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Thurallor 05-20-2013 12:45 AM

Hi everyone,

I'm not sure this is the appropriate place to post this, but I'm new to the forum. I just started playing with writing LOTRO plugins a few weeks ago. I had (I thought) some cool ideas for plugins, and I wanted to learn how to do it. So I wrote a plugin (well, it's still in progress) that I'd like to upload here and get people's feedback on.

My plugin (shown in the animation below) is called SequenceBars. It allows you to make quickslot bars that automatically scroll. When you click on a quickslot, the next quickslot is moved under your mouse cursor. You can click again without having to move your mouse.

You can have any number of quickslots in the sequence. When you get to the end, it goes back to the beginning. (Or, at any time, you can click on the title to reset it.)

You could use this for
  • Swapping between sets of armor (just make a sequence including all of the item shortcuts)
  • Executing long sequences of combat actions (e.g. Warden gambits).
  • Stringing together a bunch of emotes or other chatbox commands (although you have to create the alias shortcuts yourself).

Well, that's about it. I spent a lot of time adding little features to it and making it user-friendly, and I have a lot more stuff I want to add to it. But I already think it's pretty useful now, so I want to upload it and see if there's any interest.

I do have a question, though. There doesn't seem to be any way to include an animated GIF (like the above) when uploading a plugin. In the message editor, image embedding is disabled. And if you attach the image, it just takes the first frame and converts it to JPG. Am I missing something?


P.S.: I'll go ahead and attach the plugin here, in case anyone wants to try it.

Elrigh 05-20-2013 03:09 AM

With BuildSwapper still not working correctly with the german client I am interested in Alternatives.

Glad to see, someone ist working on that.

Tested it (with the german client) and got an Error:
...Rings Online\Plugins\Thurallor\SequenceBars\Main.lua:2: Unable to resolve package "Equendil.Utils".

Thurallor 05-20-2013 09:41 AM

Argh. (facepalm)

I was using Equendil's HereBeDragons table viewer during development, and I forgot to remove it completely.

I updated the attachment in the OP. I'm at work now, so I can't test it, but crossing my fingers.

Thanks for trying it. :)

Thurallor 05-20-2013 09:43 AM

By the way, if you're going to use this as a build swapper, you probably should disable the animation feature, so the bar will scroll instantaneously. You can do this in the right-click menus: Global Operations -> Global Settings -> Animation.

Also, I need someone to translate the text into German (and French). If you like the plugin, maybe you can help.

Riggie1000 05-20-2013 05:21 PM

nice idea!
it nearly looks like a carousel.

i didn't test it yet, but what happens, when you click on the next slot? will it scroll on normal, scroll two times or disappear?

Elrigh 05-20-2013 05:53 PM


I'm deeply impressed. Dropdownmenues, highly customizable, theres even a choice which font to use for the name of the Bar. Thats far more than the usual Plugin has.

First time I started it worked perfect. But that does Buildswapper to, the problems occur after relogging, because theres a difference in the way the german and the english client save data.

My Client crashed (not because of the Plugin) and when I reglogged I got an error:

Belegaer/Elrigh/SequenceBars.plugindata:9: ']' expected near ','
...lugins\Thurallor\SequenceBars\SequenceBarManage r.lua:29: Unable to parse file!

I deleted the Files in Plugindata and relogged again. The Plugin showed again, I customized it again and than I pressed "Hide". And I was not able to bring it back. All what is left is a Quickslot in the Middle of the Screen with an Arrow showing down, when I click on the Arrow I can add more Quickslots, but I can not move them or do anything else.

Thurallor 05-20-2013 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Riggie1000 (Post 8627)
nice idea!
it nearly looks like a carousel.

i didn't test it yet, but what happens, when you click on the next slot? will it scroll on normal, scroll two times or disappear?

I thought of that. You might decide to skip one of the icons in the sequence.

In that case, it still only scrolls once, so you don't have to move your mouse. It just moves the "cursor" to the new position and continues.


Originally Posted by Elrigh (Post 8629)
First time I started it worked perfect. But that does Buildswapper to, the problems occur after relogging, because theres a difference in the way the german and the english client save data.

My Client crashed (not because of the Plugin) and when I reglogged I got an error:

Belegaer/Elrigh/SequenceBars.plugindata:9: ']' expected near ','
...lugins\Thurallor\SequenceBars\SequenceBarManage r.lua:29: Unable to parse file!

Hmm, interesting. Can you attach your .plugindata file here? (Also include the precise error message, so I know where to look in the file.) I might be able to tell what the German client is doing differently.


