View Full Version : Quickslots, aliases and drag&drop issue

05-28-2011, 10:30 PM
I've been playing with quickslots quite a bit, and cannot get "aliases" to drag & drop properly. I can make a functioning "alias" quickslot:

quickslot = Turbine.UI.Lotro.Quickslot();
shortcut = Turbine.UI.Lotro.Shortcut( Turbine.UI.Lotro.ShortcutType.Alias, "/slap" );
quickslot:SetShortcut( shortcut );
It'll work as an alias *but* drag & drop onto another quickslot (native or API created) will not replace that quickshot's content. To track the problem I tried to drag & drop onto a custom control, and it appears that DragDropInfo:GetShortcut() returns nil, which, well, is obviously why that fails.

Note that it does not matter how the shortcut was initialized, I've tried initializing with data copied from native shortcuts (created with /shortcut), I've tried both constructors, no difference.

I've checked TonicBars and it seems to exhibit the same problem with aliases.

Any insight appreciated.