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Unread 11-20-2013, 09:23 PM
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Elrigh Elrigh is offline
The Unscathed
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Kaiserslautern, Germany
Posts: 16
Originally Posted by Frosty

Now for my changes: I'm going to move the AreaText_Label to the top of the radar, the CoordinateText_Label underneath, then the radar below that. Because I'm a neat freak, I'm going to re-arrange the order of the elements and keep them in Y-coordinate order:

  <PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_GamePlay_RadarBox">
    <Element ID="GamePlay_RadarBox" X="1017" Y="16" Width="224" Height="260">
      <Element ID="GamePlay_Radar" X="0" Y="20" Width="224" Height="260">
        <Element ID="AreaText_Label" X="27" Y="0" Width="170" Height="20"> </Element>
        <Element ID="CoordinateText_Label" X="12" Y="20" Width="200" Height="20"> </Element>
        <Element ID="MinimapViewport" X="27" Y="60" Width="170" Height="170"></Element>
Save the SkinDefinition.xml file and restart your client. If you already have the skin assigned, when you go into the game you should see the changes. If not, you will need to set the skin on the options panel, then log out and back in again to see the changes.

Here's the modified radar skin (see the image "radar_modified" below)

Enjoy your skinning!
Just did the same thing, what about that yellow bar blinking to show that you are in a Quest-Area. Did not move above. Is there some way to move it?
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