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Thayilis 11-14-2010 02:11 PM

I'm so annoyed....need help please!!!
I'm having a serious issue lately and I was wondering if anyone else was having a similar issue. It seems that with certain skins if I edit the skindefinition file even in the slightest bit, the game stops recognizing it. :( I haven't changed the name of the skindefinition file or altered the name of the Skin in the skindef. I've tried everything I can think of to try and get the skin to show up and short of re-downloading it without any changes to it, nothing works. :mad:

Any help with this issue would be GREATLY appreciated. lol I'm trying to update a skin for public use and alter someone else skin for my own usage. This is very frustrating and I am hoping the fix to this is just something simple that I am completely over-looking. :o

Thanks in advance!


ZhuHanuku 11-14-2010 03:41 PM

If you have any errors in the xml code, the game won't recognize the interface. Have you double checked your code?

This website has an xml inspector that should help you find any errors.

Thayilis 11-14-2010 03:57 PM

Hrm, that seemed to work....it showed me an error on a portion of the skindefinition file that I had not altered though. *scratches head* Thanks for the help, that might help me figure out other issues. :)


Thayilis 11-14-2010 07:11 PM

Okay, wow! That website is helping a lot more than I thought it would. lol One quick question though, are we currently able to move the text underneath the mini map? I wanted to move the text and the location numbers from the bottom to the top and didn't want to start messing with it if it wasn't possible. :D

Thanks in advance!


EDIT: Also, I thought someone had mentioned on here already about removing the little bag icons from the actual inventory boxes? Can we do that? because I would love to still have the outlines of the inventory boxes but no little border tag with the picture of the bag. lol One last thing, what tga file is this? I couldn't find it in the big list. lol :D

Thanks again!


ZhuHanuku 11-14-2010 10:48 PM

I'm glad the xml inspector is helping. As for your other questions:
  1. Radar label - I haven't skinned the radar so I don't know if you can move the text. ID="AreaText_Label" looks encouraging though.
  2. Inv icons - You can remove the bag icons on the inventory windows by either making them invisible (substitute with a blank image) or making them really small (Width="1" Height="1").
  3. Money background - Look for "money_player_all_background" in the xml file. There are 3 sizes. I'm not sure which tga the vendor window uses.
Hope that helps and good luck!

daimon 11-15-2010 07:55 AM

You should be able to move the minimap text. I must admit I haven't tried it either but most of the tags in minimap section are active at least.

Thayilis 11-15-2010 08:10 AM

Cool, thanks guys! Won't have a whole lot of time today to mess with it but will see what I can do! :)


Thayilis 11-16-2010 01:37 AM

I've got another quick question that might sound stupid. lol :o When trying to move elements, in this case the Mini map frame:

<Element ID="Minimap_Frame" X="-34" Y="-33" Width="237" Height="237" Detach="1"></Element>

To have the item move up, would I increase Y, say to -25? I'm not sure how the grid works when positioning these items. Also, this is the first skin that I have messed with that has had the Detach="1" at the end of the line. Is that needed? Or do I need to use it because the main chunk of this UI has already been using it. Thanks again and I hope I explained my question correctly. lol :rolleyes:


Wicked Mouse 11-16-2010 05:53 AM

Not sure about 'Detach', but the x,y coords go down and to the right, with positive numbers. So negative values are up and to the left.

Thayilis 11-17-2010 08:31 AM

Great thanks a lot Wicked! :) I haven't had a chance to mess with the mini map yet. I have been pretty busy with work and I have been attempting to skin all the other images before I jump into that one. lol

I did have one other question (sorry to seem like a nuisance :o) but I think my brain checked out already because I can not find these tga images in the master list. :(

Any help with this would definitely be appreciated!! :D


EDIT: Yes Wicked Mouse, I am using your vault and barter images again because they are that awesome! :D lol Hope you don't mind.

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