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Unread 03-10-2010, 03:31 AM
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Mandros Mandros is offline
The Undefeated
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Zwolle NL
Posts: 5
Cool install scripting ?

I've been using several uimods now, at least one per played char ... that makes about 9 at the moment. Extracting them directly to the ui map.
Sure this works great.

Just one thing, there are more and more stand alone mods like the crafting, mail & dressing room ones that come seperatly, more like add-on' s.

I was wondering if someone could cook up some script or even better a vb program to insert those add-on mods into existing uimods.

In the haydays of Dark Age of Camelot I had Derida's ui, lately dubbed Bob's ui. It was completely scripted to install with all various options the ui was enriched with. Basicly, they compile a custom def file on the spot. Reckon this could be done with Lotro ui mods as well ?
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