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Unread 03-05-2013, 12:33 PM
Crell Crell is offline
The Wary
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 1
Lootbox Statistic Gatherer

I'd love to start getting realistic drop rates for what comes out of the boxes and how its weighted.

In keeping with that I'd love to see a plugin track:

1.What box type you just opened or saw opened. 2.How many items dropped. 3.What were those items? 4. A running list of all the lootbox stuff you've opened so you could work out say 'L50-60' boxes have a 20% that the item will be LI related, but if you want a stat tome it's better to open a lower box.. etc. Since there probably isn't a way to tell when you're done seeing loot appear, we'd need a 'Lootbox done' button, and a way to right click/remove items that it picked up in error'.


I'd track key/box drop rates off of every kill, but there seems to be no reliable to way to ensure that someone I'm partied with killed it, that I'm in range, and that it should generate loot.
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