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Unread 12-15-2010, 11:55 AM  
The Wary
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Hey. I spent a lot of time setting up some nice Emo groups with one of my chars. Happy with that, I later logged on an alt. They had the default bar. Aww I was hoping it would carry across.....

log back in my original and all my groups etc are back to default. This worked for several days until I logged in an alt. Do you have any idea what happened here? Was it anything I did? Any chance of getting my groups back?
Hmmm. That is actually quite strange as the way things are stored, the exact opposite is supposed to happen. Your bar and groups should actually carry over to other characters and servers (they will not carry over to separate accounts). I have a multitude of alts as well and have run into no problems.

I'll re-verify that tonite, but this is the first I've heard of the problem. You can look in your PluginData folder and examine the saved data there, it might contain your groups, but it sounds like they got defaulted somehow.

I am actually planning to revisit this entire part of the system in a future update as it's causing me headaches in providing translated versions of the plugins.

Sorry about the problem. I'll post back with any additional information I find out.

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Unread 12-15-2010, 04:20 AM  
The Wary

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Hey. I spent a lot of time setting up some nice Emo groups with one of my chars. Happy with that, I later logged on an alt. They had the default bar. Aww I was hoping it would carry across.....

log back in my original and all my groups etc are back to default. This worked for several days until I logged in an alt. Do you have any idea what happened here? Was it anything I did? Any chance of getting my groups back?
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Unread 12-13-2010, 04:59 PM  
The Wary

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Re: Re: No Dice


Here is the wiki entry from here at lotrointerface.com which explains how to set up your plugins folder, including where to get the API files from:


Please follow those instructions. I did so just to insure they are correct and it works just fine.
Okay, now we're getting somewhere. The instructions on that LotROinterface page did the trick.

It would be helpful if you could link that page instead of the LotRO forum post in your instructions.

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Unread 12-13-2010, 11:14 AM  
The Wary
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Re: No Dice

First, with over 5000 downloads, you can assume this plugin is not broken and so far only a couple of folks have had any problems and those have all been centered around this latest "update" from Turbine which re-located some internal files for one reason or another.

Unfortunately, I cannot control what the folks at Turbine post in the forums. Point in fact, if you look further at that thread (and several of my other posts over there), you'll see me complain *exactly* about that.

It seems pretty dang silly to list the API *everyone* needs to download under the link "script examples".

And yes, as listed below meant the very next sentence talking about the latest API update.

Here is the wiki entry from here at lotrointerface.com which explains how to set up your plugins folder, including where to get the API files from:


Please follow those instructions. I did so just to insure they are correct and it works just fine.

And while I recognize you are obviously frustrated, there's no reason to take that out on me. I have to use the same system and have the same frustrations... I mean come on, I'm trying to write a plugin for other folks to use and end up having to try to explain all of this. It's a giant pain in the patoot.

As for the snark about my documentation -- Well I'm one of the few plugin makers who actually provide full documentaiton of their plugin *in their plugin*. That's the same docs you'll find in-game in the manual. There is no easy coloring system nor bolding or underlining system inside the game and that's a lot of text to go back and reformat just for you.

I'm doing this on my dime and I took the time to write up all the features and how you use them. If you don't like it, feel free to write up your own documentation and submit it. I've only got so many free hours beyond my RL job and life I can spare.

First time ever trying to use this plugin and...

It's not working. Same problems that gowlen reported.

Unfortunately your instructions are instructive in writing unclear instructions. <-- Much like that sentence.

First you state in 2.2.2 "You will need the latest UI API drop from Turbine as listed below". Where Below?? Immediately below in the 2.2.1 description? One can only assume so, since nowhere else in the text later (which isn't that well formatted for easy reading - could use some colors, larger heading fonts, etc...) does it seem to speak of API updating.

Ok, so if one then clicks on that link it takes you to a LotRO forum post that is even MORE baffling. Nowhere does it tell you where or how you are supposed to update anything in order to get things working for plugin end-users. What are we looking for here, and just exactly WHAT are we supposed to do?

The OP in that thread speaks of and links Documentation and Examples for script writers and also gives a link to the Plugins forums. Are we supposed to read this entire thread to figure out what to do to get this plugin to work? Should we read the Plugin API Documentation? Or sift through the entire API Issues forum?

Sorry if I'm coming off as a little brazen and Emo, but I actually just spent nearly an hour TRYING to figure out why this plugin isn't working (assuming it's something I'm doing wrong), so now I'm coming back to the original issues I had before first diving into the troubleshooting, which unless this plugin is simply broken, are unclear instructions on how to get it to work.

Well, thanks for making this anyway. I hope you can figure out what is wrong with it, I need to get my Emo on in game too.
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Unread 12-12-2010, 11:44 PM  
The Wary

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No Dice

First time ever trying to use this plugin and...

