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-   -   Help with Vital_Portrait_roll (https://www.lotrointerface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3717)

Eili 11-03-2018 06:29 PM

Help with Vital_Portrait_roll
First hello again, back after 2 years or so its seems.

UPDATE : the file i mentionned in the title is not the good one either. In fact i can not find what file appears on the picture below.

So i redit easily my whole UI, but i have a probleme with one .tga

As you can see on the picture below

this file stay over everything.

Do you have any idea of what other files i am missing perhaps or the particular settings needed to avoid this ?

Thank you

Tangaar 11-04-2018 02:48 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Tbh i have the same issue but mine is with the elite master portraits
I searched high, i searched low and i couldnt get rid of it maybe cause they are animated and looks like that most animated portraits are hardcoded to be shown

The vital_portait_roll you mentioned for me is the button portrait for the warsteed

Eili 11-04-2018 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by Tangaar (Post 12188)
Tbh i have the same issue but mine is with the elite master portraits
I searched high, i searched low and i couldnt get rid of it maybe cause they are animated and looks like that most animated portraits are hardcoded to be shown

The vital_portait_roll you mentioned for me is the button portrait for the warsteed

Unfortunatly i think you are right, but i managed to obtain something less intrusive for my UI, almost recovering even the whole, and i like it. Usually i dont have any portrait on mine, so i will just have the 3 opponents Elite, Master Elite and signature with that.

Thank your for your answer :)

glafria 11-04-2018 08:42 AM


I´m coding plugins, but perhelps it helps you
It could help if you use ingme grafics like this


ClassIcon[Turbine.Gameplay.Class.WarLeader] = 0x41007df0;

If i´m wrong plese correct me.

Thnks glaf

Eili 11-04-2018 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by glafria (Post 12190)

I´m coding plugins, but perhelps it helps you
It could help if you use ingme grafics like this


ClassIcon[Turbine.Gameplay.Class.WarLeader] = 0x41007df0;

If i´m wrong plese correct me.

Thnks glaf

Ok old gran'ma me is not sur she understand well ...

You mean to replace .tga by coding ?

I would not know how to do it unfortunatly.

But again i am not sur i am fully understanding what you mean, sorry in case

Now if you think its something that i could do easily, even old me can try

Thank you

Garan 11-04-2018 06:37 PM

Lua and skinning are two different system. Skinning doesn't use the asset IDs used in Lua. Your best bet is to try many of the other currently updated skins, such as the JRR skins that have been updated and see if any of them work for you. If you find one that works, then look at that skin's XML definition file and try to identify which tag refers to the element(s) you are trying to replace.

Technically, Lua and skinning do have a slight overlap in that when Lua uses an asset ID to load an image, if a skin is loaded that overrides that asset, the client will return the skin asset instead of the built-in asset. That lets Lua plugins work smoothly with skins. However, the point is that the asset ID used by Lua is not the reference used by the skin definition file. The OP needs the skinning reference not the Lua reference.

Eili 11-04-2018 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Garan (Post 12192)
Lua and skinning are two different system. Skinning doesn't use the asset IDs used in Lua. Your best bet is to try many of the other currently updated skins, such as the JRR skins that have been updated and see if any of them work for you. If you find one that works, then look at that skin's XML definition file and try to identify which tag refers to the element(s) you are trying to replace.

Technically, Lua and skinning do have a slight overlap in that when Lua uses an asset ID to load an image, if a skin is loaded that overrides that asset, the client will return the skin asset instead of the built-in asset. That lets Lua plugins work smoothly with skins. However, the point is that the asset ID used by Lua is not the reference used by the skin definition file. The OP needs the skinning reference not the Lua reference.

I already tested all the JRR, and all of them have the same problem. As soon as you encounter a Nemeris or rare Nemesis, the modified TGA for elite or rare elite dont apply to them. I was WRONG

Actually they are all shown in this link https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Difficulty_Indicators

I was there until 2013 and the problem was not part of my Isil ui.

I will try to find more if i can though, i will not rest on this for now at least :)

UPDATE : as i know i can be stuborn i decided to check again the whole JRR folder and each time it seems i have simply overlooked at the *BGM* one. Those vitals are quite amazing and even if usually i dont want portrait on my UI, i know i will use them. I will of course inform Adra of the copy i will make but as it is only for my personal use, i dont think there will be a problem.

