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Fryin 07-10-2009 10:48 AM

Spiffy UI
Hi I just joined up yesterday and used my first skin. I liked the Spiffy UI design so I loaded it up and everything is cool until I notice that the trait and legendary weapon button on the taskbar is not over on the right with the other buttons.

I have sent a message to the author of the skin to see if he could revise his work and possibly do the necessary changes for those buttons to be on the right side with the others. So far I havent heard of anything and was wondering if anyone could possibly take a look at the coding and see if they could "fix" it?

The reason I ask is because it seems like the skin was done before MoM and I would really like to use the skin but with some buttons not where they should be or I should say "could" be the skin just isn't at 100%.

I would do it myself but I don't know how and I don't have the time to learn it right now or else I would.

So if anyone could just post or send me a private msg either is good, letting me know that you will look at it or attempt to "fix" it.


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