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Aveogorn 08-09-2011 05:51 AM

hi i'm new to the forum, i'm also fairly new to LOTRO online itself, only been playing it about a week.

basically the main issue i'm having is the value of things, what things are worth selling which aren't etc and for how much.

i used to play world of warcraft about a year ago for a while, and my life saver on that was "the auctioneer mod" which to put it simply. told you roughly what things are worth, and it gave the average price of what they sell for on the AH.

brilliant MOD, anybody know if one exists for LOTRO? i've had a good look through and searched but i can't find anything.

please let me know

daimon 08-09-2011 06:03 AM

Hello and welcome to Lotrointerface.

Unfortunately your request isn't possible atm as plugin scripting is pretty new thing in Lotro. We hardly can do even the basic things like vitals and such - but in time perhaps, if turbine devs let us.

I could estimate the resources we get are 90% used after a few months we get them.

Koios 08-09-2011 06:05 AM

Hi Ave!

Such a plugin does not exist in LOTRO, for the simple reason that a plugin is unable to access information from the AH. You'll have to read guides and use common sense, I'm afraid.

Some tips: ALL crafting materials are worth saving and selling! So really simply put: any item with a light green background (like this one for instance) should be saved, preferably stockpiled and either used or sold. Don't vendor them! There are ALWAYS people looking to buy them - use the Trade channel or the GlobalLFF (or GLFF) channel to find them. For some reason, the lower tier materials actually often sell for pretty serious coin! I guess people are just lazy. So-called "crit items", which are items a crafter needs to create a "crit" version of a craftable item (simply a better version than the standard one) are also often in high demand, though this varies depending on craft and also just on availability. Do some reading, find out what sells well and what doesn't - it's not too hard to learn.

Once you get a bit of a feel for what 'normal' prices are, you'll be able to use the AH more and more as a means of earning cash. Browse the AH late at night or early morning and buy up whatever is selling cheaply, then put it back for a (slightly) higher price. You'll take some hits here and there but if you play your cards right, this can net you a sizable income.

Last, but not least: Farming! And I mean the craft, not the grind. Create a farmer character, level him up (which is very easy) and get all the recipes from the Expert Farmhand. Required materials to do farming are ALL cheap and ALL sold by the Farmhand. Make stacks of items, then put them on AH for a reasonable price. Don't put 10 stacks on at once, ofc, but a few every day keeps the money steadily flowing in :cool:

Hope this helps a bit, feel free to PM me if you need more specific advice on certain things :)

Aveogorn 08-09-2011 06:20 AM

thanks mate, yeah well i've been tryna use my memory from wow. as the games are quite similar. i'm at level 20 and i've only just had a good look on AH to see what things are worth, (haven't really bothered with AH as i've only just unlocked it) level 20 so alot of wasted income by vendoring pretty much everything lol.

its a shame, the auctioneer was literally gold-dust, quite suprised someone hasn't cashed in and fixed the problem and made that mod.

yeah this whole farming lark, it all sells for good money then? i'm a prosector, jeweller (both allready quite high level) i'm sad and spend alot of time mining and so forth... but i've not even bothered with my cookery as it's just a nightmare, i can never find anything to cook with lol. just don't get it at all.

i've also found this annoying thing where i've collected tonnes of wet skins, blackened furs etc, and i can only cash in so much each day, i have to then run back and store it in the bank for the next day to cash in.. by then i've gathered another tonne more, so i'm just ammasing loads of the crap lol

Aveogorn 08-09-2011 06:23 AM

i'm also having some problems with my quest tracker. sometimes it just highlights the furthest away quest, and others it doesn't highlight at all. it's quite frustrating, i'm having to literally read through every quest to figure out what to do, and spending alot of un necessary time searching.

any idea if an updated, or modified quest helper exists? that you would recommend

Aveogorn 08-09-2011 09:31 AM

i'm also having some problems with my quest tracker. sometimes it just highlights the furthest away quest, and others it doesn't highlight at all. it's quite frustrating, i'm having to literally read through every quest to figure out what to do, and spending alot of un necessary time searching.

any idea if an updated, or modified quest helper exists? that you would recommend

Koios 08-09-2011 11:34 AM

A plugin like that is impossible at the moment, as Turbine simply blocks access to that part of the game. In fact, very little information is available for plugin authors to work with. The fact that there are still so many plugins is purely due to hard work and very creative thinking!

As I said, farming doesn't make anything that sells for high amounts, but if you level your farmer to Supreme Master and make a couple of stacks of materials every day you'll see your wallet grow very quickly! Making a number of smaller sales for modest amounts can be just as rewarding as making very few sales for high amounts.

The items you speak of are Task items. Turn in what you can turn in, vendor the rest. Like you said... you amass loads of them anyway, so there's really no point in hanging on to those you don't immediately need.

Quest tracker: if there is no arrow pointing anywhere on the minimap, check to see if the 'zone' name under the minimap is slightly glowing, pulsating kinda. If that happens it means you're at the right location, or at least very close. In other cases you may just have a quest that doesn't show up on the minimap. Happens from time to time, but most quests do.

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