Thanks everyone, i will consider the problem *resolved* then, at least for me

glafria 11-06-2018 02:45 PM

I´m using JRR too.
There are noc Problems.

What happens if you deaktivate any skin?
Same Problem?

Eili 11-07-2018 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by glafria (Post 12194)
I´m using JRR too.
There are noc Problems.

What happens if you deaktivate any skin?
Same Problem?

The skins JRR are great, but i like having a very clean UI same when i created the old Isil one.

SInce then, my eyes are not better and thus i try to find the more simple but nice UI .... yeah yeah i know.

So i reworked my own old UI and transformed it completly from gold to dark gray, but i had a problem with the opponent rare and rare nemesis.

Since then i found out that BGM (part of JRR) have some nice opponent that i am using with some light modification.

So all is good now. I have the UI i wished. Thank you :))

Adra 11-10-2018 08:03 AM

Hello everyone,

As far as I know, the orange portrait circle animation cannot be simply managed through TGA files.

No problem Eili for using my work on vitals and to share it with the community if you wish to ;)

You need a custom code for player and opponent vitals to hide ( = reduce to 1x1 size) the area of the portrait, in the same way that Eclipse edited it for its Ecliple UI lightX.
I'm not sure it will correctly hide elite opponent orange animation as I've not tested it.


Here is a simple copy-paste of its original (and highly possibly outdated) code :


<!-- Avatar Frame -->

<PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_AvatarPanel">
  <Element ID="AvatarPanel"                                                        X="0" Y="0" Width="284" Height="300">
    <Element ID="VitalsParent"                                                        X="0" Y="20" Width="300" Height="300">
      <Element ID="VitalsBg"                                                        X="88" Y="42" Width="175" Height="27"> </Element>
      <Element ID="VitalsField"                                                X="96" Y="34" Width="168" Height="42">
        <Element ID="HealthVitalField"                                                X="0" Y="0" Width="164" Height="23">
          <Element ID="DreadField"                                                X="164" Y="0" Width="0" Height="23">
            <Element ID="DreadMeter"                                                X="0" Y="12" Width="0" Height="9">
              <Element ID="meter_fill"                                                X="-164" Y="0" Width="164" Height="9">
                <Element ID="meter_fill_image"                                        X="0" Y="0" Width="164" Height="9"> </Element>
          <Element ID="CurrentHealthText"                                        X="0" Y="8" Width="162" Height="16"> </Element>
          <Element ID="HealthField"                                                X="0" Y="0" Width="164" Height="23">
            <Element ID="TemporaryHealthMeter"                                        X="22" Y="12" Width="143" Height="9">
              <Element ID="meter_fill"                                                X="0" Y="0" Width="143" Height="9">
                <Element ID="meter_fill_image"                                        X="0" Y="0" Width="143" Height="9"> </Element>
            <Element ID="CurrentHealthMeter"                                        X="0" Y="12" Width="21" Height="9">
              <Element ID="meter_fill"                                                X="0" Y="0" Width="21" Height="9">
                <Element ID="meter_fill_image"                                        X="0" Y="0" Width="21" Height="9"> </Element>
        <Element ID="PowerField"                                                X="1" Y="17" Width="164" Height="23">
          <Element ID="CurrentPowerMeter"                                        X="0" Y="6" Width="164" Height="9">
            <Element ID="meter_fill"                                                X="0" Y="0" Width="164" Height="9">
              <Element ID="meter_fill_image"                                        X="0" Y="0" Width="164" Height="9"> </Element>
          <Element ID="TemporaryPowerMeter"                                        X="0" Y="6" Width="164" Height="9"> </Element>