I deleted the Files in Plugindata and relogged again. The Plugin showed again, I customized it again and than I pressed "Hide". And I was not able to bring it back.
If you hide a bar, you can find it in the Plugin Manager -> SequenceBars -> Options menu to show it again.


All what is left is a Quickslot in the Middle of the Screen with an Arrow showing down, when I click on the Arrow I can add more Quickslots, but I can not move them or do anything else.
I'm not sure what you are describing here. Can you post a screencap?

Vielen Dank!

Thurallor 05-20-2013 06:59 PM

I'm switching my client to German now. This should be fun. :cool:

Edit: I just (re-)found Garan's excellent localization guide. Looking into it.

Elrigh 05-20-2013 08:06 PM

Just figured out that the strange quickslotbar belongs to the CombatQuickslots-Plugin. It was active but didn't show until I installed your Plugin.

Deactivated it and it didn't show up again.

Tried your Plugin on another Character. Worked perfect until I left the game and came back online. Had the Plugin checked in the Plugin-Manager to load automatically, but it did not load when I relogged. So I opened the Plugin-Manager and tried to load it. Got this again:

...e/PluginData/Haywinron/[DE-RP] Belegaer/Succinia/SequenceBars.plugindata:9: ']' expected near ','
...lugins\Thurallor\SequenceBars\SequenceBarManage r.lua:29: Unable to parse file!

If I'm right its the old Problem with the Turbine.PluginData. Vindar made a patch (mentioned in Garans Guide), which does not work anymore or messes up with Plugins which work correctly with the german client like Buffbars for example. (Tried it a while ago, didn't work on Buildswapper and broke Buffbars).

Here's my Plugindata-File:


        ["deletedGroupIDs"] =

        ["groups"] =
                [1,000000] =
                        ["caption"] =
                                ["text"] = "New Group"
                        ["barsMoveTogether"] = true,
                        ["deletedBarIDs"] =

                        ["color"] =
                                ["A"] = 1,000000,
                                ["R"] = 0,750000,
                                ["G"] = 0,750000,
                                ["B"] = 0,750000
                        ["bars"] =
                                [1,000000] =
                                        ["cursorStyle"] = "Small Square Glow",
                                        ["sequenceEditor"] =
                                                ["size"] =
                                                        [1,000000] = 400,000000,
                                                        [2,000000] = 113,000000
                                                ["position"] =
                                                        [1,000000] = 497,000000,
                                                        [2,000000] = 871,000000
                                        ["sequenceItemInfo"] =
                                                [1,000000] =
                                                        ["Data"] = "0x70003953",
                                                        ["Type"] = 6,000000
                                                [2,000000] =
                                                        ["Data"] = "0x7001B4D8",
                                                        ["Type"] = 6,000000
                                                [3,000000] =
                                                        ["Data"] = "0x031B0003CCF04CEA,0x00000000",
                                                        ["Type"] = 2,000000
                                                [4,000000] =
                                                        ["Data"] = "0x031B0003CCF04D0F,0x00000000",
                                                        ["Type"] = 2,000000
                                                [5,000000] =

                                        ["visibleSlots"] = 5,000000,
                                        ["hidden"] = false,
                                        ["caption"] =
                                                ["font"] = 1107296263,000000,
                                                ["position"] = "beginning",
                                                ["height"] = 32,000000,
                                                ["text"] = "Test",
                                                ["hidden"] = false,
                                                ["width"] = 80,000000
                                        ["slotSpacing"] = 0,000000,
                                        ["slotSize"] = 36,000000,
                                        ["position"] =
                                                ["left"] = 497,000000,
                                                ["top"] = 871,000000
                                        ["locked"] = false,
                                        ["orientation"] = "Right",
                                        ["cursorHomePosition"] = 2,000000,
                                        ["color"] =
                                                ["A"] = 1,000000,
                                                ["R"] = 1,000000,
                                                ["G"] = 0,000000,
                                                ["B"] = 0,000000
                        ["hidden"] = false,
                        ["barIDs"] =
                                [1,000000] = 1,000000
        ["animation"] =
                ["enabled"] = true,
                ["duration"] = 0,100000
        ["caption"] =
                ["text"] = "My Sequence Bars"
        ["color"] =
                ["A"] = 1,000000,
                ["R"] = 1,000000,
                ["G"] = 1,000000,
                ["B"] = 1,000000
        ["groupIDs"] =
                [1,000000] = 1,000000

Thurallor 05-20-2013 09:29 PM

Yeah, I have familiarized myself with the problem. Vindar's fix doesn't work in all cases (in particular, some cases that are used in my plugin). I'm investigating an alternate solution. Thanks again for your help.

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