View Full Version : Skill Hex Codes for Mounts

09-18-2010, 08:34 PM
Hi There! I'm working on yet another mount plugin, but my current version requires that I have the hex codes available for each. I'd really like to get all of them into the plugin and just comment out the ones that I don't have currently.

If possible I'd like to ask for help gathering the hex codes for the rest that are not on this list.

So far these are the codes that I have, just based on the mounts that I have currently. Anyone that has any others that can post the hex here would be awesome.

"0x7001B4C0" -- Harvestmath Horse
"0x7001B4D9" -- Grey Horse
"0x700216F9" -- Pale Golden Summer Horse
"0x7001B4C7" -- Lithe Festival Horse
"0x7002054D" -- Smoky Black Horse
"0x7001B4AC" -- Dark Chestnut Horse
"0x7001B4D3" -- Tundra-Horse
"0x7001B4C4" -- Ashen Horse
"0x7001CF5D" -- Liver Chestnut Horse
"0x7001BFFE" -- Bree-Starter Horse
"0x7001B4CD" -- Yule Festival Horse

"0x7001CEAA" -- Dusky Nimblefoot Goat

Any help is greatly appreciated. :D