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Unread 01-04-2010, 08:31 AM
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MrJackdaw MrJackdaw is offline
The Undying
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Lancaster, England
Posts: 249
Originally Posted by Gendundrup
Hello, I'm fairly new to LOTRO, a couple of months or so & I'm having a great time. I've found myself in in a kin with a great bunch of people, but it's a smallish group, with a lot of alts. Currently I'm the only supreme master metalsmith, and I spend an aweful lot of time making gear for my kinmates, which I really enjoy. Makes all the effort of leveling the trade worthwhile.

So, to my interface wish. I havent counted, but I must have a couple of hundred recipies in the list, all of which I have to search through using the tiny little recipie window which shows, I think 8 recipies. It's a bit like looking out at the world through a letterbox. What I'd really like is more space to see what I have, so I can see components and the items I want to craft at the same time, without scroll up, scroll down, scroll up, scroll down, etc...

The image below is just a quick & dirty photoshop job, a cut & compile from several screenshots I took of my crafting interface. Not perfect obviously, If the crit items are shown then there'd be no need for the recipie & mastery oprion tabs at the bottom etc, but I just wanted to see how much nicer it would be if I could see more of my recipie list ot once. Maby the right hand pane could be tab'd untill mastery of a tier was achived, or the crit portion geryed out.

ANyway, it's just a small quality of life change that I'd love to see.
Finger crossed.
Well... just posted WideCraft and TallCraft. I prefer the Tall one, hope it is of some use!
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