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Eili 11-08-2011 01:28 AM

Tool for modify a plugin to fit a UI

As you know i asked some times ago a way to modifiy some plugins to fit the Isil UI.

I asked also before to the plugins's author concerned, their authorisation to do so and they did give it to me.

ATTENTION : to make some test i modified also ScrappyScripting. I never asked the authorization to the author of this plugins and thus you will never see any Scrappy like Isil. The Plugins concerned are Songbook, Lotropad, Travel, and BevyII.

So let's see the tool called Text_Replace built by my husband (he is programer). Copyright Simon Therrien 2011. Visit www.zoopsie.com (The site is beeing reworked as i write this)
Built for Windows 32bit.
All is open source available if you need.

As you see the folder contains 5 elements :
- ReadMe.txt
- icon
- Text_Replace_script.txt
- Text_Replace.exe
- Install.bat

How it works :
First the author of an UI would have to prepare the file Text_Replace_Script.txt as follow :

This means that all the file you want to change to be as your UI (for example here i mainly changed colors) have to be noted on the script in the following order :

.\DhorPlugins orig\Travel\OptionsWindow.lua
self.OptionTabs:SetBackColor(Turbine.UI.Color(0.87 ,0,0,0));
self.OptionTabs:SetBackColor(Turbine.UI.Color(0.5, 0.2,0.2,0.2));

Once the script is finished, the work is done.
You zip the folder.

Now let's see what a user would have to do :

To install the UI changes:

(1) Extract all files to your \My documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\Plugins folder.
(2) Run: Install.bat.

And finally what will happens once you run Install.bat

- First, a folder backup is created as you can see in the Plugins folder.
- then all the files you noted on the script are automatically modified.

If the result does not please you, replace the plugins modified with the backup and that is all.

Though before i post it, i have a question.

I dont remind any .exe posted on this site. And i know that usually people avoid them in download.

This tool folder contains a .exe (though you dont have to use it manually).
I know it is safe but i know also that some may be afraid or against that.

So what is the rule ? Can i propose this tool to be tested ?
Do you want to get the code to check how it was created ?

If the Administrator or Super Moderator want to test it, let me know please.

Thank you
Eili aka Moranae

Cairenn 11-11-2011 02:13 PM

Hi Eli,

Sorry for the delay in answering, I was in the hospital for the last week and a half. We allow .exe files under certain circumstances. The main one being if it isn't an 'addon' as such, but instead it's a tool. Just upload it to LotRO Tools & Utilities for Users or LotRO Tools & Utilities for Developers, whichever is appropriate and we will check it out. If we have any concerns about it after that, we'll get back to you. Again, sorry for the delay in answering.

Eili 11-11-2011 07:01 PM

No worry about the delay.

i knew something was wrong as you were not on.
I would prefer to know that you are well and getting some rest after the hospital.
Take care of you! :)

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