          <Element ID="CurrentPowerText"                                        X="3" Y="3" Width="162" Height="16"> </Element>
      <Element ID="PlayerPortrait"                                                X="72" Y="43" Width="24" Height="24"> </Element>
      <Element ID="AvatarPanel_COVER_LOWRES"                                        X="72" Y="43" Width="24" Height="24"> </Element>
      <Element ID="PlayerEffectDisplay"                                        X="92" Y="74" Width="170" Height="128"> </Element>
      <Element ID="PlayerName"                                                        X="94" Y="3" Width="170" Height="40"> </Element>
      <Element ID="AvatarPanel_BG"                                                X="-1" Y="1" Width="273" Height="105"> </Element>
      <Element ID="PlayerVitals_Animations"                                        X="2" Y="0" Width="277" Height="104"> </Element>
      <Element ID="PlayerLevel_BG"                                                X="21" Y="78" Width="65" Height="32"> </Element>
      <Element ID="PlayerLeaderIcon"                                                X="76" Y="35" Width="16" Height="16"> </Element>
      <Element ID="PlayerAssistantIcon"                                        X="76" Y="35" Width="16" Height="16"> </Element>
      <Element ID="PlayerVoiceChat"                                                X="74" Y="13" Width="20" Height="20"> </Element>
      <Element ID="PlayerSendingData"                                                X="74" Y="13" Width="20" Height="20"> </Element>
      <Element ID="PlayerVoiceChatSquelched"                                        X="74" Y="13" Width="20" Height="20"> </Element>
      <Element ID="PlayerPVP_Info"                                                X="0" Y="0" Width="34" Height="98">
        <Element ID="PlayerPVP_RankDisplay"                                        X="34" Y="39" Width="32" Height="32"> </Element>
        <Element ID="PlayerPVP_PrestigeDisplay"                                X="3" Y="15" Width="34" Height="78"></Element>
      <Element ID="PlayerLevel"                                                X="67" Y="47" Width="32" Height="17"> </Element>
    <Element ID="HiddenDragBox_DragBox"                                        X="0" Y="20" Width="284" Height="115">
      <Element ID="Box_01_Empty_InnerShadow"                                        X="1" Y="1" Width="282" Height="113">
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_TopLeft"                                        X="0" Y="0" Width="9" Height="9"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_MidLeft"                                        X="0" Y="9" Width="9" Height="95"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_BottomLeft"                                        X="0" Y="104" Width="9" Height="9"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_BottomMid"                                        X="9" Y="104" Width="264" Height="9"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_BottomRight"                                        X="273" Y="104" Width="9" Height="9"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_MidRight"                                        X="273" Y="9" Width="9" Height="95"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_TopRight"                                        X="273" Y="0" Width="9" Height="9"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_TopMid"                                        X="9" Y="0" Width="264" Height="9"> </Element>
      <Element ID="Box_01_Empty_LeftBorder"                                        X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="115"> </Element>
      <Element ID="Box_01_Empty_BottomBorder"                                        X="1" Y="114" Width="282" Height="1"> </Element>
      <Element ID="Box_01_Empty_RightBorder"                                        X="283" Y="0" Width="1" Height="115"> </Element>
      <Element ID="Box_01_Empty_TopBorder"                                        X="1" Y="0" Width="282" Height="1"> </Element>
    <Element ID="HiddenDragBox_DragBar"                                        X="0" Y="0" Width="284" Height="20"> </Element>
    <Element ID="HiddenDragBox_TitleText"                                        X="15" Y="0" Width="254" Height="20"> </Element>

