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Unread 08-03-2008, 07:57 PM
LordKruge LordKruge is offline
The Wary
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1
Specfic UI changes for poor vision


I have a friend who plays LotRO with me, and his vision is really bad. Certain elements of the default UI skin are so bad for him, he might not be able to play, so I need some help designing a skin that he can use or pointing me towards a current one that could help. I need help in the three following areas.

***EDIT: 1. Deed Log solved. Thanks to the creator of the Eorlingas Skin. Using his files as a guide I was able to make black normal and highlighted deed log .tga's. They look great, especially with the Black Glass skin (again, thanks to the creator), which I'm using as a base for my friend's skin.***

2. The radar map. Some of the icons are hard to read, so is it possible in the .xml file to do something like
- Replace the Axe and Pick icon for resources with the Forge Icon used for crafting stations.
- Replace the Hunter Tracking red bullseye icon with the "Nosey Hobbit" eye icon.

3. The quest tracker. Right now it's easy to just turn it off and use the full Quest Log, but is there a way to add a black background to the quest tracker (like you can with the chat window).

These three things will make the game a lot more playable for my friend.


P.S. Forgive me if these are ridiculously easy requests that are detailed somewhere, .xml isn't a language I'm fluent in and trying to translate the skin info file looks to be harder then Quenya.

Last edited by LordKruge : 08-03-2008 at 09:39 PM.
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