It's not working. Same problems that gowlen reported.

Unfortunately your instructions are instructive in writing unclear instructions. <-- Much like that sentence.

First you state in 2.2.2 "You will need the latest UI API drop from Turbine as listed below". Where Below?? Immediately below in the 2.2.1 description? One can only assume so, since nowhere else in the text later (which isn't that well formatted for easy reading - could use some colors, larger heading fonts, etc...) does it seem to speak of API updating.

Ok, so if one then clicks on that link it takes you to a LotRO forum post that is even MORE baffling. Nowhere does it tell you where or how you are supposed to update anything in order to get things working for plugin end-users. What are we looking for here, and just exactly WHAT are we supposed to do?

The OP in that thread speaks of and links Documentation and Examples for script writers and also gives a link to the Plugins forums. Are we supposed to read this entire thread to figure out what to do to get this plugin to work? Should we read the Plugin API Documentation? Or sift through the entire API Issues forum?

Sorry if I'm coming off as a little brazen and Emo, but I actually just spent nearly an hour TRYING to figure out why this plugin isn't working (assuming it's something I'm doing wrong), so now I'm coming back to the original issues I had before first diving into the troubleshooting, which unless this plugin is simply broken, are unclear instructions on how to get it to work.

Well, thanks for making this anyway. I hope you can figure out what is wrong with it, I need to get my Emo on in game too.
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Unread 12-10-2010, 09:01 PM  
The Undefeated

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I'm currently working on localizing Emo for those fine folks over in Europe to be able to play with their emotes too. Surprisingly, this has taken a lot longer than planned due the actual emotes changing based on locale... in conjunction with Custom emotes. At any rate, I'm almost to the testing phase with that.

So, sometime after that you'll see sorting added.
Well, I'm one of those fine folks and it works for me, no problem so yay. Looking forward to the sorting function and while I'm at it, maybe even enable players to make separate bars?
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Unread 12-10-2010, 10:40 AM  
The Wary
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The drop I uploaded this morning (2.2.2) should remove all issues. However, it looks like, for some reason, you do not have Turbine.UI.Extensions. I'm not sure why that would be, since it is straight from the Turbine API archive. I verified this morning that I had the latest API from Turbine and I went through and made sure all the imports were correct in all the Emo files. I then loaded Emo by itself without any other plugins loaded, successfully. If you continue to have the same error, I would encourage you to be certain you're getting the right archive from Turbine (directly from Turbine). I'd be happy to continue trying to help if you have more problems.

While you're at it, there's one thing that keeps happening to me when I add new groups. The other groups switch places and I can't get them to stay where I want them to be. Would be nice if the groups could switch places so that you can organize your emos the way you want them.

Great pluging btw!
First off, thanks!

Sorting is definitely on my list of things *I* want, so you can be certain it will get added!

I'm currently working on localizing Emo for those fine folks over in Europe to be able to play with their emotes too. Surprisingly, this has taken a lot longer than planned due the actual emotes changing based on locale... in conjunction with Custom emotes. At any rate, I'm almost to the testing phase with that.

So, sometime after that you'll see sorting added.

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Unread 12-10-2010, 01:04 AM  
The Undefeated

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While you're at it, there's one thing that keeps happening to me when I add new groups. The other groups switch places and I can't get them to stay where I want them to be. Would be nice if the groups could switch places so that you can organize your emos the way you want them.

Great pluging btw!
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Unread 12-09-2010, 05:02 PM  
The Wary
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Re: error

Okay so I'm a noob at scripting but I'm not new to plugins for lotro or using addons in other games.... all my plugins are updated and working correctly except for emo.... Here is the message I have been reciving (and yes I uninstalled and reinstalled just in case)

...ings Online\Plugins\FrelledPlugins\Emo\EmoEmotes.lua:5: Unable to resolve package "Turbine.UI.Extensions".

...Rings Online\Plugins\FrelledPlugins\Emo\__init__.lua:11: Failed to import package "FrelledPlugins.Emo.EmoEmotes".

...the Rings Online\Plugins\FrelledPlugins\Emo\Main.lua:1: Failed to import package "FrelledPlugins.Emo".

Unable to load "emo".

I refreshed plugins and I am showing emo (2.2.1) so I'm not sure what the problem is. Can someone please help me or is this a common error? I was really looking forward to trying out this plugin.
Okay, I'll check this tonite. I certainly don't get the error, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

I'll also clean up the imports to only include what is strictly necessary as that seems to be the case here.

If I can reproduce the problem, I'll push a 2.2.2 tonite. This all stems from the recent reorganization of the API files by Turbine. I thought I had them all taken care of... what is undoubtedly happening is another one of my plugins is loading the Extensions from the correct location which is why I don't get the error... or something.

