Thread: CD timer plugin
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Unread 01-17-2012, 05:19 PM
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Garan Garan is offline
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Thraxz
I'm no dev/author but maybe these possibly idiotic suggestion could spur this project along....

-Is it possible for you to use combat analysis' combat chat window recognition code and modify it to read a skill going off for real?

-If it's too hard to ellucidate the player's CD times, could you make it class sensitive and, at least at first, simply allow the user to input his/her CD time manually in a setup window for each skill that is allowed to the class the person is on I.E. a hunter has this skill set, in his setup window, he will have every skill a hunter can have with a CD on it that he can input his CD manually such as, 10s for Swift Bow and 2 min for Burn Hot?

There are two issues, the first, which can be overcome with a significant effort, is that many traits and LI legacies affect cooldowns. However, the second issue affects dependability and that is because there's no way of programmatically knowing if a skill is actually fired. Monitoring for morale and power losses helps but is hardly accurate enough to trust in combat. If something like combat analysis is off a tiny bit due to a skill not firing, that won't affect how you play but if a cooldown timer plugin is off it will cause you to miss some potentially important skill. That's enough of a drawback to prevent many authors (myself included) from spending what little free time they have writing a plugin that is guaranteed to eventually give bad results. If Turbine ever grants us access to an event handler that can fire when a skill is actually used, then such a plugin could be reliably made (it would still require a lot of work to handle the traits and legacies issue but at least it would be accurate).
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