: Update 5 changes will display on Bullroarer, but will not affect normal operation on Live.
  • Morale bar will now have two new sections built into it in order to handle the display of the "bubble" mechanic, as well as the display of dread effects on morale.
  • The Palantir positioning window will now be hidden if you decide to hide your UI while in positioning mode.
  • The options tab for Palantir on the new Plugin Manager will show a button that will allow you to display Palantir's Option Window. While the ideal solution would be to display such options within the tab itself, the structure of the current Options Window would require a heavily modified copy to function correctly. As this is a bit too time consuming for my tastes, keeping in mind that v2 work is underway, this will be a "happy medium" so-to-speak. v2 on the other hand, will have its panels designed to better support this new feature
  • Last and pretty much least, Palantir will also come with an icon that will show up in said Plugin Manager.

1.09.3 - (12/9/2010) Fixed an encoding issue with French/German translations. Thanks to Vevenalia for testing.

1.09.2 - (12/4/2010) Fixed an issue where the quickslots on the debuff bar would remain clickable after the bar itself was hidden.

1.09.1 - (11/30/2010) Some sloppy coding caused some major framerate issues, this has been fixed.

1.09 - (11/29/2010)
  • Various compatibility changes to make Palantir work with the changes to the API
  • Options window will now behave closer to standard LotRO windows in regards to stacking/focus
  • Palantir has an even lower ZOrder, preventing it from appearing above windows without focus.
  • did some tweaking with bar text position to improve appearance when text is set to bottom-outside
  • You can now change the color of bar text! This is located under each Bar color picker on the Color pane
  • Debuff bar cooldown indicator borders are tied into debuff bar opacity, and the cooldown indicators themselves are tied into debuff bar indicator opacity.
  • Bar structure has been changed again to separate the "fill" from the background, allowing the opacity for both parts to be adjusted independently. This will allow the eventual inclusion of pulsing/flashing effects at specified levels.

1.08.3 - (11/15/2010) Mostly EU related changes, and a couple of tweaks
  • Compensated for German and French PluginData bug
  • Added localization support for German and French clients
  • Added German and French translations of the options panel.
  • Bottom-Outside bar text position has been tweaked.
  • Cooldowns will now default to 0 on first run.

1.08.2 - (10/24/2010) A handfull of minor fixes
  • Fixes the debuff bar display when hiding the UI (F12) if the player changed the "show Debuff Bar" setting and chose to hide/show the UI before unloading/reloading Palantir.
  • Palantir will now center itself by default if you have no previous settings saved (i.e. first run) for an account/server/character (depending on your scope setting)
  • Added a "Recenter Palantir" button to the Main option page.
  • Bar Spacing is now completely separate from positioning. This means two things: 1) the positioning window will always be a set size, often narrower than the width of the bars and 2) the debuff bar will no longer shake side-to-side as you change the bar spacing.

1.08.1 - (10/10/10) This update mainly addresses display issues involving hiding the UI (F12) and repositioning the UI (Ctrl+\) Namely:
  • When hiding the UI with the setup window open, the setup window will hide as well, and when hitting F12 again, palantir and the setup window will display correctly
  • When hiding and displaying the UI, Palantir will remember "Show only in combat" and hide debuff bar settings.
  • Palantir will now display when you enter UI Positioning mode (Ctrl+/) if it's set to show only in combat. It will also return to its appropriate settings when exiting that mode.
  • Combinations of Hide UI/Positioning modes will work closer to how it works with other elements. Namely, entering into Positioning mode while the UI is hidden will not display the positioning window until you choose to show the UI.
  • Finally, if a cooldown hasn't been set since v1.08, Palantir will automatically replace nil values with 0, to avoid errors.

1.08 - (10/04/10) A couple fixes/improvements:
  • Fixed an issue with Fear cooldown meter not turning green when adding pots
  • Fixed an issue with Fear cooldown meter not firing when a pot is slotted, and a different slot with a pot is clicked
  • Changed settings file for cooldowns from Main to qslot, so they will automatically be saved per character, regardless of scope. Users will have to reenter their cooldowns for each character upon updating.

1.07.2 - (9/26/10) Potential cause for issue tracked down to the fact that class.lua was not in the most recent package, this has been fixed.

