View Full Version : Transparency

08-08-2010, 09:18 AM
Hi, was wondering if anyone could point me to a way to incorporate the more transparent boxes (specifically the tooltip) that can be found in the Cleanlinez beta UI?


With some of the changes coming in beta, with the ability to use Lua scripting, I'm thinking that I'd like to place other things where the static tooltip is now on the screen and go with the tooltips at the mouse cursor, but really don't want the overly long ones to cover the action when I am in combat since they are so opaque right now.

08-09-2010, 06:38 AM
as far as I can remenber tooltip shares the same background with most of the panels. can't remember the exact filename but I guess it was something like background.tga or so hehe.

Check it out from UI skin art pack (soon to be updated I hope) http://www.lotrointerface.com/downloads/info264-SiegeofMirkwoodBook9UISkinArt.html

You can learn about transparency by googling "alpha layers"

08-09-2010, 02:17 PM
Thanks! I'll take a look.

I think that with the current ability of editing the UI + Lua coming, things shoudl be looking great for UI modders in the coming months.