<!-- Target Frame -->

<PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_OpponentPanel">
  <Element ID="OpponentPanel"                                                        X="278" Y="0" Width="284" Height="300">
    <Element ID="VitalsParent"                                                        X="0" Y="20" Width="284" Height="300">
      <Element ID="InanimateObject_SelectionField"                                X="28" Y="1" Width="228" Height="84">
        <Element ID="InanimateObjectPanel_BG"                                        X="7" Y="26" Width="215" Height="51"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InanimateObjectForeground"                                X="-2" Y="19" Width="231" Height="66"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InanimateObjectName"                                        X="11" Y="29" Width="205" Height="47"> </Element>
      <Element ID="OpponentDisplayParent"                                        X="0" Y="0" Width="281" Height="300">
        <Element ID="Opponent_SelectionField"                                        X="7" Y="0" Width="272" Height="120">
          <Element ID="OpponentsVitals_BG"                                        X="10" Y="40" Width="165" Height="32"> </Element>
          <Element ID="OpponentVitalsField"                                        X="10" Y="34" Width="168" Height="42">
            <Element ID="OpponentHealthVitalField"                                X="0" Y="0" Width="164" Height="23">
              <Element ID="OpponentHealthField"                                X="0" Y="0" Width="164" Height="23">
                <Element ID="TemporaryOpponentHealthMeter"                        X="0" Y="12" Width="164" Height="9">
                  <Element ID="meter_fill"                                        X="164" Y="0" Width="0" Height="9">
                    <Element ID="meter_fill_image"                                X="-164" Y="0" Width="164" Height="9"> </Element>
                <Element ID="CurrentOpponentHealthMeter"                        X="0" Y="12" Width="164" Height="9">
                  <Element ID="meter_fill"                                        X="164" Y="0" Width="0" Height="9">
                    <Element ID="meter_fill_image"                                X="-164" Y="0" Width="164" Height="9"> </Element>
              <Element ID="CurrentOpponentHealthText"                                X="4" Y="8" Width="164" Height="16"> </Element>
            <Element ID="OpponentPowerField"                                        X="0" Y="19" Width="164" Height="23">
              <Element ID="TemporaryOpponentPowerMeter"                        X="0" Y="4" Width="164" Height="9">
                <Element ID="meter_fill"                                        X="164" Y="0" Width="0" Height="9">
                  <Element ID="meter_fill_image"                                X="-164" Y="0" Width="164" Height="9"> </Element>
              <Element ID="CurrentOpponentPowerMeter"                                X="0" Y="4" Width="164" Height="9">
                <Element ID="meter_fill"                                        X="164" Y="0" Width="0" Height="9">
                  <Element ID="meter_fill_image"                                X="-164" Y="0" Width="164" Height="9"> </Element>
              <Element ID="CurrentOpponentPowerText"                                X="5" Y="0" Width="164" Height="16"> </Element>
          <Element ID="OpponentPortrait"                                        X="186" Y="21" Width="1" Height="1"> </Element>
          <Element ID="OpponentPanel_COVER_LOWRES"                                X="186" Y="22" Width="1" Height="1"> </Element>
          <Element ID="OpponentName"                                                X="7" Y="3" Width="170" Height="40"> </Element>
          <Element ID="OpponentPanel_BG"                                        X="-1" Y="1" Width="277" Height="104"> </Element>
          <Element ID="OpponentClass"                                                X="177" Y="14" Width="20" Height="20"> </Element>
          <Element ID="OpponentLevelHiddenSkull"                                X="186" Y="79" Width="65" Height="32"> </Element>
          <Element ID="OpponentVitals_Animations"                                X="-4" Y="-1" Width="277" Height="104"> </Element>
          <Element ID="OpponentLevel_BG"                                        X="185" Y="78" Width="65" Height="32"> </Element>
          <Element ID="OpponentLevel"                                                X="170" Y="47" Width="32" Height="17"> </Element>
          <Element ID="OpponentPVP_RankDisplay"                                X="205" Y="39" Width="32" Height="32"> </Element>
          <Element ID="OpponentPVP_PrestigeDisplay"                                X="234" Y="15" Width="34" Height="78"></Element>
        <Element ID="OpponentEffectDisplay"                                        X="16" Y="74" Width="170" Height="200"> </Element>
    <Element ID="HiddenDragBox_DragBox"                                        X="0" Y="20" Width="284" Height="115">
      <Element ID="Box_01_Empty_InnerShadow"                                        X="1" Y="1" Width="282" Height="113">
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_TopLeft"                                        X="0" Y="0" Width="9" Height="9"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_MidLeft"                                        X="0" Y="9" Width="9" Height="95"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_BottomLeft"                                        X="0" Y="104" Width="9" Height="9"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_BottomMid"                                        X="9" Y="104" Width="264" Height="9"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_BottomRight"                                        X="273" Y="104" Width="9" Height="9"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_MidRight"                                        X="273" Y="9" Width="9" Height="95"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_TopRight"                                        X="273" Y="0" Width="9" Height="9"> </Element>
        <Element ID="InnerShadow_TopMid"                                        X="9" Y="0" Width="264" Height="9"> </Element>
      <Element ID="Box_01_Empty_LeftBorder"                                        X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="115"> </Element>
      <Element ID="Box_01_Empty_BottomBorder"                                        X="1" Y="114" Width="282" Height="1"> </Element>
      <Element ID="Box_01_Empty_RightBorder"                                        X="283" Y="0" Width="1" Height="115"> </Element>
      <Element ID="Box_01_Empty_TopBorder"                                        X="1" Y="0" Width="282" Height="1"> </Element>
    <Element ID="HiddenDragBox_DragBar"                                        X="0" Y="0" Width="284" Height="20"> </Element>
    <Element ID="HiddenDragBox_TitleText"                                        X="15" Y="0" Width="254" Height="20"> </Element>

These codes are intended to work with the tga files also designed by Eclipse in the "unitframes" folder, so this code or your tga files should require some tweaking to adapt to your needs and wishes.


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