1.07.1 - (9/25/10) Fixed some import issues that may cause the plugin not to load

1.07 - (9/24/10) A small setup panel fix, and a few of usability improvements
  • Disabling/Enabling of controls on the color panel of the options window now work properly upon loading.
  • Debuff Bar sections will now "light up" when you mouse over or drag over its quickslot when the options window is open. This is in response to confusion over which slot was what
  • Palantir is no longer dependent on the Turbine folder included with the example plugins. As a result, Palantir will no longer be distributed with said folder
  • Added support for Bredic's LotRO Mod Manager.

1.06.2 - (9/21/10) Fixes a few issues
  • When previously unloading Palantir with the debuff bar in "Indicators Only" mode, attempting to change this back to "Curable Display" would result in only showing the quickslot background, and no cooldown meters or counts - this has been fixed
  • Some group/power bar text alignment settings would give the illusion that Palantir wasn't centered. Some power bar text alignment settings gave this illusion by being too far away from the bar - this has been adjusted.
  • Further removed some margin of error involving the quantity changing from splitting up a slotted stack, firing off a cooldown meter. This should now only happen if you reduce the stack size by one.
  • Added a "reset" command that will allow you to toggle Palantir's UI Positioning mode independently of the game - just in case you loaded Palantir while you were in UI Positioning mode.

1.06.1 - (9/21/10) Fixed an issue with the Poison slot, fixed cooldown support for skills

1.06 - (9/21/10) A few fixes/tweaks in this one:
  • Fixed a code typo that was preventing saved text position settings from being applied on load
  • Group Text Position/Display checkboxes will now cause Palantir to move/display the text based off of current values of the appropriate method.
  • Curable quantity display has gotten a lot more reliable in most situations.

1.05 - (9/18/10) Fixed an issue with a debuff indicator not clearing if player did not have any effects on them (AKA undead bug is dead.)

1.04 - (9/17/10) Fixes a couple of issues:
  • Fixes some weird positioning issues between changing position, and changing bar spacing
  • Debuff bar will now only show an indicator if you can actually cure the debuff

1.03.1 - (9/16/10) Fixes an issue with saving quickslots in any scope outside of Character

1.03 - (9/16/10) Fixes an issue with Palantir ignoring its horizontal positioning setting.

1.02 - (9/15/10) Fixes an issue with the poison curable slot not being clickable after using the skill once.
Fixes skills firing off potion cooldown meters
Fixes numbers displaying behind the infinity symbol after using a skill.
Fixes the display of Palantir so it doesn't appear over other UI elements

1.01 - (9/15/10) Fixes an issue with maximum power not being rounded.

1.0 - (9/15/10) Initial release
Archive List (Old Versions)
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09-15-2010 07:20 AM
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Last Modified: 04-10-2012 03:44 AM by Digital_Utopia    

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Unread 09-15-2010, 07:33 AM  
The Undying
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Awesome! Been waiting for this as I bet many of us have. Thanks Digital Utopia
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Unread 09-15-2010, 09:16 AM  
The Indomitable
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While I'm already running plugins so it isn't an issue for me, I don't see the "Full Version" available to download.

Did I miss it, or is there only the "Basic Version to download?

Just a matter of not confusing people new to plugins.

Thanks for the rewrite D_U, I know I also have been eagerly awaiting it!
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Unread 09-15-2010, 09:19 AM  
The Undying
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good point Gedachtnis. Digital Utopia could you upload the other version as a addon or such attached to this ?
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Unread 09-15-2010, 11:10 AM  
The Undying
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good point Gedachtnis. Digital Utopia could you upload the other version as a addon or such attached to this ?

I really don't want to have two separate entries for the same basic plugin - so I merely replaced it with the full version, and updated the installation instructions appropriately.
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Unread 09-15-2010, 01:01 PM  
The Indomitable
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Is it possible to make the setup panel scale?
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Unread 09-15-2010, 01:28 PM  
The Undying
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I noticed you packaged the Turbine folder as well - are we allowed to do this?
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Unread 09-15-2010, 04:56 PM  
The Undefeated
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/jumps for joy


Thanks for posting this DU!
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Unread 09-15-2010, 05:46 PM  
The Undying
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any plans to add target hud as well?
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Unread 09-15-2010, 06:05 PM  
The Indomitable

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Nice work! Would it be possible to add support for displaying focus/fervor on the hud?
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Unread 09-15-2010, 06:10 PM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Gedachtnis
Is it possible to make the setup panel scale?
kind of....at least vertically. Horizontally wouldn't work very well because of the way UI elements are laid out. I'll see what I can do in a future update though

Originally Posted by MrJackdaw
I noticed you packaged the Turbine folder as well - are we allowed to do this?
Since it is released live, and there has been nothing saying we couldn't, I'm going to assume we can unless told otherwise. To be honest, it's something they should've included with the update when it went live (at least that Turbine folder).