At any rate, I'm currently working on a new plugin and also attempting to work a translation system into Emo... which has turned out to be a lot harder than it should have been due to the emote commands not being the same in every language.

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Unread 12-09-2010, 02:11 AM  
The Wary

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Okay so I'm a noob at scripting but I'm not new to plugins for lotro or using addons in other games.... all my plugins are updated and working correctly except for emo.... Here is the message I have been reciving (and yes I uninstalled and reinstalled just in case)

...ings Online\Plugins\FrelledPlugins\Emo\EmoEmotes.lua:5: Unable to resolve package "Turbine.UI.Extensions".

...Rings Online\Plugins\FrelledPlugins\Emo\__init__.lua:11: Failed to import package "FrelledPlugins.Emo.EmoEmotes".

...the Rings Online\Plugins\FrelledPlugins\Emo\Main.lua:1: Failed to import package "FrelledPlugins.Emo".

Unable to load "emo".

I refreshed plugins and I am showing emo (2.2.1) so I'm not sure what the problem is. Can someone please help me or is this a common error? I was really looking forward to trying out this plugin.
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Unread 12-03-2010, 12:19 AM  
The Wary
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Re: Yet another plugin noob question

Hey there,

I'm just getting started in plugins so pls, bear with me.

I got the new turbine files DLed, got BuffBars, Palantir, TonicBars, and all the examples to run perfect in game, so I know I'm installing em right, but when I try and load AltInventory, your Emo, and KrahenBars Leveled I get the same couple of fails every time during loading.

...e Rings Online\Plugins\FrelledPlugins\Emo\EmoBar.lua:3: Unable to resolve package "Turbine.Utils".
...Rings Online\Plugins\FrelledPlugins\Emo\__init__.lua:12: Failed to import package "FrelledPlugins.Emo.EmoBar".
...the Rings Online\Plugins\FrelledPlugins\Emo\Main.lua:1: Failed to import package "FrelledPlugins.Emo".

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Hi JW, only way that happens now is if you didn't get the latest Emo or you have it installed in the wrong spot. It doesn't include Turbine.Utils in a way that could cause an error anymore.

So maybe completely remove the Emo directory, then reinstall it and restart lotro.

Let me know if the problem persists!

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Unread 12-02-2010, 05:21 AM  
The Unscathed
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Yet another plugin noob question

Hey there,

I'm just getting started in plugins so pls, bear with me.

I got the new turbine files DLed, got BuffBars, Palantir, TonicBars, and all the examples to run perfect in game, so I know I'm installing em right, but when I try and load AltInventory, your Emo, and KrahenBars Leveled I get the same couple of fails every time during loading.

...e Rings Online\Plugins\FrelledPlugins\Emo\EmoBar.lua:3: Unable to resolve package "Turbine.Utils".
...Rings Online\Plugins\FrelledPlugins\Emo\__init__.lua:12: Failed to import package "FrelledPlugins.Emo.EmoBar".
...the Rings Online\Plugins\FrelledPlugins\Emo\Main.lua:1: Failed to import package "FrelledPlugins.Emo".

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Last edited by jeredwolffe : 12-02-2010 at 05:23 AM.
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Unread 11-23-2010, 12:45 AM  
The Wary
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Nice PlugIn, when used in an english client. But there are some issues with other languages. Any plans to translate it into other languages (I can help translate it into german if needed)? I tried it myself, but in german some emotes use "Umlaute" (ä ö ü) and that seems to be a problem for Emo ^^ It shows strange signs instead of these letters and the emotes won't work. Also groups containing such 'spezial' emotes will become completely unaccessible.

Keep up the good work

Sorry about the problem with special characters. I'm not quite sure how to handle it yet and I've got a new version waiting to be released with the Nov 29th patch. The new version let's you add "Turbine" emotes I might have missed and fixes some other minor bugs.

I'm also working on another plugin at present, but after I get these two released I'll definitely take you up on your offer!

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Unread 11-15-2010, 04:46 AM  
The Undefeated
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Nice PlugIn, when used in an english client. But there are some issues with other languages. Any plans to translate it into other languages (I can help translate it into german if needed)? I tried it myself, but in german some emotes use "Umlaute" (ä ö ü) and that seems to be a problem for Emo ^^ It shows strange signs instead of these letters and the emotes won't work. Also groups containing such 'spezial' emotes will become completely unaccessible.

Keep up the good work
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Unread 10-28-2010, 12:25 PM  
The Wary
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Re: Re: Re: Re: New emotes

Yup, already came to the same conclusion after I thought about it. hehe.

2.1 will likely go live this weekend with a quick update to it:
Nice, I look forward to seeing the updates.
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