Originally Posted by Brode
any plans to add target hud as well?
Yes, definitely plans...but...

Originally Posted by grezgorz
Nice work! Would it be possible to add support for displaying focus/fervor on the hud?
...support is not currently available in the API, but (for both suggestions) as soon as it's possible, I'll certainly add it.
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Unread 09-16-2010, 04:23 AM  
The Wary
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As much as I'm not a programmers armpit, I must admit to have been toying with your code (for personal use only )from the point of view of using actual windows (coloured appropriately of course) instead of the graphics you have for this add-on.

Originally I thought this would allow for more configuration options:

width between bars
slide bars up down (around mid-screen)
make bars wider / thinner
make bars taller shorter.

The down-side is that it's impossible to do a nicely curved window

It may be that it's too resource intensive and kills your framerate, I haven't really used it in anger so ...

You can obviously do this sort of thing alot better than I can so I'll shoot the code through to your email address - use it / discard it / laugh at it your call

(Oh and thx to MrJackdaw my whole understanding of how to create the windows came from the align crosshairs.)
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Unread 09-16-2010, 11:41 AM  
The Undying
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As much as I'm not a programmers armpit, I must admit to have been toying with your code (for personal use only )from the point of view of using actual windows (coloured appropriately of course) instead of the graphics you have for this add-on.

Originally I thought this would allow for more configuration options:

width between bars
slide bars up down (around mid-screen)
make bars wider / thinner
make bars taller shorter.

The down-side is that it's impossible to do a nicely curved window

It may be that it's too resource intensive and kills your framerate, I haven't really used it in anger so ...

You can obviously do this sort of thing alot better than I can so I'll shoot the code through to your email address - use it / discard it / laugh at it your call

(Oh and thx to MrJackdaw my whole understanding of how to create the windows came from the align crosshairs.)
Sadly, there is no vector support or draw/bitmap support within the implementation of Lua we have to play with - so it would basically be impossible to create any bars on the fly - resizable or not.

That being said, I do understand and fully support the idea of customization, so one of the features most likely coming with the next actual feature release (i.e. v1.1) will be a user friendly method of adding custom bar shapes/sizes - most likely using a small secondary plugin that will generate the appropriate config file for that bar type. All the user would have to do is create the necessary image files, drop them into Palantir's Resource folder, and use this creator plugin to set the width and height of their new bar, as well as visually place the 8 different text positions. From there the plugin will save the configuration file as a .pluginData file, and add the name of this bar shape to the list in another .pluginData file. When that user reloads Palantir, they will then be able to choose their own custom bar shape.

I figure at this point anyway, it's the best possible method to not only allow for user-created content, but also as I add more bar shape options (probably when we get more API to work with).
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Unread 09-17-2010, 02:55 PM  
The Undefeated
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I'm having a little problem: When I type /palantir options, I get message "unknown command". Any idea what might be wrong? The plugin loaded just fine.

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Unread 09-17-2010, 08:39 PM  
The Undying
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I'm having a little problem: When I type /palantir options, I get message "unknown command". Any idea what might be wrong? The plugin loaded just fine.

Hmm, odd. If it's loaded then it shouldn't give you that message.

First make sure you haven't somehow unloaded plugins by mistake - such as logging out and logging back in or typing /plugins unload - as that will unload everything.

Second, make sure you have the latest version, or at least a version starting with v1.0 - as the options panel in the in-beta versions (0.1,0.2 and 0.3) were accessed by typing /palsetup, so typing /palantir options would give you that "unknown command" message. I believe every version since at least 0.2 will display a "byline" in the chatbox on load, including a version number. To be absolutely safe, delete the DigitalUtopia folder in your plugins folder, download Palantir from here, and extract the DigitalUtopia folder to the same location.

Other than that, I can't think of any reason why /palantir options would result in that message, as the only way it would is if a) Palantir wasn't loaded or b) you have a version older than v1.0
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Unread 09-21-2010, 02:32 PM  
The Wary

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Problem with HUD movement control

When the Palantir appears when I enter combat, the selection bar on the top that allows me to move it appears as well. When I enter HUD controls (Cntrl \), the option to move it disappears. It seems like it is reversed. Is there an option for this? Or is it a bug?
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